4,012 research outputs found

    Modulation of social behavior by the agouti pigmentation gene

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    Agouti is a secreted neuropeptide that acts as an endogenous antagonist of melanocortin receptors. Mice and rats lacking agouti (called non-agouti) have dark fur due to a disinhibition of melanocortin signaling and pigment deposition in the hair follicle. Non-agouti animals have also been reported to exhibit altered behavior, despite no evidence for the expression of agouti outside the skin. Here we confirm that non-agouti mice show altered social behavior and uncover expression of agouti in the preputial gland, a sebaceous organ in the urinary tract that secretes molecules involved in social behavior. Non-agouti mice had enlarged preputial glands and altered levels of putative preputial pheromones and surgical removal of the gland reversed the behavioral phenotype. These findings demonstrate the existence of an autologous, out-of-skin pathway for the modulation of social behavio

    Fluctuations of the local density of states probe localized surface plasmons on disordered metal films

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    We measure the statistical distribution of the local density of optical states (LDOS) on disordered semi-continuous metal films. We show that LDOS fluctuations exhibit a maximum in a regime where fractal clusters dominate the film surface. These large fluctuations are a signature of surface-plasmon localization on the nanometer scale

    Microscopic model of Purcell enhancement in hyperbolic metamaterials

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    We study theoretically a dramatic enhancement of spontaneous emission in metamaterials with the hyperbolic dispersion modeled as a cubic lattice of anisotropic resonant dipoles. We analyze the dependence of the Purcell factor on the source position in the lattice unit cell and demonstrate that the optimal emitter position to achieve large Purcell factors and Lamb shifts are in the local field maxima. We show that the calculated Green function has a characteristic cross-like shape, spatially modulated due to structure discreteness. Our basic microscopic theory provides fundamental insights into the rapidly developing field of hyperbolic metamaterials.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Agronomic effect of humic like substances produced from charcoal.

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    In this research we evaluated the effect of foliar application of charcoal humic acid solutions on soybean yields

    The optimal form of the scanning near-field optical microscopy probe

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    A theoretical approach to determine the optimal form of the near-field optical microscope probe is proposed. An analytical expression of the optimal probe form with subwavelength aperture has been obtained. The advantages of the probe with the optimal form are illustrated using numerical calculations. The conducted calculations show 10 times greater light throughput and the reception possibility of the more compactly localized light at the output probe aperture which could indicate better spatial resolution of the optical images in near-field optical technique using optimal probe.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Relação entre temperatura de pirólise e a porosidade do mesocarpo de frutos da castanheira-do-Brasil.

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    A casca dos frutos de castanhado-Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) é um resíduo abundante, mas praticamente sem aproveitamento nas regiões extrativistas da Amazônia. Sendo assim, trata-se de uma matéria-prima com potencial para a produção de carvão para uso agronômico. Neste trabalho, avalia-se por meio de imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura o desenvolvimento da porosidade em carvões obtidos a partir das cascas dos frutos de castanheira-do-Brasil pirolisadas a 350, 450 e 550°C. Devido às particularidades morfológicas deste tecido vegetal, a porosidade do carvão aumenta com a temperatura, independente da fração granulométrica analisada

    Channel spaser

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    We show that net amplification of surface plasmons is achieved in channel in a metal plate due to nonradiative excitation by quantum dots. This makes possible lossless plasmon transmission lines in the channel as well as the amplification and generation of coherent surface plasmons. As an example, a ring channel spaser is considered

    Estudo quimiométrico de características químicas e espectroscópicas de ácidos húmicos extraídos de solos com horizonte A antrópico.

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    Ácidos húmicos de solos escuros da Amazônia brasileira (Terra Preta do Índio) foram caracterizados utilizando-se espectroscopias de UV-Vis, DRIFT, Fluorescência nos modos de excitação e emissão, EPR, e RMN, análises termogravimétricas, composição elementar, e medidas de acidez (total, carboxílica e fenólica) e os dados obtidos foram avaliados por técnicas de estatística multivariada. A fração ácidos húmicos (AH) foi extraída utilizando-se o método da Sociedade Internacional de Substâncias Húmicas (IHSS). Os AH foram separados em três grupos conforme o uso da terra: Solos antropogênicos sob floresta (SAF), solos antropogênicos sob cultivo (SAC) e solos não antropogênicos sob floresta (SNAF). Os solos do grupo SNAF são representativos dos Latossolos amazônicos e foram coletados em áreas adjacentes aos solos antropogênicos, sendo este o grupo referência para comparação com os grupos SAF e SAC. Análises estatístícas multivariadas (análise fatorial, análise de agrupamento e análise discriminante) foram aplicadas no estudo. A mais relevante caracteristica dos AH dos solos antropogênicos, comparado aos solos não antropogênicos foram sua superior reatividade, estabilidade, e grau de humificação. Os resultados obtidos também mostraram diferenças entre os AH dos grupos SAF e SAC