452 research outputs found

    The nerve cells of the neostriatum in the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus): a Golgi comparative study

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    The studies were carried out on 12 brains derived from adult representatives of two mammalian orders, Insectivora and Rodentia. The neostriatum was compared in the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Three main types of striatal neuron were distinguished in the common shrew and five types of neurons in the bank vole. The fifth type of bank vole neurons was additionally divided into two subtypes with respect to dendritic pattern

    The neuronal structure of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body in the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus): Golgi and Nissl studies

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    The topography and neuronal structure of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body (GLd) of the common shrew and the bank vole are similar. The lateral geniculate body of both the species examined has a homogeneous structure and no observable cytoarchitectonic lamination. On the basis of the shape of the dendritic arbours as well as the pattern of dendritic arborisations the following two types of neurons were distinguished. Type I “bushy” neurons that have multipolar or round perikarya (common shrew perikarya 9–12 µm, bank vole perikarya 10–13 µm), with 4–6 short thick dendritic trunks that subdivide into many bush-like branches. The dendritic trunks are smooth, in contrast to the distal branches, which are covered with numerous spine-like protrusions of different lengths and forms. An axon emerges from the soma, sometimes very close to one of the primary dendrites. The type I neurons are typically projection cells that send their axons to the primary visual cortex. These neurons predominate in the GLd of both species. Type II neurons, which have an elongated soma with primary dendrites arising from opposite poles of the perikaryon (common shrew perikarya 8–10 µm, bank vole perikarya 9–11 µm). The dendritic arbours of these cells are less extensive and their dendrites have fewer spines than those of the type I neurons. Axons were seldom observed. The type II neurons are presumably interneurons and are definitely less numerous than the type I neurons

    A morphometric study of the preoptic area of the guinea pig

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    The aim of the study was to provide the topography and morphometric characteristics of the preoptic area (POA) of the guinea pig. The study was carried out on the brains of sexually mature guinea pigs of both sexes. A uniform procedure was followed in the study of the paraffin-embedded brain tissue blocks of males and females. The blocks were cut in the coronal plane into 50 mm sections and stained according to the Nissl method. The guinea pig POA consists of four parts: the medial preoptic area (MPA), lateral preoptic area (LPA), periventricular preoptic nucleus (PPN), and median preoptic nucleus (MPN). The topography and general structure of POA parts are similar in males and females. However, the PPNa cells of females are more intensely stained and are more densely packed than the PPNa cells of males. For morphometric analysis, the MPA and LPA as well as PPN and MPN were considered respectively as uniform structures, namely MPA-LPA and PPN-MPN. The statistical analysis showed that the volume of the PPN-MPN was larger in males than in females, whereas the MPA-LPA volume did not differ between the sexes. Moreover, the numerical density and the total number of neurons were statistically larger in males than in females in both the MPA-LPA and PPN-MPN. The parameters describing POA neurons were larger for MPA-LPA neurons in comparison with the PPN-MPN neurons. However, in this respect no sex differences were observed in both studied complexes. Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 1: 15-2

    The neuronal structure of the preoptic area in the mole and the rabbit: Golgi and Nissl studies

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    The present studies were carried out on the brains of the adult mole and rabbit. The preparations were made by means of the Golgi technique and the Nissl method. Two types of neurons were distinguished in the preoptic area (POA) of both species: bipolar and multipolar. The bipolar neurons have oval, fusiform or round perikarya and two dendritic trunks arising from the opposite poles of the cell body. The dendrites bifurcate once or twice. The dendritic branches have swellings, single spine-like and filiform processes. The multipolar neurons usually have triangular and quadrangular perikarya and from 3 to 5 dendritic trunks. The dendrites of the mole neurons branch sparsely, whereas the dendrites of the rabbit neurons display 2 or 3 divisions. On the dendritic branches varicosities and different protuberances were observed. The general morphology of the bipolar and multipolar neurons is similar in the mammals studied, although the neurons of the rabbit POA display a more complicated structure. Their dendritic branches show more divisions and possess more swellings and different processes than the dendrites of the neurons of the mole POA. Furthermore, of the multipolar neurons only the dendrites in POA of the rabbit were observed to have a rosary-like beaded appearance

    COX2 as a protective modifier of CF pulmonary disease severity

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    A morphometric comparative study of the lateral geniculate body in selected placental mammals: the common shrew, the bank vole, the rabbit, and the fox

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    The lateral geniculate body (LGN) was morphometrically examined and compared in representatives of four mammalian orders (Insectivora, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, and Carnivora). In each studied species, the lateral geniculate body was divided into two distinct parts: the dorsal nucleus (LGNd) and the ventral nucleus (LGNv). The lateral geniculate body of the common shrew and the bank vole are very similar in appearance and nuclear pattern. The dorsal and ventral nuclei of these two species also have the most similar statistical characteristics. The lateral geniculate body of the fox has the most complicated morphology and multilayered structure. A significant disproportion was observed between the sizes of both geniculate nuclei in the fox, where the dorsal nucleus definitely surpassed the ventral nucleus in terms of volume. With the exception of the fox, the neuronal density of the LGN nuclei was negatively correlated with the volumes of the LGN. The mean neuronal size of the LGNd and LGNv, which was the resultant of the length, width, area, and circumference of the soma, grew correlatively to the volumes of these nuclei. In all examined species, somas of the LGNd neurons are distinctly larger and have more similar shapes than the LGNv perikarya. In addition, the numerical density of neurons in the ventral nucleus is significantly higher than in the dorsal nucleus. All these morphometric parameters clearly differentiate the LGNd from the LGNv

