11 research outputs found
Financial System Stability in Indonesia During the Global Financial Crisis 2007/2008: Conventional Vis-Ã -vis Islamic
This research aims to analyze the financial stability especially in dual banking system in Indonesia and discusses the role of Islamic banks in the financial stability of national banks. In addition, this study also focuses on the analysis of the determinants of financial stability namely on the national banking Industry. This research uses panel data in which combined data between time series and cross section with an observation periods are 2005:1 - 2009:1 by using an internal variable of banks and macroeconomic data. Z-score analysis will be used as main tool analysis regressed with internal variable. Empirical results obtained from this research shows that during the period of 2005:1 - 2009:1 banking financial stability, for both conventional and Islamic and categorized based on an asset scale, the movement of the Z-score value is different. From the Z-score values analysis shows that Islamic banks are the most stable bank with a trend increased sharply when compared with other banks, namely conventional couterparts. If viewed from each category, small conventional banks more stable than small Islamic banks, and there are declining trend in 2005:1 to 2009:1. Whereas for large and middle conventional banks the trend of the Z-score movement are in the same patterns. This study also founds that the determinant of the banking stability can be seen from two sides namely bank\u27s internal factors and macroeconomic factors. Internal factors consist of: Income Diversity (ID), Credit or Financing (Loan), Total Assets (TA), Operational Cost (Cost), Cost Income (CI), Loan Asset (LA), Current Liability (CL), Cash to Current Liabilities (CCL), Capital Bank (MDL). While macroeconomic factors consist of: inflation, BI Rate, Exchange Rate, Composite Index (JCI), the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This research also examined the extent to which the role of Islamic banks and the global financial crisis to the financial stability of national banking. This analysis shows that the global financial crisis and Islamic banks affect significantly to the financial stability of banking industries in Indonesia
Optimalisasi Fungsi Intermediasi Perbankan Syariah Berbasis Sektoral di Era Otonomi Daerah
This study aims to analyze by simulating the growth of Islamic banking if synergy with state agencies/areas of financial management. In this simulation, third-party funds proxied by 10% of the provincial budget funds (APBD). Using regression analysis, 10% of funds allocated APDB implications for the development of the province of Islamic banking, which is measured by the amount of credit distribution. This condition indicates that optimization of the Islamic banking intermediation function can be conducted based sector in the era of regional autonomy, because it has mulplier effect, both on Islamic banking and government. By sector, the nine sector contributed to provincial GDP will increase along with the increase in Islamic banking credit distribution. On the other hand, the increase in deposits will have a positive impact on GDP rising in some sectors. To support the optimization process of Islamic banking intermediation, the Islamic banking should be directed to investment banks, so that Islamic banking and regional development in the era of regional autonomy can be run together. This research is expected to contribute to the financial management of the country/region that has implications for the development of Islamic banking, through the regulation of the Ministry of Finance and Bank Indonesia
Analisis Kinerja Ekonomi Sebelum dan pada Era Penetapan Keistimewaan YOGYAKARTA
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan kinerja ekonomi sebelum dan pada era penetapan keistimewaan Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa metode analisis yang relevan untuk menganalisis kinerja ekonomi. Kinerja ekonomi akan diamati melalui indikator ekonomi dan indikator pembangunan untuk mendukung prinsip Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskripsi indikator untuk memberikan deskripsi kinerja semua kegiatan yang dilakukan sebelum dan pada penetapan keistimewaan, paired sample t-test untuk menganalisis situasi yang ada sebelum dan pada implementasi kebijakan dan Analisis Regresi Panel Data. Disimpulkan bahwa dana penyesuaian sebelum adanya danais telah memberikan pertumbuhan yang baik terhadap DIY. Pertumbuhan DIY terlihat setelah adanya program danais pada tahun 2013-2015 yang meningkat sebesar 0,98%. Temuan ini sesuai dengan harapan peneliti. Danais pada APBNP-2015 tercatat sebesar 0,547 Triliun
Analisis Flypaper Efeect pada Belanja Pemerintah Kota dan Kabupaten
