955 research outputs found

    Penyelenggaraan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa di Desa Nusantara Jaya Kecamatan Keritang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Tahun 2015

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    The village administration is spearheading national development which is led by a village chief as the holder helm of the highest in the country, as the main determinant for success in rural development. As supreme leader, village head should perform well in the governance process stipulated in Law No. 6 2014. Implementation of Rural Infrastructure Development is the development of village infrastructure such as public facilities and infrastructure. Implementation of village infrastructure development such as public facilities and infrastructure aims to improve the welfare of people and improve human resources, expected in order to improve a better life, which is implemented through a pattern of community empowerment. However, irregularities in implementation of rural infrastructure development, this was due to lack of supervision in the implementation of rural infrastructure development. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the implementation of infrastructure development in the village of Desa Nusantara Jaya subdistrict Keritang Indragiri Hilir. The concept of the theory used is the management which includes planning, organizing, implementation and supervision. To analyze the implementation of rural infrastructure development in the Village Nusantara Jaya subdistrict Keritang Indragiri Hilir, researchers used the theory of George R.Terry in Manullang (2012: 8), this study uses qualitative research methods to study descriptively. In collecting the data, the authors use the technique of interview, observation and documentation. By using key informen as a source of information and as a source triangulation techniques in testing the validity of the data. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of rural infrastructure development are not fully implemented in accordance with existing regulations. In the implementation of rural infrastructure development is still the occurrence of irregularities in the process of development of rural infrastructure. Meanwhile inhibiting factors in the implementation of rural infrastructure development is the budget or the perceived costs less. Inaccuracy of materials, time and labor in the implementation of rural development

    Motivasi Mahasiswa Akuntansi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Minat Untuk Mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (Studi Empiris Di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mulawarman)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh motivasi terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi. Motivasi dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari motivasi kualitas, motivasi karir, dan motivasi ekonomi. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan pada 88 responden sebagai sampel penelitian. Model analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi kualitas dan motivasi karir berpengaruh secara positif terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi. Akan tetapi, motivasi ekonomi berpengaruh secara negatif terhadap minat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Gizi Buruk pada Balita Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining di Puskesmas Tinewati

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    Gizi buruk adalah keadaan dimana asupan gizi sangat kurang dari kebutuhan tubuh. Umumnya gizi buruk ini diderita oleh Balita karena pada usia tersebut terjadi peningkatan energi yang sangat tajam dan peningkatan kerentanan terhadap infeksi virus atau bakteri. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sistem pakar menggunakan metode Forward Chaining, yang mana dapat mendiagnosis gizi buruk melalui pengukuran antropometri terlebih dahulu untuk menentukan status gizi Balita kemudian melanjutkan ke tahap diagnosis berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang diketahui sehingga dapat menghasilkan penyakit gizi buruk pada Balita. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun dan membuat sistem pakar yang mampu mendiagnosis gizi buruk pada Balita umur 1-5 tahun. Pembuatan sistem pakar ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman java dan my SQL sebagai databasenya. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu bidan dalam menentukan status gizi Balita berdasarkan berat badan per umur (BB/U) dan mendiagnosis gizi berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang diketahui

    FPGA based data acquisition system for COMPASS experiment

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    This paper discusses the present data acquisition system (DAQ) of the COMPASS experiment at CERN and presents development of a new DAQ. The new DAQ must preserve present data format and be able to communicate with FPGA cards. Parts of the new DAQ are based on state machines and they are implemented in C++ with usage of the QT framework, the DIM library, and the IPBus technology. Prototype of the system is prepared and communication through DIM between parts was tested. An implementation of the IPBus technology was prepared and tested. The new DAQ proved to be able to fulfill requirements.Comment: 8 pages, CHEP 201

    Improving Students Ability in Reading Comprehension Hortatory Exposition Text Through Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

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    This study was a classroom action research (CAR) at eleventh grade students of MA Negeri 02 Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012. The aim of this research is to know how well cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) help the students in reading comprehension. The tools of data collecting in this research were observation checklist, field note and writing test. Data was analyzed by using scoring profile. The analysis of students test result covered students ability in finding out the main idea, details, reference, understanding the inference and vocabulary and making the summary of text. The students ability in reading comprehension hortatory exposition text improved in three cycles, from 4.87 (multiple choice) and 6.54 (essay) in cycle 1, then improved in cycle 2, 7.72(multiple choice) and 4.55 (essay), up to 8.6 (multiple choice) and 8.7 (essay) in cycle 3

    Early Lance-Adams syndrome after cardiac arrest: Prevalence, time to return to awareness, and outcome in a large cohort.

