1,187 research outputs found

    A search for neutrino-antineutrino mass inequality by means of sterile neutrino oscillometry

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    The investigation of the oscillation pattern induced by the sterile neutrinos might determine the oscillation parameters, and at the same time, allow to probe CPT symmetry in the leptonic sector through neutrino-antineutrino mass inequality. We propose to use a large scintillation detector like JUNO or LENA to detect electron neutrinos and electron antineutrinos from MCi electron capture or beta decay sources. Our calculations indicate that such an experiment is realistic and could be performed in parallel to the current research plans for JUNO and RENO. Requiring at least 5σ\sigma confidence level and assuming the values of the oscillation parameters indicated by the current global fit, we would be able to detect neutrino-antineutrino mass inequality of the order of 0.5% or larger, which would imply a signal of CPT anomalies.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    On the search of sterile neutrinos by oscillometry measurements

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    It is shown that the "new" neutrino with a high mass squared difference and a small mixing angle should reveal itself in the oscillometry measurements. For a judicious monochromatic neutrino source the "new" oscillation length L42L_{42} is expected shorter than 1.5 m. Thus the needed measurements can be implemented with a gaseous spherical TPC of modest dimensions with a very good energy and position resolution. The best candidates for oscillometry are discussed and the sensitivity to the mixing angle θ14\theta_{14} has been estimated: sin2(2θ14)\sin^2{(2\theta_{14})}=0.05 (99{%}) for two months of data handling with 51^{51}Cr.Comment: 4 Latex Pages, 1 Figure, 1 tabl

    Asymptotics for turbulent flame speeds of the viscous G-equation enhanced by cellular and shear flows

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    G-equations are well-known front propagation models in turbulent combustion and describe the front motion law in the form of local normal velocity equal to a constant (laminar speed) plus the normal projection of fluid velocity. In level set formulation, G-equations are Hamilton-Jacobi equations with convex (L1L^1 type) but non-coercive Hamiltonians. Viscous G-equations arise from either numerical approximations or regularizations by small diffusion. The nonlinear eigenvalue Hˉ\bar H from the cell problem of the viscous G-equation can be viewed as an approximation of the inviscid turbulent flame speed sTs_T. An important problem in turbulent combustion theory is to study properties of sTs_T, in particular how sTs_T depends on the flow amplitude AA. In this paper, we will study the behavior of Hˉ=Hˉ(A,d)\bar H=\bar H(A,d) as A+A\to +\infty at any fixed diffusion constant d>0d > 0. For the cellular flow, we show that Hˉ(A,d)O(logA)for all d>0. \bar H(A,d)\leq O(\sqrt {\mathrm {log}A}) \quad \text{for all $d>0$}. Compared with the inviscid G-equation (d=0d=0), the diffusion dramatically slows down the front propagation. For the shear flow, the limit \nit limA+Hˉ(A,d)A=λ(d)>0\lim_{A\to +\infty}{\bar H(A,d)\over A} = \lambda (d) >0 where λ(d)\lambda (d) is strictly decreasing in dd, and has zero derivative at d=0d=0. The linear growth law is also valid for sTs_T of the curvature dependent G-equation in shear flows.Comment: 27 pages. We improve the upper bound from no power growth to square root of log growt

    The structure of the exact effective action and the quark confinement in MSSM QCD

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    An expression for the exact (nonperturbative) effective action of NN=1 supersymmetric gauge theories is proposed, supposing, that all particles except for the gauge bosons are massive. Analysis of its form shows, that instanton effects in the supersymmetric theories can lead to the quark confinement. The typical scale of confinement in MSSM QCD, calculated from the first principles, is in agreement with the experimental data. The proposed explanation is quite different from the dual Higgs mechanism.Comment: Final version to appear in Sov.J.Nucl.Phys. Some insignificant errors and misprints are correcte

    On the keV sterile neutrino search in electron capture

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    A joint effort of cryogenic microcalorimetry (CM) and high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry (PT-MS) in investigating atomic orbital electron capture (EC) can shed light on the possible existence of heavy sterile neutrinos with masses from 0.5 to 100 keV. Sterile neutrinos are expected to perturb the shape of the atomic de-excitation spectrum measured by CM after a capture of the atomic orbital electrons by a nucleus. This effect should be observable in the ratios of the capture probabilities from different orbits. The sensitivity of the ratio values to the contribution of sterile neutrinos strongly depends on how accurately the mass difference between the parent and the daughter nuclides of EC-transitions can be measured by, e.g., PT-MS. A comparison of such probability ratios in different isotopes of a certain chemical element allows one to exclude many systematic uncertainties and thus could make feasible a determination of the contribution of sterile neutrinos on a level below 1%. Several electron capture transitions suitable for such measurements are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 2 table