100 research outputs found

    Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan, Sikap, dan Pengetahuan

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    Implementation of the 2013 curriculum is very different from the previous curriculum, there are still many obstacles that we know greatly affect the learning outcomes, both in terms of media used, the assessment in the 2013 curriculum is more complicated than the previous curriculum then the methods used to convey the learning materials that want to be taught not effective or even incompatible with the material to be conveyed. This research method is a classroom action research conducted in improving the learning process, with four meetings. The assessment taken in this study is an evaluation evaluation of each meeting in the form of attitudinal value, value of knowledge and skill value based on teacher\u27s book on theme 4 "Healthy is Important" with sub theme 1 "Importance of Health and Environment". On the attitudes that appear attitude of self-confidence, curiosity and independence Already entrusted by 20.68% confidence, and curiosity while mandated 6.2% lower because students are still not familiar with the implementation of the curriculum 2013. Results of student knowledge seen the development in excellent value at the first meeting of 36.4%, at the second meeting decreased to 30.3%, while at the third meeting experienced a 52.25% increase again. While on the results of these students\u27 skills on four meetings emerged every meeting with a very good category at the first meeting of 18.1%, at the second meeting increased to 27.3%, the third meeting decreased to 20.68%, while at the fourth meeting increased again by 65.62%

    Metode Membaca Sas (Struktural Analitik Sintetik)dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Permulaandi Kelas I Sdn 79 Pekanbaru

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    This research using the experiment quasi carried out in the class 1 SDN 79 Pekanbaru by comparing the skill read beginning between the kontrol and class experiment. The result of the data pre educational the result of the average blended class eksperiment 70,26 and the class kontrol with the averageb 72,76 be seen from the test then summed there is not different the significant because X count = 1,39 Xtable = 5,991. In an increase in the experiment test with N gain 0,48 with the medium categories and the class kontrol with N gain 0,25 the low categories it gives an idea that SAS methode more effective in improving read the beginning

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V Sdn 011 Sidorejo Kecamatan Simpang Kanan

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    This research was aimed to increase learning process and student achievement of social lesson in V grade year of 2015/2016. The subject of this research is student V grade of State Elementary School 011 Sidorejo Wich is total of 18 student, consisted of 10 girls and 8 boys. This was a classroom research wich has to cycles wich was conducted on April 6th to 25 nd 2016. The data shown that either learning process or student' achievement increase. First cycle at the firs meeting teacher activity was 62,50% categorized as enough and increased 8,33% at the second meeting as 70,83%. Categorized is enough. Meanwhile at the second cycle at the first meeting the percentage of teacher activity increased as 83,33% categorized as good and in the scond meeting it increased as 12,5% so the percentage become 95,83% categorized as very good. Whil student activities in learning process also increased. At the first cycle in the first meeting, the percentage of student activities was 58,33% categorized as minus and the scond meeting it increased as 8,33% so became 66,66% categorized as enougt. At the scond cycle in the first meeting it increased to 83,33% categorized as good. At the scond meeting the percentage of student activities as 12,5% became 95,83% categorized as very good. Student learning outcomes also increased grom baseline to daily test of I that the average 63,27 be 70,55. The percentage increase in the initial score to the daily test I of 10,31%, of daily test I to daily test II of 14,67%. Mastery learning student of the initial score as many 6 peoples the completion of the 18 student with a percentage of 23,33%. In the fist cycle increased to 8 people punished with percentage 44,44%. The second cycles increased to 15 peoples complete with a percentage of 83,33%. Of these discussions can be conclude with the implementation of inquiry learning can be improve learning outcomes of social science in grade five of SDN 011 Sidorejo Simpang Kanan districts

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) Untuk Meningkat Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 8 Bengkalis

