170 research outputs found


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    The article characterizes national - orientation principle in teaching Chinese students Russian phraseology. Basing on the observations of Russian linguists and methodists, and on her own experience of teaching Chinese students, the author pays attention to the following aspects of the problem: the main differences between Russian and Chinese phraseological systems; difficulties in comparing Russian and Chinese phraseological units; the most common mistakes made by Chinese students while using Russian phraseological units. According to the author, describing and considering the above-mentioned problems helps to make the process of teaching Chinese students Russian phraseological units more effective

    El infoentretenimiento en la televisión rusa como medio para desacralizar los mitos soviéticos y crear un mito sobre el futuro

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    This paper deals with the process of incorporation of “infotainment” in the Russian television industry. Professional journalism is analyzed as a tool for the interpretation of facts, which have contributed to erode the myths of mass consciousness, which were formed by Soviet propaganda. According to the author, television news and other infotainment programs have affected socio-cultural processes in Russia; in particular, they have contributed to shaping the worldview of post-Soviet intellectuals, known as the “new intelligentsia”.Este artículo trata principalmente el proceso de incorporación del “infoentretenimiento” en la industria televisiva rusa. El periodismo profesional se considera como un medio para la interpretación de los hechos que ha contribuido a erosionar los mitos de la conciencia de masas configurados por la propaganda soviética. Según la hipótesis defendida por la autora, las noticias de televisión y otros programas de infoentretenimiento han influido notablemente en procesos socio-culturales en Rusia, en concreto, en la formación de la visión del mundo de los intelectuales post-soviéticos, también llamados la “nueva intelectualidad”

    Las construcciones destructivas: Luchas y unanimidad en el discurso mediático dentro y alrededor de Ucrania

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    Este artículo enfoca la representación del conflicto en Ucrania por los medios de comunicación desde la perspectiva del lenguaje de odio y violencia y la creación de la imagen del enemigo. Hacemos un análisis comparativo de las narrativas de los medios de comunicación nacionales de Ucrania y Rusia completadas por las de los recién surgidos canales de información de los combatientes en el Este de Ucrania. Después analizamos la visión de la Unión Europea hacia la crisis ucraniana y observamos en líneas generales qué tipo de discurso mantiene. A lo largo del estudio intentamos abordar este conflicto desde enfoques de diferentes campos académicos: estudios de conflicto, estudios de comunicación de masas y estudios de memoria. Recibido: 03 noviembre 2015 Aceptado: 24 febrero 2016 Publicación en línea: 30 abril 201

    Translation Discourse 4.0: Variety of Formats, Genres and Trends

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    The article considers the specific character of modern translation discourse, trends and opportunities of realization in the era of changes and global challenges. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to establish common and distinctive forms of expression and formats of translation discourse. The representative sources of three communicatively active discursive practices constitute the empirical base of the paper: scientific / translation studies translation discourse; professional / industry translation discourse; didactic translation discourse. The textual material of the discourse under consideration is analyzed in order to identify thematic dominants of three subtypes under consideration. The similarities and differences of the topics discussed by the translation community within the framework of the selected discursive practices are determined. Sources of translation discourse in Russian and German linguistic cultures were also involved in the analysis to identify common and distinctive features. The analysis revealed the tendency of the Russian-language translation discourse to be a more profound scientific search and substantiation of translation problems, and, on the contrary, the tendency of the German- and English-language discourses to discuss applied issues. The analyzed subtypes of translation discourse reveal certain unifying features: current challenges reaction rapidity, new phenomena and trends in society. However, these subtypes have translation tools of their own, traditions and formats that shape thematic dominants of each direction of the discourse. Thus, the paper revealed the dynamic nature of the discourse, on the one hand, and its sustainable development, on the other

    Identification of Escherichia coli K12 YdcW protein as a γ-aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase

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    Abstractγ-Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (ABALDH) from wild-type E. coli K12 was purified to apparent homogeneity and identified as YdcW by MS-analysis. YdcW exists as a tetramer of 202±29kDa in the native state, a molecular mass of one subunit was determined as 51±3kDa. Km parameters of YdcW for γ-aminobutyraldehyde, NAD+ and NADP+ were 41±7, 54±10 and 484±72μM, respectively. YdcW is the unique ABALDH in E. coli K12. A coupling action of E. coli YgjG putrescine transaminase and YdcW dehydrogenase in vitro resulted in conversion of putrescine into γ-aminobutyric acid

    Risk Management Model in Public Governance in Russia: Regional Aspects

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    This article is devoted to the problem of risks in the activities of political parties. The importance of risk management is growing in conditions of social tension, which are a characteristic of Russia. The study identified the main risk factors for the ruling United Russia party in the Transbaikal Territory. These include: 1) social tension and poor quality of life; 2) internal migration and urbanization; 3) natural disasters; 4) political instability; 5) protest activity of the population; 6) competition from other political parties. A model is proposed as a conceptual basis for managing political risks in the activities of political parties. Its main components are: subjects and objects, goals, objectives and principles, resources, functions and mechanisms, specific technologies and management tools. Each of the components of the model is concretized in the context of managing political risks in the activities of the regional branch of the United Russia party, taking into account the specifics of the Transbaikal Territory. At the end of the article, it is concluded that this model can be considered as universal (for other regions and parties)

    Extra-Curricular Activities as an Important Factor for Developing Subject Qualities of Future Engineers

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    We examine the need to develop the subjective qualities of students at technical universities based on the analysis of Russian and foreign research on future engineers’ training. We consider the peculiarities of future engineers’ educational process, based on the importance of extracurricular activities in the development of such qualities. The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis about the effectiveness of developing the subjective qualities of future engineers by involving them in extracurricular activities that were formed at the initial stage. The paper describes a pedagogical experiment that includes three stages. The set of research methods includes analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey, testing, conversation, expert assessments, and statistics. We present different directions and types of activities organized within the experimental work with pedagogical support. Besides, we give examples of extracurricular activities that contribute to the successful development and manifestation of the specified personal qualities in students. The paper contains evidence of the effectiveness of extracurricular student activities as a factor in developing subjective qualities