57 research outputs found

    Aspekti oplemenjivanja pšenice na niske temperature

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    Wheat resistance to low temperatures is complex in nature and dependant on variety as well as on interaction with the environment. In unfavorable conditions for hardening, even varieties resistant to cold may exhibit higher susceptibility to low temperatures. Over a two-year period (2003-04), tests were conducted in cold chamber at-15˚C lasting 24, 36, 48 and 60 hours. The 23 wheat varieties analyzed were divided into four groups according to year of release. In the first group, which was mostly made up of foreign introductions, the average plant survival rate across treatments was 87%. The different origins of the varieties from this group were a significant factor behind the differences in their resistance levels. The second group, comprised of the first domestic varieties, had an average plant survival rate of 89%, while the third, containing the dominant varieties from the 1980s, had a plant survival rate of 88.4% on average. In the fourth group, consisting mostly of varieties that are currently commercially grown in the country, the average plant survival rate was 86.6%. Thanks to high temperatures present during the process of hardening, there was greater plant damage and percent winterkill in the second year than in the first. The resistance of the varieties to low temperatures has been maintained at a level enabling successful and stable production under the cold temperature stress conditions of southeastern Europe.Otpornost pšenice prema niskim temperaturama je kompleksnog karaktera, pri čemu pored sorte, do izražaja dolazi i interakcija sa spoljnom sredinom. Pri nepovoljnim uslovima za kaljenje biljaka, i otporne sorte mogu ispoljiti veću osetljivost prema niskim temperaturama. U dvogodišnjem periodu (2004-2005), izvršeno je testiranje u hladnim komorama na temperaturi -15˚C u trajanju od 24, 36, 48 i 60 časova. Analizirano je 23 sorte pšenice koje su podeljene u četiri grupe, u zavisnosti od godine priznavanja. U prvoj grupi, u kojoj se uglavnom nalaze introdukovane sorte, procenat preživelih biljaka na svim tretmanima iznosio je u proseku 87%. Različito poreklo sorti koje se nalaze u ovoj grupi, značajno je uticalo na međusobne razlike u otpornosti prema niskim temperaturama. U drugoj grupi, koju čine prve domaće sorte, procenat preživelih biljaka iznosio je 89%, dok su u treću grupu uvrštene sorte koje su bile dominantne 80-ih godina, sa 88,4% preživelih biljaka. Većina sorti koje čine četvrtu grupu, trenutno je zastupljena na proizvodnim površinama u našoj zemlji. Kod ovih sorti, procenat preživelih biljaka iznosio je 86,6%. Visoke temperature u periodu kaljenja biljaka, uslovile su veća oštećenja, odnosno veći procenat izmrzlih biljaka u drugoj godini ispitivanja. Otpornost sorti pšenice prema niskim temperaturama, zadržana je nivou koji obezbeđuje uspešnu i stabilnu proizvodnju u uslovima hladnog temperaturnog stresa jugoistočne Evrope

    Varijabilnost sadržaja kadmijuma u listovima tetraploidne i heksaploidne pšenice

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic trace metal pollutant for humans, animals, and plants. It is a heavy metal present in soils from natural and anthropogenic sources. Much of the Cd taken up by plants is retained in the root, but a portion is translocated to the aerial portions of the plant and into the seed. The objective of this research was to determine the variability and diversity of Cd content in the leaves of 30 wheat cultivars with different ploidy level, during two years. Analyses of Cd content (ppm) in the leaves at heading stage were performed with an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Significant differences between the mean values of the genotypes in Cd content were found. Tetraploid wheat genotypes had higher Cd content than hexaploid genotypes. Cd content was predominantly influenced by the year of growing (73%). The influence of genotype on Cd content amounted 16% and the interaction genotype × year 11%. The cluster of the genotypes consists of four groups. In the groups three and four were some of the genotypes (Kalyan Sona, Partizanka and NS Rana 5) with lowest Cd content in the leaves. They could be chosen as parents in the hybridization for lower cadmium concentration.Kadmijum (Cd) pripada grupi 'teških metala'. On je toksičan za biljke, životinje i ljude. Njegovo prisustvo u zemljištu potiče iz prirodnih i intropogenih izvora. Veći deo usvojenog Cd zadržava se u korenu, ali deo se translocira u nadzemne delove biljke i u seme. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita varijabilnost i divergentnost sadržaja Cd u listovima kod 30 genotipova pšenice različitog nivoa ploidnosti. Ogled je izveden u toku dve vegetacione sezone. Sadržaj Cd (ppm) u listovima pšenice u fazi klasanja određen je primenom AAS. Ustanovljene su značajne razlike u srednjim vrednostima između ispitivanih genotipova. Tetraploidni genotipovi imali su veći sadržaj Cd u odnosu na heksapolidne. Glavni efekti (genotip i godina) i interakcija pokazali su visoko značajne razlike. Sadržaj Cd je najvećim delom bio uslovljen godinom ispitivanja (73%). Uticaj genotipa na sadržaj Cd iznosio je 16%, dok je interakcija genotip×godina iznosila 11%. Klaster genotipova sastojao se od četiri grupe. U grupi tri i četiri nalazili su se genotipovi sa najmanjim sadržajem Cd u listovima tj. najefikasniji u korišćenju Cd (Kalyan Sona, Partizanka i NS Rana 5). Oni bi se mogli koristiti kao roditelji u hibridizaciji na niži sadržaj Cd