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    Early myoclonus after cardiac arrest (CA) is traditionally viewed as a poor prognostic sign (status myoclonus). However, some patients may present early Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS): under appropriate treatment, they can reach a satisfactory functional outcome. Our aim was to describe their profile, focusing on pharmacologic management in the ICU, time to return of awareness, and long-term prognosis. Adults with early LAS (defined as generalized myoclonus within 96h, with epileptiform EEG within 48h after CA) were retrospectively identified in our CA registry between 2006 and 2016. Functional outcome was assessed through cerebral performance categories (CPC) at 3 months, CPC 1-2 defined good outcome. Among 458 consecutive patients, 7 (1.5%) developed early LAS (4 women, median age 59 years). Within 72h after CA, in normothemia and off sedation, all showed preserved brainstem reflexes and localized pain. All patients were initially treated with valproate, levetiracetam and clonazepam; additional agents, including propofol and midazolam, were prescribed in the majority. First signs of awareness occurred after 3-23 days (median 11.8); 3/7 reached a good outcome at 3 months. Early after CA, myoclonus together with a reactive, epileptiform EEG, preserved evoked potentials and brainstem reflexes suggests LAS. This condition was managed with a combination of highly dosed, large spectrum antiepileptic agents including propofol and midazolam. Even if awakening was at times delayed, good outcome occurred in a substantial proportion of patients

    Penurunan Ansietas Dalam Menghadapi Ujian Nasional Pada Siswa Kelas XII SMAN X Melalui Pemberian Terapi Suportif

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    Penelitian bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh terapi suportif terhadap ansietas siswa dalam menghadapi UN. Menggunakan desain quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. 82 sampel dipilih secara purposive sampling. Instrumen berupa kuesioner data demografi dan pengukuran skala ansietas yang valid dan reliabel. Analisis data menggunakan independent ttest, dependent t-test dan regresi linier ganda. Hasil menunjukkan penurunan ansietas pada kedua kelompok (p-value 0,000 < α 0,025) dengan selisih score ansietas kelompok intervensi (0,821) dan kelompok kontrol (0,454). Penurunan ansietas dipengaruhi oleh terapi suportif, jenis kelamin dan penghasilan orang tua, dengan peluang Perubahan 27,9%. Terapi direkomendasikan untuk mengatasi ansietas pada siswa yang menghadapi UN

    Management and prognosis of status epilepticus according to hospital setting: a prospective study.

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    BACKGROUND: The treatment of status epilepticus (SE) is based on relatively little evidence although several guidelines have been published. A recent study reported a worse SE prognosis in a large urban setting as compared to a peripheral hospital, postulating better management in the latter. The aim of this study was to analyse SE episodes occurring in different settings and address possible explanatory variables regarding outcome, including treatment quality. METHODS: Over six months we prospectively recorded consecutive adults with SE (fit lasting five or more minutes) at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and in six peripheral hospitals (PH) in the same region. Demographical, historical and clinical variables were collected, including SE severity estimation (STESS score) and adherence to Swiss SE treatment guidelines. Outcome at discharge was categorised as "good" (return to baseline), or "poor" (persistent neurological sequelae or death). RESULTS: Of 54 patients (CHUV: 36; PH 18), 33% had a poor outcome. Whilst age, SE severity, percentage of SE episodes lasting less than 30 minutes and total SE duration were similar, fewer patients had a good outcome at the CHUV (61% vs 83%; OR 3.57; 95% CI 0.8-22.1). Mortality was 14% at the CHUV and 5% at the PH. Most treatments were in agreement with national guidelines, although less often in PH (78% vs 97%, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Although not statistically significant, we observed a slightly worse SE prognosis in a large academic centre as compared to smaller hospitals. Since SE severity was similar in the two settings but adherence to national treatment guidelines was higher in the academic centre, further investigation on the prognostic role of SE treatment and outcome determinants is required

    Test Kit untuk Analisis Sianida dalam Ketela Pohon Berdasarkan Pembentukan Hidrindantin

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    Cyanide is a highly toxic substance, which causes high number of poisoning by cyanide in a variety of foodstuffs; therefore the availability of test kits as fast and easy tool for analyzing cyanide is extremely demanded. The proposed cyanide test kit is developed based on the reaction of cyanide and nynhidrine to form a blue hydrindantin under strong basic solution. Cyanide test kit was optimized toward the λ maximum, pH, stability time of complex and concentration of nynhidrine. Optimization of maximum λ was done by measuring absorbance using visible spectrophotometer at range λ 560-620 nm. Optimization of pH was done by conditioning hydrindantine complex using NaOH solution to obtain pH of 9-14. Optimization of stability time of complex was done by monitoring complex under time range 0-120 minutes. The optimization of ninhydrin concentration was performed by varying the concentration of ninhydrin in range 0.5 to 3.5%. The results showed that the optimum conditions were: λ 590 nm, pH 12, the stability time of complex of 30 minutes, and concentration of ninhydrin of 1%. Test kit can determine cyanide at the range 1-10 ppm. test kit has been validated and applied for measuring cyanide in cassava with reliable results