23 research outputs found

    Manajemen Pengelolaan Dana Bagi Hasil Cukai Hasil Tembakau Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Kudus regency as one of the biggest cigarette\u27s tax producing in Indonesia. Based on that statement, so Kudus regency government arrange policy of governor\u27s rule No 4 2013 about guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. With the presence of its management, it is expected can help to decrease amount of destitution, unemployment, and increase economic development in Kudus Regency. The purpose of this study is to know how the system of management and how management of guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. Which to answer about the purpose and problems in this study is by using governor\u27s policy No 4 2013 as reference of management system and management theory by George R Terry in describing guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. The method used in this study is qualitative method by the study\u27s object are BAPPEDA, SEKDA and Dinas Perinkop and UMKM as SKPD of guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result in Kudus regency. The result of this study showed that in the implementation based on governor\u27s policy No 4 2013. In program that is funded by guidelines for the management funds for tax results and tobacco\u27s result both physical and non-physical give big effect to mid- low economy\u27s public in Kudus regency. In its implementation is still met problem, so that the result is far of the target. The problem is like limitedness of human resource in several SKPD. This case can be seen from the activity that is not spread all over yet in Kudus regency and the performance accomplishment that is not spread all over carried out yet

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Kinerja Karyawan melalui Disiplin Kerja pada Karyawan Harian Skt Megawon II PT. Djarum Kudus

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    Human resources is a very important thing for a company because it is people who make a plan, organize, process and control any existing activity on that company's human resources should have a good quality performance to achieve maximum profits. Since the establishment of a company whether consciously or not, a leader certainly laid a foundation of organizational culture that is used as a basis for implementing performance. In addition, transformational leadership style is also required by the management to be able to influence employees to work well. Based on the data obtained, the percentage of absenteeism is increasing, the number of production decreases and the number of cigarettes disability criteria increases. From this, efforts should be made to improve the performance of employees through work discipline. This study aimed to determine the influence of the variable of organizational culture and transformational leadership styles on employee performance through employee discipline PT. SKT Megawon II Djarum Kudus. The study population was a daily part of the production employees totaling 66 people. This research used a census approach, where all members of the population used as a respondent. Measurement scales using Likert scale. In the analysis of the data using simple linear regression and multiple regression test with SPSS 16.00. Based on the survey results revealed that organizational culture, transformational leadership style and work discipline positive effect on employee performance, either partially or simultaneously. The conclusion of this research that simultaneous testing showed that the influence of organizational culture, transformational leadership style and work discipline on employee performance is 84.9%. The advice can be given to PT. Djarum SKT Megawon II Kudus is improved organizational culture found on the company and transformational leadership style which is owned by the management to be done by increasing working discipline in order to reach maximum performance

    Pengaruh Upah, Peran Serikat Pekerja Terhadap Kesejahteraan Pekerja Melalui Unjuk Rasa Pada Serikat Pekerja Nasional Psp PT Sai Apparel Industries

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    Welfare workers are influenced by several factors, such as good wages and role of trade unions.Workers so do the rallies to fight them welfare. This study aims to identify and explain the effect of wages and the role of trade unions on the welfare of workers. the effect of rallies on welfare. Object of this research PT Sai Apparel Industries which all workers are members of the National Labor Union. This type of research is explanatory research. The technique of collecting data using interviews, questionnaires and observation. The conclusion from this study is that wages and role of trade unions effect on workers welfare. Based on the conclusion that the company needs to increase the amount of compensation in the form of allowances. Unions need to enhance the role to be the center of information for workers. Besides, the government should review the minimum wage policy is based on the necessities of life for single workers

    Pengaruh Kualitas, Citra Dan Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Dengan Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Pengguna Layanan Kartu Prabayar Im3 ( Studi Pada Mahasiswa Fisip Universitas Diponegoro Semarang )

