9 research outputs found

    Implementation of Statistical Methods and SWOT Analysis for Evaluation of Metal Waste Management in Engineering Company

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    This paper presents the results of the waste management research in a selected engineering company RIBE Slovakia, k. s., Nitra factory. Within of its manufacturing programme, the mentioned factory uses wide range of the manufacturing technologies (cutting operations, metal cold-forming, thread rolling, metal surface finishing, automatic sorting, metrology, assembly), with the aim to produce the final products – connecting components (fasteners) delivered to many industrial fields (agricultural machinery manufacturers, car industry, etc.). There were obtained data characterizing production technologies and the range of manufactured products. The key attention is paid to the classification of waste produced by engineering production and to waste management within the company. Within the research, there were obtained data characterizing the time course of production of various waste types and these data were evaluated by means of statistical method using STATGRAPHICS. Based on the application of SWOT analysis, there is objectively assessed the waste management in the company in terms of strengths and weaknesses, as well as determination of the opportunities and potential threats. Results obtained by the SWOT analysis application have allowed to come to conclusion that the company RIBE Slovakia, k. s., Nitra factory has well organized waste management system. The fact that the waste management system is incorporated into the company management system can be considered as an advantage

    Effect Of Preheating And Different Moisture Content Of Input Materials On Durability Of Pellets Made From Different Phytomass Content

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    This paper analyses the effects of the storage process on the durability of pellets made of different types of biomass (lucerne hay, maize stover, wheat straw, miscanthus, prickly lettuce) for energy purposes. Pellets were produced on a hydraulic press that allowed modifying the size of pellets. The durability of pellets was measured on a special testing instrument according to the ASAE S269.4 (2007) standard method. The pellets used in the test were produced by pressing without preheating and with preheating. Durability rating was expressed as the ratio of the original mass of pellets and the mass of pellets remaining on a 17 mm opening sieve after tumbling. Storage negatively affected the durability of pellets made without preheating for all the types of biomass materials in different moisture contents. On the other hand, there was some positive response to storing of pellets made with preheating. The durability of pellets made of maize stover, wheat straw and miscanthus in the moisture content of 5 % increased with storing

    Theory of Vibrations of Sugar Beet Leaf Harvester Front-Mounted on Universal Tractor

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    The harvest and transport of sugar beet leaves during harvesting can be considered a current task in the area of sugar beet growing system development. A rotary sugar beet leaf cutting mechanism is used for achieving the significant increase in the harvester forward speed during harvest. This leads to intensive vibrations of the topping mechanism in the longitudinal vertical plane causing the decrease of harvest quality. Therefore, it is necessary to analytically determine the effect of kinematic and design parameters of the sugar beet topping mechanism front-mounted on the tractor and to discover the value of the amplitude of oscillations in the longitudinal vertical plane of its sugar beet topping mechanism. We have constructed a mathematical model of the estimated motion of this machine by means of dynamics equations in Lagrange II-kind form. A system consisting of two non-linear differential equations was obtained by developing the equivalent scheme of selected generalized coordinates and by performing the necessary mathematical transformations. This system describes the vibrations of the sugar beet topping mechanism in the longitudinal vertical plane. The optimal design and kinematic parameters of the sugar beet topper mechanism front-mounted on the tractor were determined by means of our own software and numerical solution of the differential equation system, which allows the reduction of mentioned vibrations

    Assessing The Effect Of Pressing Matrix Diameter And Compacting Pressure On Density And Durability Of Pellets

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    Pellets made of biomass for energy purposes can be considered as a significant type of biofuel. The efficiency of biopellets depends upon many factors; therefore, in our paper we have focused our attention on measuring the physical properties of biopellets made from lucerne hay and maize stover. The chemical composition of biomass materials is characterised. Biopellets were made on the hydraulic press and their durability was measured on the own instrument designed according to the ASABE S269.4 standard. As the biomass particle size plays an important role in the process of pellets producing, the particle size distribution was determined. According to our experiments, both pressure and diameter had no effect on the durability of pellets for both materials, especially with the pressure force of 100 MPa and 125 MPa, whereas with increasing the pressure force to 150 MPa for the die diameter 20 mm for both lucerne hay and maize stover, a significant increment occurred in the durability of pellets

