39 research outputs found

    Poziom wiedzy na temat dysfagii wśród pielęgniarek neurologicznych i internistycznych

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    Introduction. Dysphagia is defined as swallowing disorders which causes malnourished, aspiration pneumonia andincreased number of deaths. The best method to diagnose dysphagia are screening tests. Due to the tests it is possibleto introduce an accurate therapy and make a team of therapists to participate in. According to the information theknowledge about this kind of dysfunction is important among nurses.Aim. The main goal of my diploma project was to measure the level of knowledge about dysphagia among thenurses from neurological and internal wards.Material and Methods. The scientific method, which has been used to make the research was diagnosis soundingincluding the surveys. Research tool which has been used while the research was especially made and dedicated formy project own questionnaire of surveys.Results. In the research have taken a part 70 nurses in the age over 22 year-old, who are active in their jobs andwork at neurological and internal wards in the hospitals of Gdańsk. The research has proved higher knowledge levelof the nurses working at neurological wards. All the surveyed people showed the knowledge about the definitionof dysphagia as well as about the food which every sick person should consume and avoid.Conclusions. Own research has shown that the garden of respondents does not affect the level of knowledge aboutdysphagia. The age of the respondents shows no relation to the level of nurses’ knowledge about dysphagia. In turn,seniority affect the knowledge of nurses in this area. The greater the seniority, the higher the level of knowledge ofthe topic in the field of dysphagia. Similarly the workplace. Neurological nurses were characterized by a higher levelof knowledge about dysphagia than nurses from internal medicine departments, while the level of knowledge aboutdysphagia does not depend on the education of the nurses surveyed. (JNNN 2021;10(1):10–17)Wstęp. Dysfagia to zaburzenia połykania powodujące niedożywienie, zachłystowe zapalenie płuc oraz zwiększająśmiertelność. W celu szybkiego rozpoznania dysfagii, pomocne są przesiewowe testy do wykrywania zaburzeń połykania.Dzięki nim, można wprowadzić odpowiednią terapię, w której uczestniczy cały zespół terapeutyczny. Dlatego niezwykleważna jest wiedza pielęgniarek na temat zaburzeń połykania.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy na temat dysfagii wśród pielęgniarek oddziałów neurologicznychi wewnętrznych.Materiał i metody. Metodą badawczą, która została wykorzystana do przeprowadzenia badania był sondaż diagnostycznywraz z techniką ankietową. Narzędziem badawczym, jakim się posłużono podczas badania był autorski kwestionariuszankiety.Wyniki. W badaniu wzięło udział 70 pielęgniarek w wieku od 22 roku życia, które czynnie pracują w zawodziew gdańskich szpitalach — oddziałach neurologicznych i wewnętrznych. Badanie wykazało wyższy poziom wiedzywśród pielęgniarek zatrudnionych w oddziałach neurologicznych. Wszystkie badane osoby wykazały wiedzę, dotyczącądefinicji dysfagii oraz pokarmów jakie powinien spożywać pacjent, a czego powinien unikać chory z dysfagią.Wnioski. Badania własne wykazały, że płeć respondentów nie wpływa na poziom wiedzy na temat dysfagii. Wiekosób badanych nie wykazuje związku z poziomem wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat dysfagii. Z kolei staż pracy rzutujena wiedzę pielęgniarek w tym obszarze. Im większy staż pracy, tym wyższy poziom wiedzy badanych w zakresiedysfagii. Podobnie miejsce pracy. Pielęgniarki neurologiczne charakteryzowały się wyższym poziomem wiedzy na tematdysfagii niż pielęgniarki z oddziałów internistycznych. Natomiast poziom wiedzy na temat dysfagii nie zależyod wykształcenia badanych pielęgniarek. (PNN 2021;10(1):10–17

