20 research outputs found
Non-pegylated liposomal doxorubicin use in the treatment of bilateral breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer between women. It is the most common cancer among residents of USA, Canada, Australia and West Europe. Metastatic breast cancer is an incurable disease. Women with metastatic breast cancer are treated with systemic therapy. In this phase of the disease treatment is palliative and its aim is to prolong and improve the quality of life. Not yet determined the optimal first-line treatment regimen. The selection should take into account the effectiveness and adverse event profile depending on the individual characteristics of patients.
The most active biological agents used to treat breast cancer are anthracyclines. The use of anthracyclines is limited by their cardiotoxicity mainly as a consequence of triggering of congestive heart failure. Currently, there is a possibility to re-apply after the introduction of liposomal anthracyclines form of these drugs.
Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; supl. A: A40–A42Rak piersi jest najczęstszym nowotworem złośliwym występującym u kobiet, głównie mieszkanek krajów wysoko cywilizowanych, takich jak Stany Zjednoczone, Kanada, Australia czy kraje Europy Zachodniej.
Uogólniony rak piersi jest chorobą nieuleczalną. Chore, u których stwierdza się przerzuty odległe, są leczone systemowo. W tej fazie choroby leczenie ma charakter paliatywny, a jego celem jest przedłużenie i poprawa jakości życia. Dotychczas nie ustalono optymalnego schematu pierwszej linii leczenia. Wybór powinien uwzględnić skuteczność oraz profil działań niepożądanych w zależności od indywidualnych cech chorych. Do najaktywniejszych biologicznie leków stosowanych w terapii chorych na raka piersi należą antracykliny. Zastosowanie tego leku jest ograniczone przede wszystkim przez jego kardiotoksyczność, doprowadzającą w konsekwencji do zastoinowej niewydolności serca. Obecnie istnieje możliwość
ponownego zastosowania antracyklin po wprowadzeniu liposomalnych postaci tych leków.
Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; supl. A: A40–A4
The TRAF2 and TRAF6 expression in myomas and myometrium of women in reproduction and perimenopausal age.
Uterine myomas represent one of the most common female diseases. Uterine myomas or fibromas are benign, hormone-responding tumours of, respectively, smooth muscles and fibroblasts and their aetiology induces a significant interest. In myomas the presence of aromatase was detected and, in addition, oestrogen was found to be synthesized in myoma cells. The studies were performed on myoma patients of generative age and those in peri-menopausal age. Expression of TRAF2 and TRAF6 proteins was examined using immunohistochemistry and Western blot approach in small and large uterine myomas isolated from women of various age. In addition, the evaluation was conducted at the periphery of every myoma. We indicated that the level of both tested proteins in myomas is higher than in control. TRAF2 level in myometrium was lower than in myomas but higher than in control. In the case of TRAF6 those changes were ambiguous. Age didn't have influence the level of expression in both tested TRAF in studied structures
Antiepileptic drug tiagabine does not directly target key cardiac ion channels Kv11.1, Nav1.5 and Cav1.2
Tiagabine is an antiepileptic drug used for the treatment of partial seizures in humans. Recently, this drug has been found useful in several non-epileptic conditions, including anxiety, chronic pain and sleep disorders. Since tachycardia—an impairment of cardiac rhythm due to cardiac ion channel dysfunction—is one of the most commonly reported non-neurological adverse effects of this drug, in the present paper we have undertaken pharmacological and numerical studies to assess a potential cardiovascular risk associated with the use of tiagabine. A chemical interaction of tiagabine with a model of human voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) is described using the molecular docking method. The obtained in silico results imply that the adverse effects reported so far in the clinical cardiological of tiagabine could not be directly attributed to its interactions with VGICs. This is also confirmed by the results from the isolated organ studies (i.e., calcium entry blocking properties test) and in vivo (electrocardiogram study) assays of the present research. It was found that tachycardia and other tiagabine-induced cardiac complications are not due to a direct effect of this drug on ventricular depolarization and repolarization
Global evolution and dynamics of the geomagnetic field in the 15–70 kyr period based on selected paleomagnetic sediment records
Reconstructions of the geomagnetic field on long timescales are important to understand the geodynamo processes in the Earth’s core. The geomagnetic field exhibits a range of variations that vary from normal, dipole–dominated secular variation to geomagnetic excursions and reversals. These transitional events are associated with significant directional deviations and very low intensities. Here we present a new, global geomagnetic field model spanning the period 70–15 ka (GGFSS70) that includes three excursions: Norwegian–Greenland Sea, Laschamps, and Mono Lake/Auckland. The model is built from nine globally distributed, high–resolution, well–dated, sedimentary paleomagnetic records. The GGFSS70 indicates that the axial–dipole component changed sign for about 300 years in the middle of the Laschamps excursion (41.25–40.93 ka). The energy comparison at the Earth’s surface reveals that the axial–dipole energy is always higher than the non-axial-dipole except over the Laschamps. In the other two excursions, the axial-dipole is reduced by about one order of magnitude for the Norwegian–Greenland Sea excursion and less for the Mono Lake/Auckland. At the core–mantle boundary, the large–scale non-axial-dipole power is comparable to the axial-dipole power, except over the excursions when the axial-dipole decreases, though less clearly for the Mono Lake/Auckland excursion. The axial dipole moment over the 15–70 ka varies from 0 to 8 ×1022 Am2, with an average and standard deviation of 5.1±1.5 ×1022Am2. The Laschamps excursion is associated with growth and poleward movement of reversed flux patches and reversed field in the tangent cylinder at the excursion midpoint, which is not the case for the other two excursions.
Plain Language Summary
Earth possesses a magnetic field that is constantly changing in time and space. Its source is located in the outer core and the mechanism by which the geomagnetic field is generated is known as the geodynamo. Studying the field on long timescales contributes to a better understanding of the source processes. The geomagnetic field can be approximated as a dipole, except during reversals and excursions. The past 70,000 years period contains three geomagnetic excursions, the Norwegian--Greenland Sea (65,000 years ago), Laschamps (41,000), and Mono Lake/Auckland (34,000). During the excursions, the intensity is globally very low and the poles may or may not change polarity. However, they always recover to the original polarity in contrast to the reversals, when the North Pole becomes South and the South becomes North. To model the long--term field variations, we rely on geological archives, sediments and rocks, that record and preserve the geomagnetic field. We selected the best sedimentary records in terms of magnetic components and good age control. The Laschamps excursion is the most pronounced event in this period, has the lowest dipole moment, and is observed globally. The other two events occur at regional scales and have only a moderate dipole moment decrease
Polish Pharmacy Students’ Attitudes toward Undergraduate Teaching and Practical Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care—A Cross Sectional Study
It is necessary to monitor and adapt pharmacy curricula to make graduates ready to effectively meet the health needs of the society. Therefore, the aim of the study was to obtain Polish final year pharmacy students’ opinions on the activities related to pharmaceutical care (PC) andtheir perception of PC. Two questionnaires were used: one evaluating a PC regarding classes and in practice (n = 64), and the other on the assessment of existing educational solutions in the field of professional counseling (n = 118). Statistical analysis showed that the students agreed that there are not enough hours of a PC classes, since these are necessary to enable them to provide PC services in the future (R = 0.05, p = 0.0007). In previous classes, teachers’ knowledge was rated the highest on a five-point scale (4.74), and role play (3.92) and the duration of the classes (3.77) were rated the lowest. Although the students were aware of the role of a PC in the work of a pharmacist, they indicated that more extensive use of active learning methods would better prepare them for the profession. Therefore, pharmacy students’ self-efficacy survey and a curriculum renewal would be recommended in Poland