9 research outputs found

    Tingkat Empati Mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia

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    Latar Belakang. Empati merupakan faktor penting dalam perawatan, pendidikan kedokteran, dan profesionalisme. Tujuan. Mengetahui tingkat empati mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura. Metodologi. Desain penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang, jumlah sampel 86 mahasiswa kedokteran tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga, dan keempat, dipilih menggunakan Probability Sampling jenis Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Pengumpulan data primer menggunakan kuesioner Jefferson Scale of Empathy Student version (JSE S-Version) yang telah diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia. Data sekunder berupa informasi jumlah mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga dan keempat. Analisis statistik uji T tidak berpasangan dan uji One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Hasil. Rerata skor empati mahasiswa program studi kedokteran tahun pertama, kedua, ketiga, dan keempat adalah 114,77 (SD 10,187). Mahasiswa yang memiliki tingkat empati rendah sebanyak 45 (52,3%) mahasiswa, dan yang memiliki tingkat empati tinggi sebanyak 41 (47,7%) mahasiswa. Hasil analisis statistik variabel jenis kelamin menunjukkan perbedaan rerata skor empati yang signifikan (p = 0,037), sedangkan variabel tahun pendidikan menunjukan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan (p = 0,136). Simpulan. Rerata skor empati mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura 114,77 menunjukkan tingkat empati yang tinggi. Mahasiswa perempuan memiliki rerata skor empati lebih tinggi dibandingkan mahasiswa laki-laki. Rerata skor empati mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran menurun tidak signifikan seiring meningkatnya tahun pendidikan. Background. Empathy is an important factor in patient care, medical education, and professionalism. Purpose. To measure the level of empathy among medical students at the Faculty of Medicine Tanjungpura University. Methodology. The research design was analytic cross-sectional approach with 86 respondents from first, second, third, and fourth year medical students, using the Probability Sampling method of Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Primary data was collected by Jefferson Scale of Empathy Student version (JSE S-Version) questionnaire Indonesian translation. Secondary data was from information on the Medical Study Program students in the first, second, third, and fourth year. Statistical analysis used independent samples T test and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test. Results. The mean empathy scores of first, second, third, and fourth year medical students are 114,77 (SD 10,187). Students with low level of empathy are 45 (52.3%) students, and high level of empathy was found in 41 (47.7%) students. Statistical analysis on gender variable showed a significant difference in the mean score of empathy (p = 0.037), while on the year of education variable did not result in significant difference (p = 0.037). Conclusion. The average empathy score among medical student at the Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University was 114.77, indicates a high level of empathy. Female students had higher mean empathy scores than male students. The mean empathy score of Medical Study Program students decreased not significantly with increasing years of education. Novta Rouli Sihombing, Ita Armyanti, Arif Wicaksono. Level of Empath

    Structural and physiological properties of natural petroleum acids from middle oil fractions of "Kelebija" oil

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    The investigated petroleum acids have been isolated from middle oil fractions (b.p. 270-380°C) of Vojvodina crude oil "Kelebija." Group-structural analysis was performed with low resolution mass spectrometry using Field Ionization and Chemical Ionization. The identified carboxylic acids, CnH2n+zO2, belong to the series of monocyclic, bicyclic, tricyclic and tetracyclic carboxylic acids. Physiological activity of isolated petroleum acids was determined using aqueous solutions of potassium salts. High auxin activity was determined using the coleoptile test (20.5% increase in coleoptile) with petroleum acid concentration of 10-7M, and very high biological activity of gibberellin type was determined using the endosperm test (31.6% increase in concentration of reducing sugars) with petroleum acid concentration of 10-7M

    Optimization of petroleum acid isolation from lower oil fractions of Vojvodina "Velebit" oil

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    Petroleum acids can be obtained from oil and oil derivatives by alkaline extraction. The aim of this work was to optimize the process of alkaline extraction of petroleum acids from light commercial oil fractions of Vojvodina "Velebit" oil by changing the contact time of oil fraction with strong alkali and by changing the reaction temperature. Optimal conditions for isolation of petroleum acids have been determined to be 9 hours of contact time and reaction temperature of 90°C. Under these conditions the obtained petroleum acids yield was 88.38%. Identification of isolated acids was performed by GC-MS analysis