19 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic investigation complex formation of tungsten with 2, 6-dithiol-4-methylphenol in the presence of aminophenols

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    The mixed-ligand complexes of tungsten (VI) with 2, 6-dithiol-4-methylphenol (DTMP) in the presence of hydrophobic amines have been investigated by spectrophotometric method. The condition of complexing and extraction, physical-chemical and analytical characteristics of this complex have been found. From aminophenols 2(N, N-dime­thy­la­mino­me­thyl)-4-methylphenol (АP1), 2(N,N-dime­thy­­la­mi­nomethyl)-4-chlorphenol (АP2) and  2(N, N-di­me­thy­laminomethyl)-4-bromphenol (АP3), were used.. It has been found that mixed-ligand complex were  formed in weakly acidic medium (pH 3.9 – 5.2). Maksimum of light absorp­tion observed at 476-480 nm. The calculated molar absorptivities (emax) belong to the interval  (2.73-2.92)×104. The extraction-photometric methods of tungsten determination have been worked out. The influence of diverse ions on determination of tungsten has been studied. The proposed methods have been successfully applied to determination of tungsten in steel, soil and plant samples


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    <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The article describes the advantage of the CRISPR-Cas 9 gene editing method for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. This method uses plasmids that contain CRISPR-Cas 9 components in the form of DNA, a nuclease expression cassette, and a bay RNA cassette. The advantage of the method is that no matter how CRISPR-Cas 9 is delivered to the cell, it immediately removes some gene fragment or replaces it. And this change remains forever in the cell, and in the descendant of this cell, we hope that this method of treatment will reduce the number of deaths in cystic fibrosis.</p><p><strong>Аннотация</strong></p><p>В статье описано преимущество метода лечения муковисцидоза геном редактирования CRISPR-Cas 9. В этом методе используются плазмиды в которых содержатся компоненты CRISPR-Cas 9 в виде ДНК, экпресионная кассета с нуклеазой и кассета с гидовой РНК. Преимущество метода заключается в том, что независимо каким способом CRISPR-Cas 9 доставлена в клетку, она сразу же удаляет какой-то фрагмент гена или замещает его. И это изменение навсегда остается в клетке и в потомке этой клетки, и мы надеемся, что этот метод лечения уменьшит количество смертных случаев при муковисцидозе.</p><p><strong>Список Литературы:</strong></p><ol><li>Accurso F. The Tiger-1 clinical trial on denufosol in cystic fibrosis. Ped Pumonol 2008; 31:191.</li><li>Wilschanski M, Miller LL, Shoseyov D, et al. Chronic ataluren (PTC124) treatment of nonsense mutation cystic fibrosis. Eur Respir J 2011;38(1):59–69.</li><li>Grasemann H, Stehling F, Brunar H, et al Inhalation of moli1901 in patients with cystic fibrosis. Chest 2007; 131:1461–66.</li><li>Effect of treatment with dornase alpha on airway inflammation in patients with cystic fibrosis/ K. Paul [et al.]// Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. - 2004. -№169. - 712–25. </li><li>European cystic fibrosis bone mineralisation guidelines /I. Sermet-Gaudelus [et al.]// J Cyst Fibros. -2011. -10(2). -p.16-23</li><li>European Cystic Fibrosis Society Standards of Care: Best Practice guidelines/ R. Smyth [et al.]//Cyst Fibrosis. -2014. -13. -pp.23– S42</li><li>European Cystic Fibrosis Society Standards of Care: Framework for the Cystic Fibrosis Centre/S. Conway [et al.] // Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. - 2014. - №13. -p.7-26</li><li>Fungi in the cystic fibrosis lung: Bystanders or pathogens /S.H. Chotirmall [et al.]// Int J Biochem Cell Biol. -2014. – 52. -pp.161−173. </li><li>Genotype and phenotype in cystic fibrosis/ Zielenski J. [et al.]// Respiration. – 2000. – V. 67(2). – p. 117-133. </li><li>Сотникова Е.А., Климушина М.В., Киселева А.В., Скирко О.П., Курилова О.В., Дивашук М.Г., Хлебус Э.Ю., Козлова В.А., Покровская М.С., Сломинский П.А., Мешков А.Н., Драпкина О.М. Частота гетерозиготного носительства мутаций в гене CFTR, обуславливающих развитие муковисцидоза, в популяционной выборке ЭССЕ-Вологда. Медицинская генетика. 2020;19(7):64-65. </li><li>Sotnikova EA, Klimushina MV, Kiseleva AV, Skirko OP, Kurilova OV, Divashuk MG, Khlebus EYu, Kozlova VA, Pokrovskaya MS, Slominsky PA, Meshkov AN, Drapkina OM. The frequency of heterozygous carriage of CFTR gene mutations causing the development of cystic fibrosis in a population-based cohort study (ESSE-Vologda). Medical Genetics. 2020;19(7):64-65. (In Russ.)</li><li>Farrell PM, White TB, Ren CL, Hempstead SE, Accurso F, Derichs N, Howenstine M, McColley SA, Rock M, Rosenfeld M, Sermet-Gaudelus I, Southern KW, Marshall BC, Sosnay PR. Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis: Consensus Guidelines from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. J Pediatr. 2017;181:S4-S15.e1. </li><li>Лопес-Пачеко М.Модуляторы СFTR: изменение лица кистозного фиброза в эпоху точной медецины.Фронт Фармакол. 2019;10;1662</li><li>Stephenson A, Stanojevic S, Sykes J, Burgel P. The changing epidemiology and demography of cystic fibrosis. La Presse Médicale. 2017;46(6):87-95.</li><li>Опыт применения таргетного  секвенирования для молекулярной диагностики муковисцидоза / Т.С. Симакова ( и др.).// Клиническая лабораторияДиагностика с 305-309</li><li>Кондратьева, Е. Инновационные методы терапии муковисцидоза / Е. Кондратьева // Врач. 2016 –С.77-81.   </li></ol&gt

    Computer study of the structure and thermal stability of a monolayer MoS2 film on a diamond substrate

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