4 research outputs found


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    Pengabdian masyarakat merupakan suatu kewajiban Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Selama ini umumnya kegiatan Tri Dharma dilakukan secara tatap muka. Akan tetapi, bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kali ini dilakukan secara daring (online) akibat pademi covid-19. Judul besar (judul utama) kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh Program Studi S1 Manajemen Universitas Nasional Karangturi ini adalah Pelatihan Mini MBA terhadap Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Taiwan. Dalam kegiatan ini dipecah menjadi beberapa sub judul kegiatan. Salah satunya adalah pelatihan Niche Marketing dan Marketing 4.0. Para pekerja migran diberikan pelatihan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industri saat ini. Hal ini bertujuan supaya para pekerja migran yang telah menyelesaikan kontrak kerja di Taiwan dan kembali ke Indonesia akan dapat memiliki ketrampilan pemasaran yang bermanfaat pada saat memulai suatu usaha sendiri. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan ini selama satu bulan penuh secara daring (online) dengan menggunakan aplikasi zoom meeting


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    This paper describes the instrument validity for digital learning resources for coastal areas based digital in the elementary school by using Aiken's V analysis. The purpose of the research is to develop an instrument that can be seen as the validity for every instrument item to obtain information about the need for digital-based coastal area disaster learning resources in elementary schools. The research approach uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive research method. Instrument design and validation were carried out in three stages; (a) literature review, (b) instrument draft design, and (c) qualitative and quantitative rater review of the instrument. Content validity is validated using the V Aikens coefficient. The content validity coefficient is measured by 8 raters based on the assessment results. It is assessed based on certain scales, which consisted of strongly agree (scale 4), agree (scale 3), disagree (scale 2), and strongly disagree (scale 1). The research results indicate that aspect 1, with four instrument items, is in the high category. For aspect 2, three instruments are in the high category. Aspect 3 with three instruments is in the moderate category. For aspect 4, two instruments are in the moderate category. Aspect 5 with three instruments is in the moderate category. In aspect 5, there are two high-category instrument items and three medium-category instrument items. It is concluded that out of the 22 items of needs analysis, in general, it was valid. Nevertheless, several instrument items needed to be reviewed, namely on the editorial aspect of the statement

    Why is didactic transposition in disaster education needed by prospective elementary school teachers?

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    Disaster risk reduction is a significant focus on sustainable development. One way to reduce disaster risk is through disaster education. Through disaster education, disaster knowledge and disaster mitigation knowledge will be obtained. This research is a preliminary study of didactic transposition in disaster education. The method used in this study is the SLR approach and bibliometric analysis. The research findings indicate four forms of connectedness, classified based on the main keyword, disaster knowledge. The four linkages are described as (a) co-occurrence network analysis; (b) word cloud analysis; (c) word tree maps analysis; and (d) network visualization analysis. Subsequently, the findings of the four connectedness are grouped into four clusters. The first cluster is disaster risk reduction, the second cluster is knowledge, the third cluster is disaster mitigation, and the fourth cluster is disaster knowledge. The four connectedness and four clusters will be used as recommendations for future research on the design and development of didactic transpositions in disaster education for prospective elementary school teachers

    Preliminary Study on the Design of Forest and Land Fire Disaster Learning Media for Elementary Schools

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    The study discusses teachers’ knowledge and experience using learning media for elementary schools’ forest and land fire disaster mitigation. The results of this study are used as a preliminary investigation to design an Air Pollution Index Simulator (SI-ISPU). The research method used is a survey method. Respondents in this study amounted to 23 teachers in elementary schools. Data collection techniques using closed questionnaire techniques and data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The results showed that 39.13% of teachers still did not know the learning media that could be used to teach forest and land fire disaster mitigation. Then, 69.57% there are still many teachers who have not taught using learning media for forest and land fire disaster mitigation. The experience of teachers who have developed learning media for forest and land fire disaster mitigation is only 13.04%. Then 78.26% of teachers experienced problems developing learning media for forest and land fire disaster mitigation. Furthermore, 65.22% of teachers have difficulty teaching forest and land fire disaster mitigation. The research concludes that most teachers still experience difficulties and obstacles in developing learning media and teaching about forest and land fire mitigation in elementary schools