    Theoretical Consideration of The Controllability Indicator of Machine-Tractor Unit Movement

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    The paper is focused on the issues of controllability of machine-tractor units based on wheel-type tractors during their non-straight driving on the soil surface, which is positioned at an angle to the horizon. There were obtained analytical expressions for the determination of the actual indicator of control λd, including both the power and the design parameters of the machine-tractor unit, which affect the abovementioned indicator in the longitudinal vertical plane. These expressions are obtained for the tractor driving on both road and also driving during field operation. In addition, the paper discusses the conditions under which there may occur the cross-slip of the tractor steering wheels in the transversal horizontal plane. As a result of this review, there were obtained the analytical expressions for determining the required indicator of the controllability λd of machine-tractor unit in the horizontal plane, excluding the possibility of lateral sliding of the unit by turning its steering wheels at a certain angle. These expressions are obtained for the two modes of the machine-tractor unit: for driving during transport on the road and during the operation in the field. The machine-tractor unit based on the wheel-type tractor with rear mounted 3-mouldboard plough was analytically investigated. By means of computer calculations, there was observed the fact that when moving in non-straight direction on the soil surface, inclined to the horizon at an angle of 12°, the machine-tractor unit is controllable only when the angles of the steering wheel of the given tractor do not exceed 9°. During the working movement (ploughing) of the given machine-tractor unit on an inclined field surface, its controllability will be preserved on condition that the angle of the tractor steering wheels does not exceed 11°. According to obtained results, it can be stated that the controllability of the machine-tractor unit is determined by the indicator of controllability, taking into account the value of the vertical load acting on the tractor steering wheels, the possibility of their turning in the horizontal plane, as well as the withdrawal of the machine-tractor unit from rectilinear motion and its movement on the field surface, inclined at an angle to the horizon

    Mathematical Model of Uniform Cereal Crops Seeding Using a Double-Disk Coulter

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    The paper provided presents a new design of two-disk wide-row coulter that ensures uniform distribution of seeds to an even bed at the furrow bottom, as well as preserving of optimal distances between the seeds. Seeds fall from the seed tube of coil sowing apparatus onto a metal distribution plate with staggeringly arranged metal pins, which distribute the seeds to furrow bottom surface in a form of separate strips. To substantiate the kinematic and constructive parameters of proposed coulter design, a mathematical model for transport of seeds along the surface of a distribution plate was developed and the Cauchy problem for a system of the second-order quasi-linear differential equations was solved by the finite difference methods using embedded software procedures in mathematical software packages (Mathcad, Maple, etc.). The finite-difference method implementation was carried out using computer software allowing the determination of coordinates of seeds and, if necessary, changing of direction of their movement by adjusting the coulter operation to improve the distribution of seeds to soil in order to reduce the injury to them, which ultimately can contribute to an increased yield. Coverage of the plate surface and distribution pins with a rubber material can also contribute to a significant reduction in seed injury during sowing

    Application of Nitrogen Fertilizers and Its Effect on Timeliness of Fertilizers Decomposition Resulting in Lost of Nitrogen Through Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soil

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    Fertilizers are an important tool to maintain soil fertility and as an enhancement for the efficient crop production. The system of fertilizers application affects the final dose and commonly causes local overdosing or insuficient spatial distribution of fertilizers which are a very important source of nitrous oxide emissions (N2O) from the soil into the atmospher observation of such phenomenon are among the key factors defining environmental impacts of agriculture. A study was conducted to observe the effect of application dose of fertilizer on N2O emission from the soil. CAN (Calcium ammonium nitrate – consist of 27 % nitrogen) was spread by a fertiliser spreader Kuhn Axera 1102 H-EMC aggregated with a tractor John Deere 6150 M. Incorporation of fertilizer into the soil was done by power harrow Pöttinger Lion 302. The application dose was set at 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg.ha–1 while monitoring points were selected at the base of this application doses in respective places. Measurements were conducted at time intervals 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after fertiliser application and following incorporation. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured by field gas monitor set INNOVA consisting of a photoacoustic gas monitor INNOVA 1412 and a multipoint sampler INNOVA 1309. Statistically significant differences was found among time intervals and among the application dose (p > 0.05). It was observed that the application dose of selected fertilizers has the direct effect on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions released from soil into the atmosphere. An increase of greenhouse gas emissions was observed in range from 0.83 to 152.33 %. It can be concluded that the local overdose of fertilizers negatively affects environmental impact of agricultural practices at greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)