    Distribution of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript in the hippocampal formation of the guinea pig and domestic pig

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    This study provides a detailed description concerning the distribution of cocaineand amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) subunits - CART61-102 and rhCART28-116 - in the hippocampal formation (HF) of the guinea pig and domestic pig, focussing on the dentate gyrus (DG) and hippocampus proper (HP). Although in both studied species CART-immunoreactive (CART-IR) neuronal somata and processes were present generally in the same layers, some species-specific differences were still found. In the granular layer (GL) of both species, the ovalshaped neurons and some thick varicose fibres were encountered. In the guinea pig there was an immunoreactive “band of dots”, probably representing crosssectioned terminals within the DG molecular layer (MOL), whereas in the domestic pig, some varicose fibres were detected, thus suggesting a different orientation of, at least, some nerve terminals. Furthermore, some CART-positive cells and fibres were observed in the hilus (HL) of the guinea pig, whereas in the analogical part of the domestic pig only nerve terminals were labelled. In both species, in the pyramidal layer (PL) of the hippocampus proper, CART-IR triangular somata were observed in the CA3 sector, as well as some positive processes in MOL; however, a few immunoreactive perikarya were found only in the CA1 sector of the guinea pig. As regards the localization patterns of two isoforms of CART in the guinea pig, both peptide fragments were present simultaneously in each of the labelled neurons or fibres, whereas in the domestic pig three types of fibres may be distinguished within the area of the DG. In the hilus and MOL of the dentate gyrus, there were fibres expressing both isoforms of CART in their whole length (fibres of the first type). Fibres of the second type (in GL) coexpressed both peptides only on their short segments, and the last ones (in MOL) expressed solely rhCART28-116. These results indicate that the distribution of the two CART isoforms are specifically related, thus the relationship between the two CART isoforms may imply different metabolic profiles of CART-expressing neurons

    Configuring electronic states in an atomically precise array of quantum boxes

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    Communication.-- et al.A 2D array of electronically coupled quantum boxes is fabricated by means of on-surface self-assembly assuring ultimate precision of each box. The quantum states embedded in the boxes are configured by adsorbates, whose occupancy is controlled with atomic precision. The electronic interbox coupling can be maintained or significantly reduced by proper arrangement of empty and filled boxes.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), Swiss National Science Foundation (Grants Nos. 200020-149713 and 206021-121461), the Spanish Ministry of Economy (Grant No. MAT2013-46593-C6-4-P), the Basque Government (Grant No. IT621-13), the São Paulo Research Foundation (Grant No. 2013/04855-0), Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship Program, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO (Chemical Sciences, VIDI-Grant No. 700.10.424), the European Research Council (ERC-2012-StG 307760-SURFPRO), University of Basel, University of Heidelberg, Linköping University, University of Groningen, Paul Scherrer Institute, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) “Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO)” for a project of “Molecular technology and creation of new function.”Peer Reviewe

    The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of malignant melanoma

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    Malignant Melanoma is recognised by several radiotherapists to be radioresistant. Many radiobiological data and well-known differences in the morphology of melanoma suggest that this claim may be false.The data obtained are presented in the paper in a historical overview. Principles of the radiotherapy of melanoma are discussed. The results of palliative irradiation of 27 patients, treated at the GreatPoland Cancer Center in the years 1985–1989 are discussed

    71 Zasady leczenia napromienianiem chorych na czerniaka złośliwego na przykładzie chorych leczonych w Wielkopolskim Centrum Onkologii

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    WstępCzerniak złośliwy był uważany przez wiele lat na nowotwór promieniooporny. Liczne badania nad radiobiologią czerniaka oraz stwierdzona różnorodność morfologiczna tego nowotworu spowodowały zmianę tej opinii. Przedstawiono wybrane wyniki leczenia czerniaka napromienianiem uzyskiwane przez różnych autorów oraz wyniki własne. Omówiono zasady leczenia czerniaka napromienianiem.Materiał i metodyPrzedstawiono wyniki leczenia napromienianiem 57 chorych z czerniakiem złośliwym skóry leczonych w Wielkopolskim Centrum Onkologii w latach 1970–1003. Omówiono dane kliniczne histopatologiczne i wyniki przeżyć 5 letnich.Wyniki: Pomimo dużego zaawansowania i leczenia często z założeniem paliatywnym uzyskano 40,4% 5-letnich przeżyć. Uzyskanie remisji całkowitej zmian leczonych napromienianiem pozwoliło na wzrost odsetka przeżyć 5 letnich.Wnioski1.Paliatywna radioterapia umożliwia przeżycie 5-letnie części chorych.2.Nie ma wskazań do uznania czerniaka złośliwego jako nowotwór promieniooporny