12 research outputs found

    Visual impairment and traits of autism in children

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    Visual impairment present from birth or from an early childhood may lead to psychosocial and emotional disorders. 11-40% of children in the group with visual impairment show traits of autism. The aim of this paper was to present the selected examples of how visual impairment in children is related to the occurrence of autism and to describe the available tools for diagnosing autism in children with visual impairment. So far the relation between visual impairment in children and autism has not been sufficiently confirmed. Psychiatric and psychological diagnosis of children with visual impairment has some difficulties in differentiating between "blindism" and traits typical for autism resulting from a lack of standardized diagnostic tools used to diagnosing children with visual impairment. Another difficulty in diagnosing autism in children with visual impairment is the coexistence of other disabilities in case of most children with vision impairment. Additionally, apart from difficulties in diagnosing autistic disorders in children with eye dysfunctions there is also a question of what tools should be used in therapy and rehabilitation of patients

    Care benefits in early modern Gdansk

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    Wstęp. Zjawisko opieki nad osobami jej wymagającymi towarzyszy rodzajowi ludzkiemu od jego początków. Dopiero jednak chrześcijańskie miłosierdzie było podłożem do zrodzenia się idei opieki nad chorymi. Gdańsk przez wieki był osadą o dużym znaczeniu gospodarczym. Pod wpływem reformacji znaczna część jego społeczeństwa zaczęła wyznawać protestantyzm. Spowodowało to zmianę organizacji pomocy społecznej, na skutek czego miała ona znamiennie różny charakter niż w Polsce zdominowanej przez katolicyzm. Działania, które zostały podjęte w tym zakresie były zgodne z najnowocześniejszymi rozwiązaniami europejskimi tamtego okresu.Cel. Celem opracowania było przedstawienie opieki nad chorymi w nowożytnym Gdańsku, poprzez opiekę świecką, powierzaną opiekunkom, do jej przekazania osobom zakonnym.Wnioski. Zorganizowana opieka nad chorymi w Gdańsku rozwijała się dobrze ze względu na fakt, że wzorowano ją na innowacyjnych pomysłach stosowanych w dobrze rozwijających się miastach niemieckich. Z jej niedostatków, wynikających z faktu sprawowania przez osoby nieprzygotowane i bez powołania, wypłynęła idea przekazania opieki nad chorymi w ręce sióstr zakonnych.Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2014; 22 (4): 517–522 Introduction. The phenomenon of taking care of people in need has accompanied mankind since the beginning of its existence. However, it was Christian mercifulness which was the basis for the formation of the idea of taking care of the sick. For ages, Gdansk was the settlement of huge economic importance. Under the influence of reformation, a considerable part of its society started professing Protestantism. It caused the change of organisation of social help which, in consequence, had a remarkably different character than in Poland, dominated by Catholicism. Actions conducted in this area were equal to the most modern European solutions of that period. Aim. The aim of this paper was to present taking care the sick in early modern Gdansk held by secular care entrusted to carers which was later devolved to monastic people. Conclusions. Organized sick care in Gdansk was developing well because it was based on innovative ideas used in prosperous German cities. Because of the fact that too many unprepared people without vocation took care of the sick, the idea of devolving this care on lay sisters eventually arose.Nursing Topics 2014; 22 (4): 517–52

    Craving sensation in the assessment of alcohol-dependent persons

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the level of craving in alcohol-dependent subjects, as well as the age and gender-related differences in its occurrence. The correlations between the feeling of craving and the variables that affect its occurrence, such as the need for reward, the desire for relief, or obsessive thoughts about drinking and compulsive behaviours were also analysed. Methods: The study was conducted in a group of 220 subjects, including 110 men and 110 women diagnosed with alcohol dependence syndrome (F10.2). The study was carried out in the third week of therapy, with the use of Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (YBOCS-hd), Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS) and Craving Typology Questionnaire (CTQ). Results: No gender-related differences in the level of experienced craving and coping with it were found. However, numerous age-related differences in the prevalence of craving were observed. Younger subjects, in comparison to older ones, are characterised by more frequent occurrence of this symptom. The intensity and duration of craving sensations are also higher in the younger group. Conclusions: The approach to the problems of the occurrence of and coping with alcohol craving in the course of the therapy should be similar in men and women. However, there should be more focus on the working out of coping strategies, especially in the younger patients, because of the more frequent and intensive craving they experience, which poses a greater risk of relapse and recurrence of the problem