157 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Air Buah icetumbar coriandri fructus (Coriandrum sativum L.) Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Tikus yang Dibebani Glukosa: The influence of aqueous extract of coriandri (Corlandrum sativum L) fructus to bloo

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    Ketumbar mengandung beberapa senyawa aktif yang mampu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah. Disamping itu, ekstrak air bush ketumbar (Coriandrum saiivum L.) dilaporkan dapat berefek mirip insulin dan dapat menstimulasi pengeluaran insulin. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh ekstrak air biji ketumbar terhadap kadar glukosa darah tikus yang dibebani glukosa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah menggunakan tikus putih Wistar umur bulan, berat 150-250 g. Setelah diberikan perlakuan sesuai dengan rancangan, cuplikan darah diambil dengan interval waktu dan volume tertentu. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik non-parametrik Mann-Whitney dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. nasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksrtrak air buah ketumbar dosis rendah (0,014 dan 0,07% WV) tidak dapat menurunkan secara bermakna (P>0,05) kadar glukosa darah tikus. Di lain pihak, pemberian dosis tinggi (0,035 dan 1,175% b/v) mampu menurunkan secara bermakna (P0.05) the blood glucose level in glucose-preloaded glucose. On the other hand, high doses, 0.35 and 1.75 % wlv, were capable to decrease significantly (p Key words:Ketumbar,hipogliknik,glukosa dan tolbutami


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    Coriander contains some active compounds capable of decreasing the level of blood glucose. Moreover, aqueous extract of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) fruits has insulin-releasing and insulin-like activities. This research has been performed to obtain information on the effect of aqueous extract of coriander fruits on the blood glucose level in glucose-preloaded rats. The study was conducted by employing a complete random design in male Wistar rats (age 2-2,5 months, 150-250g).After the design treatments, the blood samples were collected (100-200 ul) at certain time interval. The result of each group were compared and analysed using the Mann-Whitney non-parametric method (95%). The result showed that low doses (0.014 and 0.07 % w/v) of aqueous extract of coriander fruits were unable to decrease significantly (p>0.05) the blood glucose level in glucose-preloaded glucose. On the other hand, high doses, 0.35 and 1.75 % w/v, were capable to decrease significantly (p<0.05), which are 22.11 ± 3.09 and 18.41 ± 4.88 %, respectively. Nevertheless, in the present study, the highest hypoglycaemic effect of aqueous extract of coriander fruits still lower than that of tolbutamide (p<0.05).Keywords: coriander, hypoglycaemic, glucose, tolbutamid

    Natrium Kromolin, Obat Penghambat Degranulasi Sel Mast, Lebih Efektif terhadap Sel Mast Jaringan Ikat Dibanding Sel Mast Mukosa

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    Cromolyn sodium is an antiallergy drug that acts by inhibiting mast cells degranulation responsible for the release of histamine, a mediator for this disease. Moreover, cromolyn sodium is used as a first line drug in asthmatic therapy. However, cromolyn sodium did not always show the inhibition effects on histamine release from mast cells in all allergy experiment models. The aim of present study was to reconfirm the effect of cromolyn sodium on the histamine release from RBL-2H3 cells line induced by DNP24-BSA as an antigen, and compare to it’s positive effect on active cutaneous anaphylaxis model induced by ovalbumin as an antigen. The results showed that cromolyn sodium did not inhibit the histamine release from RBL-2H3 cells line induced by DNP24-BSA significantly, but inhibited active cutaneous anaphylactic reaction induced by ovalbumin significantly.Natrium kromolin merupakan obat antialergi yang bekerja melalui penghambatan degranulasi sel mast dalam melepaskan histamin sebagai mediator pada penyakit alergi. Bahkan pada terapi penyakit asma, obat tersebut digunakan sebagai obat lini pertama. Namun demikian, pada beberapa model alergi natrium kromolin tidak semua menunjukkan efek penghambatan pelepasan histamin dari sel mast. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan konfirmasi pengaruh natrium kromolin terhadap pelepasan histamin dari sel RBL-2H3 yang diinduksi oleh DNP24-BSA, untuk kemudian dibandingkan dengan pengaruh positifnya pada model alergi reaksi anafilaksis kutaneus aktif diinduksi ovalbumin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa natrium kromolin tidak menunjukkan efek penghambatan secara bermakna terhadap pelepasan histamin dari sel RBL-2H3 diinduksi DNP24-BSA, namun mampu menghambat secara bermakna reaksi anafilaksis kutaneus yg diperantarai pelepasan histamin, yang diinduksi ovalbumin


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    Hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are the two kinds of disease that are related each others. The prevalence of hypertension is estimated occur in 80% of the hemodialysis population. This research aims to determine the relationship between the compliance levels of patients in antihypertensive medication on blood pressure predialysis This research is conducted by using a descriptive prospective observational study. Data analysis was performed to determine the profile of antihypertensive therapy use, antihypertensive medication therapy outcomes profile, and the influence of the patients compliance level in antihypertensive medication. The patient compliance level in taking antihypertensive drugs is assessed by questionnaire of Modified Morisky Scale (MMS). Based on the research results the antihypertensive profile used was CCBs system (32,91%), loop diuretics (23,42%), AURA (15,82%), central a agonists (12,66%), ACEI (12,03 %), and (3 blockers (3,16%). Antihypertensive therapies applied single and combination therapy. The most used monotherapy is CCBs (3,70%), whereas the most used combination are combination of the class of CCBs, AURA, and loop diuretics (16.67%). The outcomes profile of antihypertensive medication therapy based on the measurement results of pre-dialysis blood pressure are target of pre-dialysis blood pressure


