15 research outputs found

    Properties of the sugar beet tops during the harvest

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    All methods of sugar beet tops separation from the roots are based on the difference in the placement tops and root crops relative to the soil surface and their relative placement. Separation of tops residues after cutting is based on the various strength of sugar beet heads and leaves. The aim of the study is to determine the optimal method of mechanical impact on the beet tops in order to improve the quality of its harvest process. To study the form and structure of the sugar beet stalks there was used cuttings used photo-shoot overlaid by coordinate grids. For determine the hardness of various zones was used specially designed hardness tester. Impact action on the root crops head was investigated by a special laboratory facility. As a result of experimental studies there were obtained a new data characterizing the structure, shape and strength of the various zones of the root crops head and leaves with the aim to study the possibilities of effective mechanical destruction of leaves and subsequent separation of them from the head

    Theory of vibrations of sugar beet leaf harvester front-mounted on universal tractor

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    The harvest and transport of sugar beet leaves during harvesting can be considered aΒ current task in the area of sugar beet growing system development. A rotary sugar beet leaf cutting mechanism is used for achieving the significant increase in the harvester forward speed during harvest. This leads to intensive vibrations of the topping mechanism in the longitudinal vertical plane causing the decrease of harvest quality. Therefore, it is necessary to analytically determine the effect of kinematic and design parameters of the sugar beet topping mechanism front-mounted on the tractor and to discover the value of the amplitude of oscillations in the longitudinal vertical plane of its sugar beet topping mechanism. We have constructed a mathematical model of the estimated motion of this machine by means of dynamics equations in Lagrange II-kind form. A system consisting of two non-linear differential equations was obtained by developing the equivalent scheme of selected generalized coordinates and by performing the necessary mathematical transformations. This system describes the vibrations of the sugar beet topping mechanism in the longitudinal vertical plane. The optimal design and kinematic parameters of the sugar beet topper mechanism front-mounted on the tractor were determined by means of our own software and numerical solution of the differential equation system, which allows the reduction of mentioned vibrations

    Field experimetal reseach of the combined fertilizing-seeding machine-tractor aggregate

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    The scientific problem of this study is the justification of the expediency of combining the technological operations of sowing cereals and applying the main and starting doses of mineral fertilizers when using a combined machine and tractor unit (aggregate). During the research there were used methods of conducting field experiments using standard equipment. During the planned experiments there were used correlation methods and methods of numerical calculations on a PC. The comparative studies of the quality of barley sowing with basic and modernized fertilizer-sowing units showed the following values of qualitative indicators. So, the coefficient of seed depth variation of the base unit was – 8.2%, and the combined (modernized) unit – 4.7%; The uniformity of seed distribution along the length of the line for the basic unit is – 63.8%, for the modernized unit – 84.9%; Field germination of seeds when sowing the basic unit is 80.4%, modernized – 87.4%. Thus, when using the combined fertilizer-seeding unit, the uniformity of seed distribution along the length of the string will be substantially increased. At the same time, the field germination of seeds will increase, and the coefficient of variation in the depth of seed placement in the furrow will decrease. Based on the results of field experimental studies, an increase in the yield of spring wheat and barley was found in the application of a combined fertilizer-seed aggregate with the simultaneous introduction of a basic fertilizer-seeded fertilizer into the soil and sowing of cereals with the application of a starting dose of mineral fertilizer in comparison with the known schemes of such operations. The obtained results confirm the expediency of combining these technological operations with one pass of the combined machine-tractor unit (aggregate)

    Mathematical model of complex movement of a material point on a surface of agricultural machine working body

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    In theoretical study of most of agricultural machines working bodies there is a need of the modeling of material particles (material points) motion on their working surfaces. Questions of such modeling in cases when the specified surfaces are give to material points movement with difficult trajectories are especially difficult. Objective of this research is to develop the basic provisions of complex movement theory of material point. When carrying out research methods of modeling theory, theoretical mechanics, higher mathematics, in particular differential geometry, methods of drawing up programs and numerical calculations on the personal computer are used. As a result of the conducted theoretical research the complex movement of material point which relative movement happens in a moving trihedron of curve which is defined by the natural equations is considered. The figurative movement of a trihedron is defined by differential characteristics of curve. Competency of use of Frenet formulas for finding absolute speed and point acceleration in projections on unit vectors of the moving trihedron is proved. As a result of numerical calculations on the personal computer there were found absolute trajectories of material point movement and qualitative assessment of received results was carried out

    Theoretical study of transverse offsets of wide span tractor working implements and their influence on damage to row crops

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    Wide span tractors have a wide transversal bar, on which different implements can be mounted, while the supporting wheels follow the set traffic-lanes. The stability of wide span tractor movement is influenced by unbroken small angular deviations and transversal displacements of the machine due to several factors. These deflections from the set trajectories affect the working implements, especially the peripheral ones, which can cut the plants if wide span tractors are used to manage row crops. In this context, it needs to consider a safeguard zone that allows to reduce the probability of contact between working implements and plants. The aim of this paper was to determine the quantitative effect of transverse displacements of the working implements and the suitable size of the aforesaid safeguard zone. The magnitude of the inner and outer displacements of the working implements depends significantly on their location in relation to the center of the wide span tractor. For working implements located outside the center of the tractor, the outer safeguard zone should be larger than the inner zone. The probability of crop damage by working implements can be reduced by automated control of wide span tractor movemen

    The study of movement of the wide span tractor-based field machine unit with power method of its control

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    Recently, rapid development of controlled traffi c farming convincingly demonstrates the broad prospects of using the wide span tractor-based fi eld machines throughout the world. The issue at hand lies in the fact that having a wide span tractor-based machine with steering-wheel system moving along the tracks of a constant technological track is not a rational option. According to the concept of bridge and rutting agriculture, it is advisable to subordinate the automated means of mechanization to the principles of the functioning of the coordinate transport system in which machines can move only in two mutually perpendicular directions and for implementation of which the fi eld must have strictly defi ned dimensions. Therefore, a method of power steering similar to a crawler tractor (track-type tractor) can be more effi cient in the automatic driving of bridge means of mechanization within the coordinate-transport system than a kinematic control. Furthermore, methodology utilized for selection of design schemes, parameters and operating modes of machine-tractor aggregates can not be used for study of dynamics of the wide span tractorbased field machine. Theoretical study is based on theoretical mechanics, theory of mobile energy facilities, statistical dynamics and theory of automatic control of linear dynamical systems with reproduction of statistically random control and disturbing input effects. Purpose of the research lies in development of a dynamic model of plane parallel motion in the horizontal plane of a wide span tractor-based fi eld machine unit using a power (onboard) method of control, which would allow investigation of impacts of the control parameters and disturbing infl uences on the controllability and stability of its motion. Mathematical models have been developed and new regularities of the straightforward parallel movement of the wide span tractor-based fi eld machine unit for controlled traffi c farming have been obtained. The results obtained allow the validation of new schemes, design parameters and modes of operation with acceptable controllability and stability of movement in the horizontal plane with a power control method of the chassis