3 research outputs found

    Economic Impact of the Use of Generators As A Main Power Source in the Domestic Sector: Challenges and Prospects for the Energy Road Map

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    A case study has been developed to show the financial/ economic losses possibly existing in the domestic sector as a result of the use of petrol/ diesel generators. In this study Nigeria's population has been exclusively put at 160 million(people , with a family size of six per family. Also an assumption was made that at least each family own a SOOVA generator popularly known as "I better pass my neighbourIBEMN"- the cost purchase, running and maintenance arehypothetically assumed and a computation to determine the annual cost borne by the families was asu~rt·ainecl. The study revealed that each family spends a minimum of N196,000p.a. for running the generator for at leost 18 hours per day. The total realizable investment to provide alternative electricity supply is put at N.'J.4 trillionp.a I '• If this simplistic analysis is. favourable received, then the financial challenge in the road_ map may be dealt with by 'harvesting' funds from the domestic sector. If this is true, then prospect of our new energy road map is bright and similar consideration in the domestic, industrial, education, health, entertainment, banking, telecommunication sectors will also yield some considerable financial resources that if well invested in the power/ electricity sector will result in stability, security, sustainability and a guaranteed future. Informed actions/ decisions will be the political will to ban the use of generators and other energy inefficient gadgets (incandescent lamps, irons, fridges, freezers, air-conditioners etc.) ban the importation of junked gadgets and promote the use of energy efficient gadget

    Stakeholder analysis: a conceptual framework for sustainable watershed development in the Ikwuano watershed in south east Nigeria

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    One of the major challenges face by man is the need to achieve a balance between the utilization of natural resources and at the same time maintain an optimal resource environment. A way out of this logjam is the recognition of the various interest groups involved in the use and conservation of such resources. This approach will thus improved the involvement of the parties in the sustainable use , management and conservation of such resources as well as reduced conflicts arising from the utilization and or non-utilization of the resources. In this paper we outline a framework for establishing stakeholder analysis for natural resource management on a community scale.Key words: Stakeholder Analysis, watershed developmen

    Seed propagation of Allanblackia floribunda by mechanical pre-germination treatment in Nigeria

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    Allanblackia floribunda (Guttiferae) is an economic wet evergreen rainforest tree species indigenous to Nigeria. It regenerates naturally by seed but has difficult seed dormancy which discourages artificial regeneration of the species for plantation establishment. To reduce the dormancy, collected seeds were tested for viability by floatation in water and 38% viability was obtained. Mechanical pre-germination treatments were given to the viable seeds: total removal of seed coat, sand-paper scarification and laceration. These were sown in forest topsoil and washed river sand media respectively in completely Randomized Design in the Nursery. Seeds with testa totally removed and sown in forest topsoil started germination (radical emergence) two weeks after sowing and had 50% germination while plumule emergence started 16 weeks after sowing and achieved 26% emergence. These results are better than any germination results hitherto obtained about this species. However, there is still need for further studies to improve on the plumule emergence. The species has hypogeal germination and the study may be centered on the embryo germination progress.Key Words: Artificial propagation, seed, physical method, planting media, Allanblackia floribund