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    ABSTRAK: Senyawa kurkwnin alami inerupakan basil dart isolasi dart rhizoma tanaman Curcuma longa, Linn. atau Curcuma xhantorrhiza, Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). Isolasi scnyawa kurkurnin memerlukan biaya yang inahal dan memerlukan waktu yang lama. Kurkumin dal= tanaman pada penggunaamiya claim bentuk obat tradisional seringkali masili disertai senyawa-senyawa lain yang sulit dipisahkan dart senyawa kurktunin. Hal tersebut memacu gagasan untuk mensintesis scnyawa kurkumin dan melakukan modifikasi serta variasi gugus-gugus fungsionalnya untuk mendapatkan analog kurkumin dengan berbagai aktivitasnya. Atas dasar pernikiran tersebut dikembangkan pula metoda untuk mensintesis senyawa kurkumin atattpun analognya sehingga didapatkan basil sintcsa yang maksimal. Pada penclitian mengenai analog kurkumin tM meneliti pengaruh dart variasi suhu 28. 38 dan 48 pada fase pengadukan tcrhadap rendemen yang terjadi pada sintesis terscbut. Dart basil penelitian pengaruh variasi suhu 28. 38 dan 48°C pada fase pengadukan in en gha si I k an rendemen yang hasilnya tidak menunjukkan kenaikan jumlah rendemen, yaitu jundali rata-rata rendemen dart masing-inasing suhu adalah 62,28, 62,06 dan 60A6%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh variasi suhu) kenaikan 10°C pada fase pengadukan dalain sintesis 2.5-bis(4-hidroksi-3-inctoksi-benzilidin)siklopentanon dart senyawa vanilin dan siklopentanon dengan katalis asain klorida tidak menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda. Kata kunci : Kurkumin, 2.5-bis(4-hidroksi-3-metoksi-benzilidin)siklopentanon, sintcsis

    The cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects of gamavuton-0 in rat basophilic Leukemia cells

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    Gamavuton-0 (GVT-0), also named as 1,5-bis(4’-hydroxy-3’- methoxyphenyl)-1,4-pentadiene-3 one is a 1,5-diphenyl-1,4-pentadiene-3-one analog of curcumin by modifying the center site of curcumin leading to 1,4-pentadiene-3-ones to maintain the hydroxy moiety at aromatic rings which are responsible for its biological activities. Curcumin has been reported to have potent anticarcinogenic effects. Besides, curcumin was found to induce apoptosis in human Leukemia cells. In our study, we investigated the cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects of gamavuton-0 in rat basophilic leukemia cells. Cell viability was determined by WST-1 assay. In brief, tetrazolium salts were cleaved to formazan by cellular enzymes of viable cells, determined by colorimetric methods with a microplate (ELISA) reader at 450 nm.In the present study, we evaluated cytotoxic and proliferative effects of GVT-0 in rat basophilic leukemia cells. In the study, GVT-0 induced rat basophilic leukemia cells death in a dose dependent manner after overnight incubation. GVT-0 also impaired the content of histamine and b-hexoaminidase enzyme in cells. However, the cytotoxic effect of GVT-0 (IC50 : 43,67 mM) was less potent than this of curcumin (IC50 : 29,14 mM). GVT-0 (1 mM) also showed a significant inhibition of cell growth after 48 and 72 hr. Its fact indicates that GVT-0 could prolong the cells doubling time. These results provide useful information to guide the development of new synthetic compounds for the treatment of cancer diseases.Key words : gamavuton-0, curcumin, cancer, cytotoxic, antiproliferative

    Comparison of Cytotoxic and Antiproliferative Effects of Benzylidenecyclopentanone Analogues of Curcumin on RBL-2H3 Cells

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    Curcumin is a natural yellow pigment isolated from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa L. (turmeric), and has several pharmacological effects and no toxicity in both in animal and human clinical study. However, the problem of curcumin is its stability because of its active methylene moiety. Modification of this moiety to cyclopentanone is expected to increase the stability. Previous study reported that benzylidenecyclopentanone analogues of curcumin showed inhibitory effect on histamine release from RBL-2H3 (rat basophilic leukemia) cells, a tumor analog of mast cells. One of them, the hydroxy-methoxy analog (PGV-O), showed more potent effect than that of curcumin. In the present study, some benzylidenecyclopentanone analogues of curcumin were evaluated for their effects on th~ viability and proliferation of RBL-2H3 cells. Viable cells were counted under a light microscope with a cells-counting chamber or using the cell viability reagent W5T-1. The results showed that mast cell viability and histamine content were not affected by curcumin and benzylidene cyclopentanone for 30 min incubation, however, impaired for overnight incubation. The hydroxy-dimethyl benzylidene analog (PGV-l) strongly decreased the mast cells viability for overnight incubation, and its effect was highest among the other analogues. In the proliferation study, this compound also strongly inhibited the proliferation of mast cells, whereas curcumin and hydroxy-methoxy benzylidene analog inhibited the proliferation slightly. There were no inhibitory effects on mast cells proliferation treated by dibenzylidenedihydroxybenzylideneand hydroxy -diethy lbenzy lidene cyclopentanone

