28 research outputs found

    Subcutaneous zygomycosis caused by Mucor hiemalis in an immunocompetent patient

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    Zygomycosis is an opportunistic fungal infection with a high mortality rate. It is known to cause invasive disease in immunocompromised hosts but it may produce only cutaneous/ subcutaneous infections in immunocompetent hosts. Treatment is difficult due to its fulminant course and lack of effective anti-fungal drugs. Here, we report a rare case of subcutaneous zygomycosis caused by Mucor hiemalis in an immunocompetent patient without any debilitating illness. The patient was successfully treated by aggressive surgical debridement and anti-fungal therapy

    Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

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    Aspergillus spp. often colonize the respiratory tract of the critically ill patients in the intensive care units and subsequently cause invasive disease. The risk of developing invasive disease is more in immunocompromised patients. Here we report a case of fatal invasive pulmonary aspergillosis caused by Aspergillus versicolor in a post-operative patient on mechanical ventilation, who did not respond to intravenous itraconazole. We have discussed the challenges involved in accurate diagnosis of this condition and appropriate management

    Prevalence of Candida co-infection in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    BackgroundCandida species are emerging as a potentially pathogenic fungus in patients with broncho-pulmonary diseases. The synergistic growth promoting association of Candida and Mycobacterium tuberculosis has raised increased concern for studying the various Candida spp. and its significance in pulmonary tuberculosis patients during current years. AimsThis study was undertaken with the objective of discovering the prevalence of co-infection caused by different Candida species in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.Method  A total of 75 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed by sputum Ziehl-Neelsen staining were included in the study. Candida co-infection was confirmed using the Kahanpaa et al. criteria. Candida species were identified using gram stain morphology, germ tube formation, morphology on cornmeal agar with Tween-80, sugar fermentation tests and HiCrome Candida Agar.ResultsCandida co-infection was observed in 30 (40%) of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Candida albicans was the most common isolate observed in 50% of the patients with co-infection, followed by C. tropicalis (20%) and C. glabrata (20%). Candida co-infection was found in 62.5% of female patients, while it was observed in only 29.4% of the male patients (P value 0.0133). Mean ± SD age of the patients with C. glabrata infection was 65.83 ± 3.19, while the mean ± SD age of the patients with other Candida infections was 43.25 ± 20.44 (P value 0.0138).ConclusionMany patients with pulmonary tuberculosis have co-infection with Candida spp. The prevalence of non-albicans Candida species is increasing and may be associated with inadequate response to anti-tubercular drugs. C. glabrata infection has a strong association with old age.

    Aetiological agents of ventilator associated pneumonia and their resistance pattern

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    BackgroundVentilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a common type of nosocomial pneumonia encountered in intensive care units. There are several aetiological agents which make treatment challenging. Improper antibiotic treatment of ventilated patients may lead to the emergence of multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogens.MethodA prospective study was performed over a period of 20 months. Our study had two arms. The first, ‘Incidence and risk factors of VAP in a tertiary care hospital’ was the subject of an earlier publication. We present the second investigative arm in this work. The aetiological agents of patients on mechanical ventilation (MV) were identified by standard bacteriological method. The susceptibility pattern was evaluated by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) testing was performed by combination disc method, and metallo-beta lactamase (MBL) testing was performed by EDTA disk synergy test (EDS).ResultsLate-onset VAP was associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli, while early-onset VAP was commonly caused by members of Enterobacteriaceae, Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. 72.2 per cent of VAP patients had monomicrobial and 27.8 per cent had polymicrobial infection. Out of the 24 isolates obtained from patients with VAP, seven (29.2 per cent) were MDR pathogens. ESBL and MBL production was detected in 40 per cent and 20 per cent of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated in our study. Around 50 per cent of isolates associated with late-onset VAP were MDR, while 22.2 per cent isolates obtained from patients with early-onset VAP were MDR.ConclusionVAP is a nosocomial pneumonia that is common among ventilated patients. The aetiological agents vary from common organisms to MDR pathogens that are difficult to treat. A proper knowledge of MDR pathogens and early isolation followed by prevention of prolonged antibiotic therapy can reduce the mortality of late onset VAP

    Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

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    Background Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most frequent infection in patients intubated for longer than 48 hours. There is a great interest in determining the factors influencing the outcome of VAP, as it may help in reducing the associated morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to determine the impact of appropriate antibiotic therapy based on endotracheal aspirate cultures on the outcome of VAP. We have also studied the other factors that may influence the outcome of VAP. Method  A cohort study was conducted in the intensive care units of a tertiary care hospital in South India over a period of 15 months. The outcome of VAP was assessed by prolongation of the duration of mechanical ventilation and/ or death of the patient. Results The duration of mechanical ventilation was significantly prolonged in patients with VAP (16.61 ± 8.2 d vs. 8.21 ± 5.9 d, P 2 days in administering the first dose of appropriate antibiotic therapy significantly prolonged the duration of ventilation (P < 0.0001). Infection by multi-drug resistant pathogens, polymicrobial infection and time of onset of VAP did not have significant impact on the outcome of VAP. Conclusion Early administration of appropriate antibiotic therapy, based on the antibiogram of the VAP pathogens identified by quantitative culture of endotracheal aspirate, could lead to an improved outcome of patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia

    Evaluation of Host Protein Biomarkers by ELISA From Whole Lysed Peripheral Blood for Development of Diagnostic Tests for Active Tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant global health crisis and the number one cause of death for an infectious disease. The health consequences in high-burden countries are significant. Barriers to TB control and eradication are in part caused by difficulties in diagnosis. Improvements in diagnosis are required for organisations like the World Health Organisation (WHO) to meet their ambitious target of reducing the incidence of TB by 50% by the year 2025, which has become hard to reach due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Development of new tests for TB are key priorities of the WHO, as defined in their 2014 report for target product profiles (TPPs). Rapid triage and biomarker-based confirmatory tests would greatly enhance the diagnostic capability for identifying and diagnosing TB-infected individuals. Protein-based test methods e.g. lateral flow devices (LFDs) have a significant advantage over other technologies with regard to assay turnaround time (minutes as opposed to hours) field-ability, ease of use by relatively untrained staff and without the need for supporting laboratory infrastructure. Here we evaluate the diagnostic performance of nine biomarkers from our previously published biomarker qPCR validation study; CALCOCO2, CD274, CD52, GBP1, IFIT3, IFITM3, SAMD9L, SNX10 and TMEM49, as protein targets assayed by ELISA. This preliminary evaluation study was conducted to quantify the level of biomarker protein expression across latent, extra-pulmonary or pulmonary TB groups and negative controls, collected across the UK and India, in whole lysed blood samples (WLB). We also investigated associative correlations between the biomarkers and assessed their suitability for ongoing diagnostic test development, using receiver operating characteristic/area under the curve (ROC) analyses, singly and in panel combinations. The top performing single biomarkers for pulmonary TB versus controls were CALCOCO2, SAMD9L, GBP1, IFITM3, IFIT3 and SNX10. TMEM49 was also significantly differentially expressed but downregulated in TB groups. CD52 expression was not highly differentially expressed across most of the groups but may provide additional patient stratification information and some limited use for incipient latent TB infection. These show therefore great potential for diagnostic test development either in minimal configuration panels for rapid triage or more complex formulations to capture the diversity of disease presentations

    Empyema Caused by Eikenella Corrodens

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    Eikenella corrodens is a fastidious, facultative anerobic, non-motile, gram-negative bacilli that is part of the normal flora of the mouth and upper respiratory tract. It is being increasingly recognized as a human pathogen and has been implicated in a variety of human infections, including, periodontitis, brain abscess, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, intra-abdominal infections, and pleuropulmonary infections. We report, for the first time, from the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal, a case of left-sided empyema due to Eikenella corrodens, in an 83-year-old man. Eikenella corrodens was isolated as a pure growth from the pleural aspirate, proving its pathogenic potential. Surgical drainage and an appropriate antimicrobial therapy resulted in a therapeutic response. We have discussed the difficulties that can be encountered in isolating Eikenella corrodens and in choosing appropriate antibiotics for its treatment