    The Study of Movement of the Wide Span Tractor-Based Field Machine Unit with Power Method of its Control

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    Recently, rapid development of controlled traffic farming convincingly demonstrates the broad prospects of using the wide span tractor-based field machines throughout the world. The issue at hand lies in the fact that having a wide span tractor-based machine with steering-wheel system moving along the tracks of a constant technological track is not a rational option. According to the concept of bridge and rutting agriculture, it is advisable to subordinate the automated means of mechanization to the principles of the functioning of the coordinate transport system in which machines can move only in two mutually perpendicular directions and for implementation of which the field must have strictly defined dimensions. Therefore, a method of power steering similar to a crawler tractor (track-type tractor) can be more efficient in the automatic driving of bridge means of mechanization within the coordinate-transport system than a kinematic control. Furthermore, methodology utilized for selection of design schemes, parameters and operating modes of machine-tractor aggregates can not be used for study of dynamics of the wide span tractor-based field machine. Theoretical study is based on theoretical mechanics, theory of mobile energy facilities, statistical dynamics and theory of automatic control of linear dynamical systems with reproduction of statistically random control and disturbing input effects. Purpose of the research lies in development of a dynamic model of plane parallel motion in the horizontal plane of a wide span tractor-based field machine unit using a power (onboard) method of control, which would allow investigation of impacts of the control parameters and disturbing influences on the controllability and stability of its motion. Mathematical models have been developed and new regularities of the straightforward parallel movement of the wide span tractor-based field machine unit for controlled traffic farming have been obtained. The results obtained allow the validation of new schemes, design parameters and modes of operation with acceptable controllability and stability of movement in the horizontal plane with a power control method of the chassis

    Research of properties of constant technological track of a bridge-type field machine

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    One of the most important conditions for the sufficient adhesion of the wheels of the bridge-type agricultural machine to the supporting surface and the minimum resistance to their rolling are the physical and mechanical properties of traces of a constant tramline. The study of these properties is the real basis for ensuring a high efficiency of the operation of bridge-type agricultural equipment. However, the physico-mechanical properties of soil traces of a constant tramline are practically not studied. The aim of the research is to study the correlation between the indicators of the physicomechanical properties of the soil footprint of the constant tramline and their influence on the adhesion and traction of bridge agricultural equipment. Experimental studies were carried out both according to generally accepted and developed methods, and provided for the use of modern control and measuring equipment. Processing of experimental data was carried out on a PC using regression analysis. The object of experimental research was a bridge-type agricultural machine having a design we have developed. As a result of the study, it was found that the density and hardness of the soil in the 0…5 cm layer of traces of a constant tramline substantially depend on soil moisture content. A high nonlinear correlation was established between the hardness and density of the soil track of the track, which is approximated by a quadratic equation. Its practical use allows us to predict the density of traces of the constant tramline and vice versa from the results of hardness measurements. From the position of ensuring maximum coupling properties and traction of the bridge-type agricultural machine when it moves along the soil track of a constant tramline, it has been established that an increase in the hardness of the latter requires an increase in air pressure in the tire of its wheels and vice versa. The studies confirm the fact that the maximum efficiency of the movement of the bridge-type agricultural equipment along the soil traces of a constant tramline can be achieved only if the air pressure in the tires of its wheels is correctly set. The magnitude of the latter, in turn, depends on the physico-mechanical properties of the soil trace of a constant tramline