8 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Herbisida 2,4-d Dan Penoxsulam Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    Salah satu teknik budidaya untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman padi sawah yaitu dengan mengurangi persaingan antara tanaman dengan gulma. Pengendalian dengan kimiawi merupakan salah satu cara mengurangi pertumbuhan gulma di pertanaman padi. Cara kimiawi merupakan cara yang praktis, efektif dan efisien untuk mengendalikan gulma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh dari aplikasi herbisida 2,4-D dan penoxsulam dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil padi sawah serta menentukan dosis aplikasi herbisida 2,4-D dan penoxsulam baik secara tunggal maupun campuran dalam mengendalikan gulma pada tanaman padi sawah. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Juli 2014 di Desa Campurasri, Ngawi. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok sederhana, dengan menempatkan 11 perlakuan yaitu H1 : kontrol herbisida 2,4-D; H2 : 2,4-D 11,25 kg ha-1; H3 : 2,4-D 22,5 kg ha-1; H4 : 2,4-D 33,75 kg ha-1; H5 : kontrol herbisida penoxsulam; H6 : penoxsulam 200 ml ha-1; H7 : penoxsulam 400 ml ha-1; H8 : penoxsulam 600 ml ha-1; H9 : 2,4-D 11,25 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 200 ml ha-1; H10 : 2,4-D 22,5 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 400 ml ha-1; H11 : 2,4-D 33,75 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 600 ml ha-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan herbisida 2,4-D 11,25 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 200 ml menghasilkan bobot kering total tanaman dengan peningkatan sebesar 34,62 % dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Pada produksi tanaman padi peningkatan terjadi sebesar 29,77 % pada perlakuan herbisida 2,4-D 33,75 kg ha-1 dan penoxsulam 600 ml dibandingkan dengan kontrol

    Social-economics Analysis and Community Empowerment the Watershed of Kedaung at Gajah Mungkur Reservoir Wonogiri-cental Java

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    Gajah Mungkur Reservoir is designed to storage reservoir for 100 years since the operation in 1982-2082. Currently the sedimentation rate reaches 8 millimeters per year, while the assumption of sediment rate (mud) is only 2 millimeters per year. This research was conducted to save reservoir and river basin environment in Gajah Mungkur Reservoir. This study aims to determine the socio-economic conditions and behavior of people in the Keduang River watershed area. This research also formulates community empowerment model in Keduang River area and recommends grand design management system involving various related parties

    The Concept of Criminal Policy in Corruption Effort Criminal Acts of Narcotics Abuse Based Restorative Justice

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    This research is a normative research, which examines the study of documents using legal materials such as laws and legal theory. In the history of narcotics during human civilization, at first it's purpose was for treatment in the world of health. In the times, it's not only for medicine but has been misused for the purpose of getting pleasure which ultimately makes human productivity decline. Therefore, the illegal distribution and use of narcotics is finally prohibited. The State of Indonesia to achieve legal goals in accordance with Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states “All citizens have the same position in law and government, must uphold the law and government without exception”. In this way, every attitude, policy, and behavior of state apparatus and residents (citizens and foreigners) must be based on and in accordance with the law

    Magnitude and biophysical regulators of methane emission and consumption in the Australian agricultural, forest, and submerged landscapes: a review

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