28 research outputs found

    Studi Tentang Sulaman Tangan pada Pelaminan Tradisional Naras di Kecamatan Pariaman Utara Kota Pariaman

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    Hand embroidery on the traditional wedding Naras Pariaman is a skill that is acquired from generation to generation, so entrepreneurs are still using the old motifs. As the development of science and technology entrepreneurs aisle switch embroider using embroidery machine. The data used are primary data obtained from business leaders and craftsmen, secondary data is data obtained from the following documents photographs. Informants in this study is the wedding business owners and craftsmen (maker motif) embroidered. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique since before entering the field, while in the field, and after completion in the field, by performing data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study found that hand embroidery design motifs used on the altar Naras naturalist and geometric motifs. Types of hand embroidery used namely lekapan technique that attaches embroidery threads contained in the curtain wall, lelansir, waves, tongues, langik-langik batirai, Banta sieve, Ankin-Ankin, and dalamak. Embroidery attach beads / sequins are also present in the curtain wall, lelansir, waves, tongues, langik-langik batirai, Banta sieve, Ankin-Ankin, and dalamak. Gold thread embroidery using glass found on the veil, langik-langik batirai, Banta sieve and dalamak. Application of hand embroidery found in parts of the traditional wedding curtain walls, lelansir, waves, tongues, langik-langik batirai, Banta sieve, Ankin-Ankin, and dalamak

    Perbedaan Perbandingan Larutan Celup (Vlot) Terhadap Hasil Pencelupan Bahan Sutra Menggunakan Ekstrak Kelopak Bunga Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L) Dengan Mordan Tawas (Al2(so4)3)

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    This study aims to reveal the color (hue), dark light color (value) and flatness, and wash resilience. This study was an experimental study. The type of data is primary data sourced from the 15 panelists. The object is dipped silk fabric with extracts of rosella flower petals with alum mordant. Where do the data analysis techniques with engineering analysis of varianceone (one-way ANOVA). From the comparison of the dye solution (vlot) 1:10 produce powder blue color, light and dark colors (Value) is at katerori bright, flatness is in the category average and for washing resistance is at good enough category. Whereas in comparison dyebath (Vlot) 1:20 and 1:40 to produce color light blue, light dark color (Value) is at katerori quite bright, flatness is in the category average, and for washing resistance is at good enough category. Results of hypothesis testing showed the name of the color (F arithmetic (8.933)> F table (3.22) and dark colors (Fhitung (35.467)> F table (3.22) there are significant differences. As for the flatness of color (F count (2.907)> F table (3.22) and wash resistance (F arithmetic (0.214) <F table (3.22) there is no significant difference

    Pengembangan Media Cd Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Flat Pattern Design Untuk Mahasiswa Prodi Pkk Tata Busana Ft Unp Padang

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    This research aims to develop a learning media in the form of CD which can assiststudents in learning Flat Pattern Design by methods Pivot Method. This study is alsoto gain an overview of the feasibility study CD media as a learning medium FlatPattern Design. This study is a Research and Development (Research andDevelopment (R & D) is a research method used to produce a particular product andtest the effectiveness of a particular product. CD learning be tested in the Departmentof Family Welfare to students S1 dressmaking class of 2014 the number of 19 people.The steps undertaken in the development of learning CD media are: 1) pendefenisianstage. 2) design phase, 3) the development stage, at this stage of the development ofdata analysis are: 1) the validity of the data analysis, 2) practicalities of data analysis,and data analysis effectiveness. Based on the results of data analysis that is performedto test the validity of validator that expert instructional media obtained a score of 4,13considered valid and validator matter experts obtained a score of 4,4 can becategorized as very valid, the practicalities of the test carried out to a small group ofstudents obtained a score of 3,8 can be categorized as practical while testing thepracticalities large group obtained a score of 4,03 can be considered a practical andeffective data analysis of student test results before and after using instructional CDmedia increased 20,4% which can be considered effective. The media are in a verydecent criteria used as a medium of learning in terms of the validity of the dataanalysis, the practicalities and effectiveness

    Motif dan Pewarnaan Batik Tulis di Dusun Giriloyo Desa Wukirsari Kecamatan Imogiri Kabupaten Bantul Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA (Studi Kasus di Industri Batik Sri Kuncoro)

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    This research aimed to describe the shape of classical batik motif Yogyakarta using natural dyes and synthetic dyes as raw materials in the coloring process. This research method uses qualitative descriptive research. The data collection is done by using interview, observation and documentation. In this study, the informant of this data including: the leader and some of the craftsmen who know about batik and batik dyeing in in Sri Kuncoro batik industry. Furthermore, the data reviewed and analyzed by the steps of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data validation was done by triangulation to the head of the village, batik museum educators.The survey results revealed that: there are hundreds of different name of classical motifs but the kind that widely produced in batik Sri Kuncoro is the motive sidoasih, sidomukti, wahyu tumurun, truntum, srikuncoro, udan liris, and sirgunggu wiguno. The motives provided are decorative naturalist, geometric, and decorative ornament consisting of primary, complementary ornament, and IsenIsen. In coloring method using two kinds of colorings, the two substances are natural dyes from plants derived from leaves, flowers, fruit peel, bark, and roots of plants, whilst the types of synthetic dyes are using naphtol, indigosol, and rapide. For batik dyeing process, the stages starting from mordanting of natural dyes, pattern making, klowong, nerusi, ngiseni, mencolet, menembok, dyeing, sagging, then the second dyeing process is to covers down