    Total pain in a patient with lung cancer diagnosis

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    Pain is experienced by most cancer patients. According to the definition of the International Society forthe Study of Pain (IASP), pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resemblingthat associated with, actual or potential tissue damage. This very “medical” definition indicatesthat pain is a mental, subjective, sensual, emotional, and unpleasant phenomenon. In palliative care, thereis often a need for a better and deeper understanding of what “total” pain can be. The case of a youngpatient with lung cancer diagnosis presented an opportunity to describe characteristics of such pain, whichencompasses physical, mental, social and spiritual suffering

    Marshall Rosenberg’s non-violent communication as the language of life in a doctor–patient relationship

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    The aim of the article is to present Marshall Bertrand Rosenberg’s concept of non-violent communication(NVC) and usefulness in the doctor-patient relationship. M. B. Rosenberg’s concept of NVC was basedon the assumption that a person’s natural ability is empathy directed towards other people and towardsthemselves. However, our culture suppresses these natural abilities. The language offers many expressionsthat block natural compassion because they are overfilled with moral judgments, judging comparisons,punishments, arousing feelings of guilt or shame. The author of NVC proposes a four-phase model ofempathic non-violent and non-manipulative communication, which is the basis for changes in the thoughtprocess: observing without judging, recognising, relating the feelings currently experienced to needs (values)and formulating concrete requests instead of demands

    The Assessment of the Occurrence of Benign Hypermobility Joint Syndrome in Physiotherapy Students

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    The occurrence of connective tissue disorders is an important factor for development of occupational diseases in professions requiring a non-ergonomic and often static load of the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms of the connective tissue disorders appear at different ages. The diagnosis of hypermobility is an important problem due to the lack of uniform diagnostic criteria. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the incidence of joint hypermobility and its relation with a history of injuries and the level of physical activity in Physiotherapy students. The study involved 143 students (69% female, 31% male) aged 18 to 27 years (M = 20.7; SD = 1.43). The assessment of the occurrence of Benign Hypermobility Joint Syndrome (BHJS) syndrome was performed using the Beighton and Brighton scale. Among the surveyed students almost 82% of the women and just over 18% of the men fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of hypermobility. A significant difference was also observed in the physical activity of the students. Among those who showed no signs of hypermobility exactly half of the participants trained sports as amateurs, while in the group of people with hypermobility the proportion was lower by nearly half. BHJS was not related to injuries and operations in the study group

    Antagonistic activity of some fungi and Actinomycetes against pathogens of damping-off of sugar beet seed lings

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    The antagonistic activity of some Biological Control Agents (BCA) isolates of Trichoderma sp., Penicillium sp., Gliocladium sp., and Actinomycetes - Streptomyces sp. against pathogens of sugar beet damping-off: Aphanomyces cochlioides, Pythium debaryanum and Phoma betae was tested in vivo and in vitro. Fourty-nine isolates of fungi and seventy four of Actinomycetes were isolated from compost and soil in which those pathogens did not occur. The microorganisms effective against at least two pathogens in vitro tests were incorporated into the soil or added to the seed as a treatment during pelleting process. The microorganisms used in vivo tests limited the number of infected seedlings. Some of them protected emerging plants on the same level as fungicides commercially used for seed treatment

    The presentation of gender images in reading textbooks for early elementary school children