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    Developments in the world of telecommunications is also accompanied by the competition among telecommunication companies. One of the drivers of loyalty is customer satisfaction factors, which support customers stay using IM3. Loyalty is influenced by many factors including quality, image, and brand. The research was conducted on IM3 prepaid card user at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Diponegoro. A decline in sales, as well as consumer unloyalty IM3 prepaid card. This study aimed to determine the effect of product quality, image and brand to the customer loyalty through satisfaction. The hypothesis stated that the quality (X1),image (X2) and brand (X3) have significant influence to the customer loyalty (Y) through satisfaction (Z). This type of research is explanatory research. The data used in this study is primary data obtained using questionnaires and library research. The population in this study were all students of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences with a sample of 100 respondents using accidental sampling technique. Data analysis techniques used simple linear regression and path analysis using SPSS 16 for windows. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between product quality to satisfaction, there is a positive and significant influence between the image to satisfaction, there is a positive and significant influence between brand to the satisfaction, there is a positive and significant influence between product quality, brand and image to satisfaction, there is a positive and significant influence between product quality to loyalty, there is a positive and significant influence between image to loyalty, there is a positive and significant influence between brand to loyalty, there is a positive and significant influence between the quality of the product, image and brand to loyalty, there is the significant influence of satisfaction to loyalty. We suggest is the company must improve the quality of IM3, especially in terms of access to internet services, add and improve the network so that customers do not feel disturbed, introduce more card advantage that people get to know IM3 products

    Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas, melalui Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Star Clean Car Wash Semarang

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    The background of the research is that the growing number of vehicles over the years, it is an opportunity for vehicles care services. The opportunities of the service industry it creating competition among service providers care vehicles. Therefore, the service provider have to increasing the dedication to create customer satisfaction. This research aimed to determine the effect of facilities and service quality towards loyalty through customer satisfaction as a variable intevening. The population is the consumers whom\u27d washed their vehicles at Star Clean Car Wash. The number of samples in this study was determined using Slovin formula that was selected to be a sample of 100 people. Sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. Measurement scale using Likert scale. In the analysis of the data using simple linear regression and multiple regression test, with the application program SPSS 16.0. The results showed variable facilities effect on customer satisfaction by 42.9 percent. Variable service quality affects on customer satisfaction by 53.3 percent. Variables facilities and service quality affects on customer satisfaction by 56 percent. The variable service quality affect on loyalty by 43.8 percent. Variables facilities affect on loyalty by 43.4 percent. Variable service quality affects on loyalty by 37.1 percent. Variables facilities, service quality and customer satisfaction affect on loyalty by 51.5 percent. This study concluded that the variable facilities, service quality and satisfaction have positive and significant effect on loyalty. Star Clean Car Wash should be able to improve primary and complementary facilities, to always maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the washing area, improve the appearance of the employees to be more interesting, and give more attention to consumers so that consumers feel appreciated

    Global Pharmaceutical Industries, Drugs Exploration and Patenting: Impact on Developing Countries

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    Globalization has contributed to the development of pharmaceutical industries in terms of medical exploration and trade among countries araund the world. A number of pharmaceutical companies have been established throughout the world and become International businesses. Nowadays, pharmaceutical businesses in developed countries are more likely to embrace global agreement on intellectual properties and trade designed to keep competition fair. Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies (most of them are from developed countries) play a large role in both drug development and supply. According to ABPI in 2004, more than 60% of the world's drugs consumption is supplied by only 20 big pharmaceutical corporations. Can it be argued that multinational pharmaceutical companies give benefit for pharmaceutical companies and people in developing countries around the world? This article will focus on several negative impacts occurred on developing countries

    Vascular epiphytic medicinal plants as sources of therapeutic agents: Their ethnopharmacological uses, chemical composition, and biological activities

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    This is an extensive review on epiphytic plants that have been used traditionally as medicines. It provides information on 185 epiphytes and their traditional medicinal uses, regions where Indigenous people use the plants, parts of the plants used as medicines and their preparation, and their reported phytochemical properties and pharmacological properties aligned with their traditional uses. These epiphytic medicinal plants are able to produce a range of secondary metabolites, including alkaloids, and a total of 842 phytochemicals have been identified to date. As many as 71 epiphytic medicinal plants were studied for their biological activities, showing promising pharmacological activities, including as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticancer agents. There are several species that were not investigated for their activities and are worthy of exploration. These epipythes have the potential to furnish drug lead compounds, especially for treating cancers, and thus warrant indepth investigations