4 research outputs found

    The Activity of Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) at Plantation Forest in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatera

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    Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is a quite adaptive animal so it could be found in a diverse range of habitat types, one of the habitats is Plantation Forest on peatlands. This study aims to obtain the information about the activity of long-tailed macaque related to habitat utilization at Plantation The operational activities in the Plantation Forest can affect the activities of long-tailed macaque, changing of food sources, and they have a potential to attack the Acacia plants, so it’s necessary to do research about the activity of long-tailed macaque related to the habitat utilization at Plantation Forest and to acknowledge the types of plants used by long-tailed macaque for food and shelter. This research is a descriptive study and the data are obtained through a focal animal sampling method in April and May 2019 at the Plantation Forest in Sungai Penyabungan District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. The focal animal sampling method used at 7.00-17.00 WIB with using interval of 10 minutes. Based on the study, the long-tailed macaque used the active time to feed (24.60%), rest (25.58%), move (27.92%), and social activities (21.89%) included vocalization, agonistic, and grooming. The vegetation parts consumed by the long-tailed macaque are leaves (42.30%), fruits (34.62%), and flowers (23.08%). The vegetation used as food is Acacia crassicarpa, Melaleuca cajuputi, and Melastoma malabathricum. The plant that’s most often used as food and shelter is Acacia crassicarpa

    AERMOD Modeling Analysis of CO And Nox Parameters From Diesel Generator Emission Sources in the Coal Mining Industry

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    Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4 of 2021: All types of businesses and activities must manage environmental impacts. Emissions resulting from the use of heavy equipment in the operational activities of the coal mining industry, such as scrapers, dump trucks, loaders, excavators and bulldozers. In addition to heavy equipment, exhaust emissions are generated from the use of generators that operate longer than 1,000 hours per year. The resulting emissions will have a long-term impact on air quality around business activities [1]. In an effort to tackle the spread of air pollution, modeling is carried out which aims to analyze emission air dispersion patterns by measuring exhaust emissions with Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) test parameters in industrial activity areas with AERMOD applications and can predict emission air dispersion patterns dispersed into the air based on the distance and concentration of particles. One of the models used is the Gaussian Plume Model. Modeling is done by processing data from the meteorological section with AERMOD software, which will then provide a distribution pattern with a distribution pattern that is close to the true value [2]. Modeling is carried out with a radius of 5,000 meters and data from emission measurements from the power generation unit. Based on the modeling results, the CO parameter emission dispersion obtained the highest value in February with a value of 30.4 µq/m3 and the lowest value in March with a value of 3.43 µq/m3. As for the NOx parameter, the highest dispersion value was in June at 6.21 µq/m3, and the lowest value was in January at 3.51 µq/m3. This research was conducted in March 2023. It is located on the project site of the Coal Mining Industry area with a mining business permit (IUP) area of 2936.14 ha in Mekar Jadi Village, Sungai Lilin District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province


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    Akuarium merupakan salah satu bentuk media yang dapat digunakan untuk pemeliharaan ikan, terutama ikan hias untuk skala rumahan. Akuarium sendiri merupakan identitas kehidupan yang mewakili habitat asli ikan. Secara fisik, akuarium hanya bersifat sebagai sebuah tempat atau wadah. Namun lebih dari itu, akuarium memiliki filosofi dan manfaat penting bagi kehidupan kita. Dengan adanya akuarium kita dapat menghadirkan suasana yang lebih segar dan hidup di rumah. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam menghadirkan suasana yang natural tersebut, dimulai dari ikan yang tidak bisa bertahan hidup hingga akuarium ikan yang kotor dan berlumut dengan cepat. Dengan melakukan pelatihan pembuatan akuarium mini dan teknik pemeliharaan ikan khususnya ikan hias, maka diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada pecinta ikan hias untuk mencoba mengaplikasikannya untuk skala rumahan. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi lapangan, ditambah dengan studi literatur hingga sosialisasi kepada anak TK dan orang tua oleh tim KKN UMP dan dosen. Dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan pelatihan pemeliharaan ikan sejak dini dapat meningkatkan kecintaan dan kepeduliaan anak-anak terhadap kehidupan ikan

    Vessel Monitoring System Using GSM Communications Network

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    The purpose of this study is to monitor the data sent from the ship to the server. This system relies on the internet network to transmit data such as the coordinates of ship position, the direction vessel, the distance of obstacles in a front vessel, the speed vessel, and the length of ship trajectory to the server using the GSM Shield SIM900 module. This study will use four providers such as Telkomsel, XL Axiata, Indosat, and Tri. The benefit of this ship monitoring system research is that it can monitor supervision on ships and access via mobile phones. The result of this study is the system can respond well and send data on the coordinates, the direction, the distance of the obstacle in a front vessel, the speed, and the length of the vessel trajectory. Then the best signal strength is using a Simpati card provider with a signal strength of -65 dB