This study aims to identify the occurrence of flypaper on the city and county governmentspending in Indonesia, in 2006-2008. In this case, the dependent variable used istheshopping area while the independent variable is revenue (PAD), the General AllocationFund (DAU), the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and a dummy, to distinguish thecity /county Java and Outside Java. The sample in this study were 394 municipalities anddistricts in Indonesia with Data sources Relisasi Budget Report 2006-2008. This research usessoftware eviews 6. The analysis showed that in general does not occur flypaper on city andcounty government spending in Indonesia in 2006-2008. DAU and PAD respectively significantat 1% level, with a regression coefficient of0.601837 and 2.825710. Dummy variables indicatingthe occurrence of flypaper on the city / county in Java, while for municipalities and counties inOuter Java does not happen flypaper. This is because differences in potential revenues betweenJava and outside Jav
Preliminary Study of Closed System Transportation, Rearing and Observation of the Eggs Oryzias Javanicus (Bleeker 1854) From Tunda Island
Wild Oryzias javanicus from Tunda Island has potential as a native Indonesian aquatic ornamental fish and a model for research in the laboratory. The preliminary stage for raising wild fish is transporting from nature to the aquacul-ture environment. Generally, to minimize fish stress during transport in a closed system, anesthetics are added to the transport media. Furthermore, good adaptation in the aquaculture environment will lead to the process of reproduction as the ultimate goal of domestication of wild fish. The research objective is to analyze the transportation of closed systems and the rearing of O. javanicus post-transportation from Tunda Island. Research observations were carried out on behavior, survival, the number of eggs, and male: female sex ratio. Transport using an additional anesthetic treatment of 0.4 mL L-1 and without anesthesia, with fish density of 16 L-1. Anesthesia used is the commercial product Ocean Free® Special Arowana Stabilizer. Transportation is carried out for 11 hours. After that, rearing post-transportation is carried out for 16 days. The results showed that the transportation of O. javanicus can use a closed system without the addition of anesthesia with a density of 16 L-1 for 11 hours. In post-transport maintenance, fish begin active swimming on day 5, swim in groups continuously on day 6, start responding to natural food on day 3 and artificial feed on day 7, and produce a final survival of 91.67%. During maintenance, O. javanicus produces 104 eggs, 0.94 ± 0.06 mm in diameter and has an attaching filaments and a non-attaching filaments in the chorion. Oryzias javanicus is an egg depositor that can spawn with a 1: 1 and 1: 2 sex ratio
PENGANTAR PERBANKAN SYARIAH (Konsep, Regulasi & Parktis)
Bank syariah adalah bank yang melaksanakan kegiatan usaha berdasarkan prinsip Syariah, yaitu aturan perjanjian berdasarkan hukum Islam antara bank dan pihak lain untuk penyimpanan dana dan atau pembiayaan kegiatan usaha, atau kegiatan lainnya yang dinyatakan sesuai dengan Syariah.
Bank Syariah, atau biasa disebut Islamic Bank di negara lain,berbeda dengan bank konvensional pada umumnya. Perbedaan utamanya terletak pada landasan operasi yang digunakan. Kalau bank konvensional beroperasi berlandaskan bunga, bank syariah beroperasi berlandaskan bagi hasil, ditambah dengan jual beli dan sewa. Hal ini didasarkan pada keyakinan bahwa bunga mengandung unsur riba yang dilarang oleh agama Islam.
Di Indonesia, Sank Syariah telah muncul semenjak awal 1990-an dengan berdirinya Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Secara perlahan bank syariah mampu memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang menghendaki layanan jasa perbankan yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah agama Islam yang dianutnya, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan pelarangan praktek riba, kegiatan yang bersifat spekulatif yang nonproduktif atau serupa dengan perjudian, ketidakjelasan, dan pelanggaran prinsip keadilan dalam bertransaksi, serta keharusan penyaluran pembiayaan dan investasi pada kegiatan usaha yang etis dan halal secara Syariah.
Buku ini akan menguraikan secara jelas dan rinci terkait Perbankan Syariah baik secara konsep ataupun secara historis perkembangannya di Indonesia. Pembahasan buku ini di bagi ke dalam 14 (empat belas) bab yang terdiri dari pembahasan: Konsep Ekonomi dan Perbankan Dalam Islam, Transaksi Terlarang Dalam Syariah Islam, , konsep dan jenis-jenis akad Syariah, konsep dasar Perbankan Syariah, Sejarah Perkembangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia, Pengaturan Perbankan Syariah Indonesia, Prinsip Operasional Perbankan Syariah, Sistematika Pembiayaan dan Investasi Perbankan Syariah, Manajemen Likuiditas Bank Syariah, Laporan Keuangan Bank Syariah, Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Syariah, Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbankan Syariah