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the gender images presented to second grade students in three randomly selected second grade California state approved reading series which are currently used in the California Public Schools. Through content analysis, this study examined the following gender role variables as depicted by female and male characters in 94 stories: visibility, roles portrayed, tools/artifacts used, occupations, level of dependency, socio-economic standing, problem-solving strategies and context, and emotions and their contests. In order to establish reliability of the examiner\u27s content analysis, every seventh story was analyzed across these variables by a panel of four independent raters. All data collected were subjected to either a chi-square analysis or summarized in frequency distributions to determine significance. The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this study: (a) male characters outnumbered female characters, (b) female characters were underrepresented in leadership positions, (c) both genders were equally depicted as followers, (d) stereotypic depictions continued in the realm of tool/implement use, (e) both females and males were shown as needing, asking for, and getting help, (f) females and males were depicted stereotypically in the work world, (g) there was improvement in depicting both genders as socio-economic equals, (h) females were shown as competent problem solvers, but in much smaller numbers than male characters, and (i) both genders were depicted as possessing and showing emotions such as fear, worry, and anger. In order to limit the impact on children exposed to such gender images, the following recommendations were made: (a) that mental health professionals consider the importance of learned gender stereotypes when dealing with child and adults clients, especially when the referring concerns deal with depression in females and aggression in males, (b) school counselors and psychologists should provide children with more balanced gender role models, (c) school boards should make the adoption of gender neutral textbooks district level policy, (d) textbook adoption committees should be provided with sensitization to gender stereotyping, (e) parents and teachers should furnish children with alternative non-stereotypic models, and (f) parents should review textbooks for gender stereotypes and to inform their school districts of the unacceptability of such materials

    The presentation of gender images in reading textbooks for early elementary school children

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the gender images presented to second grade students in three randomly selected second grade California state approved reading series which are currently used in the California Public Schools. Through content analysis, this study examined the following gender role variables as depicted by female and male characters in 94 stories: visibility, roles portrayed, tools/artifacts used, occupations, level of dependency, socio-economic standing, problem-solving strategies and context, and emotions and their contests. In order to establish reliability of the examiner\u27s content analysis, every seventh story was analyzed across these variables by a panel of four independent raters. All data collected were subjected to either a chi-square analysis or summarized in frequency distributions to determine significance. The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this study: (a) male characters outnumbered female characters, (b) female characters were underrepresented in leadership positions, (c) both genders were equally depicted as followers, (d) stereotypic depictions continued in the realm of tool/implement use, (e) both females and males were shown as needing, asking for, and getting help, (f) females and males were depicted stereotypically in the work world, (g) there was improvement in depicting both genders as socio-economic equals, (h) females were shown as competent problem solvers, but in much smaller numbers than male characters, and (i) both genders were depicted as possessing and showing emotions such as fear, worry, and anger. In order to limit the impact on children exposed to such gender images, the following recommendations were made: (a) that mental health professionals consider the importance of learned gender stereotypes when dealing with child and adults clients, especially when the referring concerns deal with depression in females and aggression in males, (b) school counselors and psychologists should provide children with more balanced gender role models, (c) school boards should make the adoption of gender neutral textbooks district level policy, (d) textbook adoption committees should be provided with sensitization to gender stereotyping, (e) parents and teachers should furnish children with alternative non-stereotypic models, and (f) parents should review textbooks for gender stereotypes and to inform their school districts of the unacceptability of such materials

    The postgraduate education of nurses and midwives in the area of the Pomeranian Voivodeship between 1980–2000