    The effect of betle (Piper betle L.) leaf juice pretreatment on the pharmacokinetics of propranolol on male white rat

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    Drug interaction phenomenon, between drugs on drug and ford (fruit, vegetables on others), can happen in drug therapy of a disease due to the existence of compounds other than the drug (fruits, vegetables or drink). This interaction can alter and affect the action and effect of the drug. The aim of the research is to study an interaction between betle leaf (a vegetable ) and propranolol, which is a beta-blocker with a high hepatic extraction ratio, in male white rat. The study was conducted by employing a completely randomized design in male wistar inbreed rat (aged 2-2.5 months, 150-250 g). The animals in group I were given propranolol with an oral single dose of 7.5 mg/kg BW (control group) and in group II were given pretreatment with betle leaf juice dose of 17 mL/kg BW at an hour prior propranolol administration. After collected at some certain times, the drug concentration on bloods were analyzed with a Spectropflurometer.The results shown that pretreatment of betle leaf juice did not affect the absorption rate constant (Ka) significantly (P>0.05), and increase the total clearence (ClT) and volume of distribution in steady state (Vdss) significantly (P<0.05). The increasing of both ClT and Vdss caused alteration of the secondary pharmacokinetics parameters of propranolol and these derivates significantly(P<0.05) except the mean residence time value (MRT). This it is concluded that the pretreatment of betle leaf juice with the dose of 17 mL/kg BW affect the pharmacokinetics of propranolol or decrease the propranolol concentration in blood.Key words : propranolol, betle leaf, pharmacokinetics and drug interactio

    The effects of PGV-1 and PGV-2 on the b-hexosaminidase release from intraceluller calcium ion-induced mast cells

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    PGV-1 or 2,5-bis(4'-hydroxy-3',5'-dimethylbenzylidene)cyclopentanone and PGV-2 or 2,5-bis(4'-hydroxy-3',5'-diethylbenzylidene)cyclopentanone are two benzylidene cyclopentanone analogues of curcumin. In our study, weinvestigated the effects of these compounds on the b-hexoaminidase enzyme release from mast cell culture (RBL-2H3 cell line). Thapsigargin and ionomycin were used as intracellular calcium ion stimulants for inducing b-hexoaminidase enzyme release from mast cells. The release of b-hexoaminidase enzyme was determined by colorimetric methods with substrate, p-nitrophenyl-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-b-D-glucopyranocide, and a microplate reader at 405 nm. In present study, treatment of 0.5 mM thapsigargin or 1 mM ionomycin could stimulate therelease of b-hexoaminidase enzyme from RBL-2H3 cells by 43.91 ± 1.30 % dan 52.93 ± 2.07 %, respectively. PGV-1 and PGV-2 showed inhibitory effects on the b-hexoaminidase enzyme release from RBL-2H3 cells induced by the increase of intraceluller calcium ion in dose-dependent manner. At the dose of 100 mM, PGV-1 and PGV-2, respectively, inhibited the b-hexoaminidase enzyme release by 73.51 ± 8.69 % and 66.42 ± 8.63 % on thapsigargin experiments; and by 89.73 ± 3.23 % and 38.57 ± 5.32 % on ionomycin experiments. The IC50 values of their effects on the b-hexoaminidase enzyme release from RBL-2H3 cells, respectively, were 22.20 mM and 22.27 mM on thapsigargin experiment; and 22.77 mM and >100 mM on ionomycin experiment. Based on the results, the inhibitory effect of PGV-1 and PGV-2 on the b-hexoaminidase enzyme release from RBL-2H3 cells involving mechanisms related to the alteration on activationprocesses of intracellular calcium ion on mast cells.Key words : Curcumin, PGV-1, PGV-2, mast cells, b-hexoaminidase enzym

    Effect of ethanol extract of Erythrina fusca Lour (cangkring) leaves on suppression of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in raji cell line

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    COX-2. COX-2 is expressed highly in inflammation and cancer cells. The effect of ethanol extract of Erythrina fusca Lour (cangkring) toward suppression of COX-2 expression in Raji cells was studied using immunocytochemistry method. This research showed that ethanol extract of E. fusca Lour leaves on concentration of 250,0; 125,0; dan 62,50 μg/mL was able to suppress the COX-2 expression significantly in comparison to control, with the inhibition of 70,19 ± 2,14 %; 44,69 ± 1,62 %; and 23,25 ± 2,21 %.Key words: COX-2 expression, anti-inflammation, anti cancer, Raji cells, ethanol extract of E. fusca leaves, immunocytochemistr
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