    NS Pudarka - nova sorta ozime pšenice

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    The high-yielding, medium late winter wheat cultivar NS Pudarka was developed by crossing genetic divergent parents: line NMNH-07 and cv. NS 40S and Simonida. In cultivar NS Pudarka genes responsible for high yield potential, very good technological quality, resistance to lodging, low temperature and diseases, were successfully combined. It was registered by Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management of Serbia Republic in 2013. This cultivar has wide adaptability and stability of yield that enable growing in different environments with optimal agricultural practice. On the base of technological quality this cultivar belongs to the second quality class, A2 farinograph subgroup and second technological group.Visokoprinosna, srednje kasna sorta ozime pšenice NS Pudarka stvorena je metodom trojne hibridizacije genetički divergentnih roditelja: linije NMNH-07 i sorti NS 40S i Simonida. Kod ove sorte uspešno su kombinovani geni odgovorni za visok potencijal rodnosti, vrlo dobar tehnološki kvalitet, otpornost prema poleganju, niskim temperaturama i bolestima. Registrovana je od strane Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije 2013. godine. Poseduje široku adaptabilnost i stabilnost prinosa, što omogućuje uspešno gajenje u različitim klimatsko-zemljišnim uslovima pri optimalnim nivoima agrotehnike. Na osnovu pokazatelja tehnološkog kvaliteta, svrstana je u II kvalitetnu klasu, A2 farinografsku kvalitetnu podgrupu i II tehnološku grupu

    Interrelationship of grain filling rate and other traits that affect the yield of wheat (triticum aestivum l.)

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    Knowledge of the relationship between grain yield and yield components is very important for efficient breeding for yield, considering that it is the most important economic trait and has a very complex mode of inheritance and low heritability. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation and the direct and indirect effects of grain filling rate and the traits that affect the yield of wheat. The experiment was conducted during two growing seasons 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 with 20 different varieties of common wheat. Weight and number of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight, plant height, duration and rate of grain filling were analyzed. Correlation coefficients were calculated as well as the direct and indirect effects of these traits on grain yield. Highly significant positive correlation was found between the rate of grain filling and 1000 grain weight, grain weight per spike and number of grains per spike. Also, a significant positive correlation was found between 1000 grain weight and grain weight per spike. According to the path analysis, the duration of grain filling, grain filling rate and grain weight per spike showed a positive but not significant direct effect on grain yield. The plant height had the greatest direct negative effect on yield. According to the results, it was concluded that traits such as grain filling rate together with plant height, might be of importance as criteria in the selection of future breeding for yield in the particular agro-climatic conditions