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    Doświadczenie ciągłych przemian ekonomicznych, społecznych oraz kulturowych, które przyniósł XXI wiek, jest wynikiem dynamicznego rozwoju cywilizacyjnego, postępów w rozwoju nauki oraz techniki, a także globalizacji. Obecnie w pracy zawodowej niezbędne są przede wszystkim umiejętności sprawnego posługiwania się nowoczesnymi technologiami, oprogramowaniem komputerowym oraz dostosowywanie się do współczesnych trendów w organizacji pracy. Sytuacja ta powoduje szybką dezaktualizację wykształcenia oraz nabytych kompetencji zawodowych. Strategią zapobiegawczą jest niewątpliwie kształcenie ustawiczne. Kompetencje zawodowe pielęgniarek i położnych, uzyskane w trakcie studiów licencjackich oraz magisterskich uprawniają do wykonywania zawodu, należy jednak szczególnie zaakcentować konieczność ich ustawicznego weryfikowania oraz pogłębiania wynikającą z faktu dynamicznego rozwoju medycyny. Proces kształcenia ustawicznego w profesji pielęgniarki i położnej reguluje ustawa o tych zawodach zawierająca zapis, że pielęgniarka, położna ma obowiązek stałego aktualizowania swojej wiedzy i umiejętności zawodowych, posiada także prawo do doskonalenia zawodowego w różnych rodzajach kształcenia podyplomowego. Celem pracy było zaprezentowanie historycznych faktów z działalności w zakresie kształcenia podyplomowego pielęgniarek i położnych Wojewódzkiego Ośrodka Doskonalenia Kadr Medycznych w Gdańsku, będącego filią Ośrodka warszawskiego, w latach 1980–2000. Zgromadzone dla potrzeb niniejszej publikacji dane pochodzą z archiwum Pomorskiego Urzędu Wojewódzkiego w Gdańsku.The experience of constant economic, social and cultural changes, which has been brought on us along with the beginning of the 21st century, is the result of a dynamic civilized, scientific and technical progress, as well as globalization. Nowadays, in one’s professional life, it is crucial to use modern technologies, computer software and to cope with modern trends as far as organizing one’s workplace is concerned. Such situation causes swift outdating of any acquired professional competence. Constant education seems to be a good way of preventing it from happening. The nurses’ and midwives’ professional competence, gained during their higher education process, allow them to do their work, however it ought to be specifically pointed out that they need to constantly verify and deepen their education due to the dynamic development of medicine. The process of constant studying and education in the reality of a nurse’s or midwife’s professional life is regulated by the act of law pointing out that a nurse or a midwife is obligated to constantly update their knowledge and professional skills, they are also entitled to improve their professional skills by participating in different kinds of postgraduate courses. The purpose of the dissertation is to present historical facts concerning postgraduate education of nurses and midwives from Gdańsk Center of Medical Personnel Development, which was a branch of a Warsaw Center between years 1980–2000. Data gathered for the purpose of this publication was taken from Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Gdańsk

    Polish periodical press for nurses

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    Określenie „czasopisma naukowe” dotyczy dzienników o pewnym zróżnicowaniu publikacyjnym, wśród których znajdują się monografie, określane także jako czasopisma przeglądowe, dotyczą konkretnych dziedzin wiedzy, ich zadaniem jest upowszechnianie najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych. Obok nich znajdują się także czasopisma zamieszczające prace badawcze, gdzie wyniki owych prac bywają inspiracją dla pracy naukowej kolejnych eksperymentatorów. Istnieją także czasopisma, które łącza obie te funkcje, a wiec takie, które na swoich łamach zamieszczają zarówno prace badawcze, jak i przeglądowe. Niezależnie jednak od rodzaju publikowanego materiału, każde czasopismo naukowe jest przekaźnikiem informacji, integruje środowisko, przyczynia się do upowszechniania i doskonalenia wiedzy z danej dyscypliny naukowej. Celem pracy było ukazanie rozwoju profesjonalnych czasopism dotyczących opieki pielęgniarskiej i położniczej. Jako technikę badawczą wykorzystano analizę źródeł piśmiennictwa, w tym pozycji zwartych i artykułów o charakterze biograficznym. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2012; 20 (4): 535–538The term “scientific magazine” involves publication-diversified journals. There are monographs among them, described also as “survey journals” which concern concrete fields of knowledge. Their task is to popularize the newest scientific achievements. Apart from them, we can also find journals in which scientific research can be found, and the results of the research are often inspiring for the next scientific experimenters. What is more, there are also magazines which combine both models, i.e. periodicals in which both scientific and survey research are published. The exact kind of a scientific journal is irrelevant though, as each of them is the notion of information, integrates the environment and allows a given scientific discipline to be popularized and improved. The aim of the given thesis is to show the development of professional periodical press concerning nursing care. The analysis of writing sources is the scientific technique used in the work, including the analysis of non-serial publications and biographical articles. Nursing Topics 2012; 20 (4): 535–53