451 research outputs found

    Designing Environmental Graphic Design With Cultural Values for West Java Province

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    This paper departs from the phenomenon of the need for city or regional identity in public spaces. The people of Bandung and West Java created the identity of the city and region in the form of gates and monuments bordering the environmental area which in terminology can be called Environmental Graphic Design (EGD). The form of exploration is very diverse, and adapted to the abilities and creativity of the people in the environment. The making of EGD by the public often presents primordial cultural symbols especially Kujang forms, but the use of the Kujang symbol is very diverse and has not yet become an identity system that fulfills its existence as an EGD. This paper will analyze the Kujang symbol as an artefact of Sundanese culture, as well as provide design solutions, in the form of an EGD system based on cultural values that lie in the philosophical values of the Kujang cosmology and Sundanese culture values. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative and design thinking The result of this paper is to design visual ideas about EGD based on cultural values and Sundanese cultural philosophy, especially the Kujang symbol which can be used as a benchmark for people who EGD in West Java Province. Keywords EGD, Cultural Values, Kujan

    Analisa Tata Pencahayaan pada Interior Kafe Cocorico di Bandung

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    Cocorico cafe is a famous cafe in the Bandung city. The existence of this cafe as a means of relaxation for the citizens in Bandung or outside, make this cafe should be the maximum in terms of building interior atmosphere. Cafe is a product that really requires engineering interior lighting. The atmosphere in the cafe is very important besides of culinary presented. For reaching the atmosphere, lighting engineering needed.Lighting is an important aspect in interior design of cafe. Not only as a basic condition for viewing, the light can also be engineered into an aesthetically valuable thing. Through analytic descriptif theres a lot of things that applied to utilize light as a principal element in the interior, ranging from the use of natural light to artificial light. In the course of natural lighting powered from the location of the cafe stands, while the artificial lighting can be seen on how the designer's ability to create artificial light, so, it is not only the aesthetic value that can be highlighted but the functional activities that are going on in the cafe

    Analisis Tingkat Efisiensi Bank Persero dengan Menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) (Studi Kasus pada Laporan Keuangan Bank Persero yang Terdaftar di Bank Indonesia Periode 2004-2013 )

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur tingkat efisiensi bank persero periode tahun 2004-2013 dengan menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), dengan softwere BANXIA. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam memilih input dan output adalah pendekatan intermediasi. Faktor Input yang digunakan adalah aset, deposito dan beban personalia. Faktor output yang digunakan adalah kredit dan pendapatan operasional lainnya. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa (1) penggunaan input aset, deposito dan beban personalia rata-rata meningkat. Dan penggunaan output kredit dan pendapatan operasional lainnya juga rata-rata meningkat. (2) Penggunaan input dan output bank persero dari tahun 2004-2013 dengan menggunakan DEA belum mencapai efisiensi optimum. Model Variable Return To Scale lebih baik dari pada model Constan Return To Scale. (3) Efisiensi skala bank persero dengan metode DEA berada pada tahap Decreasing Return to Scale. Dalam keadaan demikian, dapat diartikan bahwa proporsi penambahan input akan menghasilkan tambahan output yang proporsinya lebih kecil

    Return On Assets, Likuiditas dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Struktur Modal

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effect of ROA, Liquidity and Firm Size on Capital Structure of Micro Finance Institution Company (LKM) registered in Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in 2016 up to Mei 2017. The object of research which then operationalized consists of Return On Assets (ROA), Liquidity and Firm Size as independent variable and Capital Structure is operated as dependent variable. The method in this research is quantitative verification. The population used is a conventional Microfinance Institution (LM) registered in the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in 2016 up to May 2017 of 147 companies, and the financial data of that period from all populations is used for research samples. Data analysis technique using multiple linear regression statistic with simultaneous significance test with F test. The result of F Test statistic shows that regression model can be used to draw conclusion and predict about ROA, Liquidity, Firm Size to CapitalStructure in the future. Hypothesis test results accept that ROA, Liquidity and Company Size negatively affect the Capital Structure
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