    Dinamika nalivanja zrna ozimog dvoredog ječma

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    Kernel weight and grain yield depends on the rate and duration of grain filling (GF). Rate of GF presents the rate of dry matter accumulation per kernel and GF period duration from anthesis to physiological maturity. In order to study the relationships among grain yield and yield components and the rate and duration of GF in winter barley, field experiments were conducted during the 1995-1998 period. A quadratic polynomial was used to describe the relationship between kernel weight and time from anthesis and a linear equation to describe the relationship between kernel water content and time from anthesis. Accumulated growing-degree days (GDD) from anthesis were used as a time scale. The rate and duration of GF were obtained from the fitted curve. Depending on the cultivar and year, rate of GF ranged from 0.058 to 0.082 mg kernel 1GDD-1 and the duration of GF from 505 to 887 GDD. Rate positively (r=0.70) and duration of GF negatively (r=-0.57) effected grain yield. Both rate and duration of GF in large extent were influenced by environmental factors. The correlation between rate and duration of GF was negative. The positive correlations between the rate of GF and kernel weight as well as kernel weight and yield enable indirect selection for yield and a high rate of GF via breeding for a larger kernel.Nakon formiranja broja zrna po klasu, masa zrna zavisi od intenziteta i perioda nalivanja zrna. Intenzitet nalivanja označava količinu akumulirane suve materije u jedinici vremena, dok trajanje nalivanja obuhvata period od cvetanja do fiziološke zrelosti. U ovom radu je ispitivano trajanje i intenzitet nalivanja zrna i sadržaj vode u zrnu tokom perioda nalivanja kod četiri sorte ozimog ječma. Suma aktivnih temperatura (SAT) od cvetanja je korišćena kao vremenska skala. Odnos između mase zrna i SAT je predstavljen kvadratnom jednačinom regresije, a odnos između sadržaja vode u zrnu i SAT linearnom jednačinim regresije. U zavisnosti od sorte i godine, intenzitet nalivanja se kretao 0,058-0,082mg zrno-1_C-1 a trajanje nalivanja 505-887 SAT. Prinos je bio u pozitivnoj korelaciji (r=0,70) sa intenzitetom a u negativnoj korelaciji (r=-0,57) sa dužinom perioda nalivanja. Korelacija između intenziteta i trajanja nalivanja je bila negativna. Pozitivna korelacija između intenziteta i mase zrna, kao i mase zrna i prinosa, omogućava indirektno selekciju na prinos i visok intenzitet nalivanja zrna putem selekcije na krupnije zrno

    Estimating technological quality in wheat by Hagberg falling number and Amylograph peak viscosity

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    Amylolytic activity in 15 winter wheat cultivars has been followed by a comparative analysis of the values of peak viscosity on Brabender Amylograph (BU) and the values of falling number (FN) according to Hagberg (sec). Only one cultivar, Renesansa, had the peak viscosity below 500 BU and the FN below 250 sec. Four cultivars had the peak viscosity between 500 and 800 BU, seven cultivars between 800 and 1500 BU and three cultivars above 1500 BU. Twelve cultivars had the FN between 250 and 300 sec and only two above 300sec. The obtained values were compared against the values of bread made from the flour of these varieties. Bread quality was assessed as baking score (BS) via crumb quality, the parameter that represents the numerical expression of crumb elasticity and pore structure fineness

    Ekološka stabilnost fizičkih osobina zrna pšenice

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    The environmental stability of test weight and 1000 grain weight was studied in 20 wheat cultivars in five locations (Novi Sad, Indjija, Sremska Mitrovica, Kra-gujevac i Zitoradja) over three growing seasons (1997/98 1998/99 i 1999/2000). Stability parameters were calculated according to Eberhart and Russel (1966). The regression coefficient showed all the cultivars had satisfactory stability for both traits studied. For test weight, the most and least stable genotypes were Zlatka and KG-100 respectively. For 1000 grain weight, Tera was the most and Pievesinjka the least stable. The calculated value of the standard error of the regression coefficient showed greater heterogeneity for 1000 grain weight.Ekološka stabilnost hektolitarske mase i mase 1000 zrna, ispitivana je kod dvadeset sorti pšenice na pet lokaliteta (Novi Sad, Inđija, Sremska Mitrovica, Kragujevac i Žitorađa), u tri vegetacione sezone (1997/98, 1998/99 i 1999/2000). Parametri stabilnosti izračunati su primenom modela Eberhart i Russel (1966). Prema koeficijentu regresije, sve ispitivane sorte su pokazale zadovoljavajuću stabilnost za oba ispitivana svojstva. Za hektolitarsku masu kao najstabilnija sorta izdvojila se Zlatka, a najnestabilnijom pokazala se sorta KG-100. Za svojstvo masa 1000 zrna, bolju stabilnost pokazala je sorta Tera, nasuprot sorti Nevesinjka koja je bila najnestabilnija. Prema izračunatoj vrednosti standardne greške koeficijenta regresije, veća heterogenost ispoljena je kod svojstva masa 1000 zrna

    The effect of sunn pest infested grains on wheat quality in different field conditions

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    In order to determine the effect of the number of grains infested with sunn pest (Eurygaster austriaca Schrk. and Emygaster maura L.) on the quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), we analyzed five commercial varieties of bread wheat grown in field conditions in 2003/2004 on ten localities in Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia. A range from 0.8% to 8.26% of infested grains was registered on the analyzed sites. Reduction of quality traits (protein content - PC, sedimentation value - SV1, modified sedimentation value - SV2, wet gluten content - WG and energy test - E) was observed in accordance to the number of infested grains (damaged grain - DG). Statistically significant differences were determined in the number of damaged grains and analyzed quality traits between localities, varieties and their interaction (locality x variety). Although there was significant variation for the PC, WG and SV1 between localities, it was not as high as for SV2 and E. Obtained by modified Zeleny test, SV2 is considered to be an objective parameter for determining the infested grains. Results of this study indicated a different intensity of bug attack in researched localities. In addition, there was a different reaction of varieties to the wheat bugs bite, which may be used in plant breeding programs for the improvement of bread wheat resistance against attack of bugs

    Kompozicija subjedinica glutenina velike molekulske mase kod NS sorti pšenice priznatih u periodu 1987-2008.

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    Gluten content, and more importantly its composition expressed through glutenin subunits, has great influence on the rheological and bread-making properties of wheat flour. Total of 168 winter wheat cultivars developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia in the period 1987-2008 were analysed for high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMWGS) composition using SDS-PAGE. Presence of twelve different alleles and nineteen different GS combinations was determined. The highest frequency was found for GS N at the locus Glu-A1 (46%), 7+9 (77%) at the locus Glu-B1 and 5+10 (72.7%) at the locus Glu-D1. The most frequent combination was 2*, 7+9, 5+10. Presence of several rare GS with positive effect (13+16 and 15+16) was determined, as well as high uniformity of the genetic material, considering small number of cultivars (4.2%) with different electrophoretic paths. Two modes of glutenin score (Glu-1 score) determination were applied, based on which differences in bread-making quality among individual cultivars can be determined more precisely.Sadržaj glutena, ali pre svega njegova kompozicija izražena kroz gluteninske subjedinice, značajno utiče na reološke i pekarske pokazatelje pšeničnog brašna. Kod ukupno 168 sorti ozime pšenice stvorenih u Institutu za ratartsvo i povrtartsvo u Novom Sadu, u periodu od 1987. do 2008. godine, analizirana je kompozicija subjedinica glutenina velike molekulske mase (HMW-GS) koristeći SDS-PAGE. Utvrđeno je prisustvo dvanaest različitih alela i devetnaest različitih kombinacija GS. Najveća učestalost uočena je kod GS N u lokusu Glu-A1 (46%), 7+9 (77%) u lokusu Glu-B1 i 5+10 (72,7%) u lokusu Glu-D1. Najzastupljenija kombinacija je bila 2*, 7+9, 5+10. Utvrđeno je prisustvo nekoliko retkih GS sa pozitivnim dejstvom (13+16 i 15+16) i visoka ujednačenost genetskog materijala, s obzirom na mali broj sorti (4.2%) sa različitim elektroforetskim putanjama. Primenjena su dva načina utvrđivanja gluteninskog (Glu-1) skora, na osnovu čega se mogu preciznije utvrditi razlike u krajnjem kvalitetu između pojedinih sorti

    Varijabilnost agronomskih svojstava pšenice

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    In order to investigate variability of yield, number of grains per m2 and 1000 grain weight, it was selected 39 different genotypes of wheat. Field trial was set up at Rimski Sancevi in 2008/2009 season. On the basis of geting results we find out significant differences in yield, number of grains per m2 and 1000 grain weight among investigated genotypes. The highest averrage grain yield (9.25 t/ha) has had variety Dragana, and the lowest yield (3.08 t/ha) has had variety Banatka. The highest number of grains per m2 (51532) has had variety Sana, and the lowest number of grains per m2 (22360) has had variety Bankut 1205. The highest 1000 grain weight (57.1 g) has had variety KG 56, and the lowest 1000 grain weight (33.2 g) has had line NS3-5299/2. Positive but small correlation among studied traits show a large portion of ecological variance in total variation of investigated traits.U cilju ispitivanja varijabilnosti prinosa zrna, broja zrna po m2 i mase 1000 zrna odabrano je 39 genotipova pšenice različitog geografskog porekla, vremena nastajanja, različite dužine vegetacije i rodnosti. Ogled je izveden na Rimskim Šančevima u vegetacionoj sezoni 2008/2009. Ustanovljene su visoko značajne razlike između tretmana-ispitivanih genotipova za ispitivana svojstva. Najveći prosečan prinos zrna po ha imala je sorta Dragana, a najmanji sorta Banatka. Visoko značajno veći prinos od proseka ogleda, pored Dragane, imale su sorte: NS-40S, Prima, Sana, Apache i Zvezdana. Najveći broj zrna po m2 (51532) imala je sorta Sana, a najmanji broj zrna po m2 (22360) imala je sorta Bankut 1205. Najveću masu 1000 zrna (57.1 g) imala je sorta KG 56, a najmanju (33.2 g) imala je linija NS3-5299/2. Ustanovljene su pozitivne korelacije između ispitivanih svojstava