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    The problem of this research is the weakness of student's learning result of social subject. It show from 32 students, 20 students (62,50%) have lower score, and it is only 12 students (37,50%) have average score 67,6. The KKM of this school is 70. According to that problem, the research by implementing cooperative learning model two stay two stray (tsts). In cycle 1, the percentage of teachers activity in first meeting is adquate 66,6%. In second meeting, teachers activity significantly increased to 79,1% with good category. In cycle 2, first meeting was in good category 83,3% and second meeting indicated a very good category 95,8%. Meanwhile, the activity of students also improved. In cycle 1 indicated 62,5% in adequatee category and in cycle 2 has increased up to 83,3% with good category. In cycle 2, first meeting, the meeting, the activity of students has been increasing to 91,8%. With very good category and second meeting indicated very good category 95,8%. In concloussion, implemantation cooperative learning model two stay to stray (tsts) improve students learning result of fourth grade students of SD N8 bengkalis in social subject

    Pola Pembelajaranpendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di Kelas Ivsekolah Dasar Negeri 04 Buantan Besar Kecamatan Siak Kabupaten Siak

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    Learning social science education gives a chance to give some attentions to care and usesurrounding area. Emperical fact in learning social science education before a teacher is onlyperson who gives information that is called teacher centered. Learning materials used focusesinto text books (material in the text books does not adopt and relate into local superiority andwisdom)This research only focuses into development of teaching material of learning socialscience education which has primary school local wisdom basis into competence standart andbasic standart in the first semester of grade IV.This research aims to develop teachingmaterial of learning social science education in Primary School based on local wisdom basiswhich can be used as a reference or supplement by teachers and studetns in learning.Themothod used is research and development design. This research is done into four steps that is1) study literature, 2) research plan, 3) research development, and 4) implementation. Datacollection technique used in this research is using interview, questionnaire, observation,documentations, and test. Meanwhile, triangulation technique and simple statistics are used toanalyze the data. The research showed that 1) teaching materials of of learning social scienceeducation based on local wisdom helps teachers in developing and relating learning materialsin learning social science education with potential of local area especially Siak regency, andb)khususnya di Kabupaten Siak; dan (b) teaching materials of of learning social scienceeducation based on local wisdom helps students to understand potential and condition ofsurrounding area. It is proven by increasing students\u27 understanding in learning learningsocial science education based on local wisdom from average score in pretest 31,73 into53,85 in posttest within increasing average score 0,33 in fair category

    Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching dalam Peningkatan Pembelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 004 Sei Beberas Hilir Kecamatan Lubuk Batu Jaya

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    Ion: the main purpose of this classroom action research is increasing student s\u27 achievement in learning social subject for fourth year students of SDN 004 Sei Beberas Hilir Kecamatan Lubuk Batu Jaya by implementing Quantum Teaching Model. This research is classroom action research which contain with two cycles. Every cycle consists of four phases. They are planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subject of the research is fourth years\u27 students of SDN 004 Sei Beberas Hilir. They are 32 students as subject. The instrument of collecting data which is applied is a test to measure the achievement in studyingSocial subject, observation project to measure study activities. Data analyzing techniquewhich is applied is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The result of the research shows that implementing Quantum Teaching Model can increase the student achievement in learning Social subject. It can be proven by (1) the average class score increases from initial test 68,4 become 73,9 in first cycle and in the second cycle become 86,4. From the average score that is reached, is there any increase as 8,04% in first cycle and 18,28% in second cycle. (2) The passing grade of the student classically (KKM 75) in initial test 43,75. In First cycle test is 53,13%. After reflection to 15 students who did not pass, (the score below 75) and at the second cycle test is 96,88%. After doing reflection for whole students, their study achievement has increased. It can be seen from the percentage of the students\u27 completeness. (3) in student learning activities also showed enhancement. In first phase the percentage of learning activities of the students is 68,75% whereas in second phase reached 90% so the enhancement student learning activities is 21,25%. Whereas in teaching activities of the teacher increase in first phase is 76,25% and in second phase increase to 88,75% so the enhancement that teacher did is 12,5%

    Pengaruh Metode Struktural Analitik Sintetik (Sas) Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SD Negeri 79 Pekanbaru

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    This research is motivated by the problem of the lack of students\u27 abilityof reading at the beginning, so it is necessary to apply SAS method in order to assiststudents in learning to get successful to read at the beginning. The purpose of this studyis to describe the effect of SAS method to students\u27 ability to read at the beginning in theexperimental class and to describe the differences about impoving students\u27 readingability at the begining that significant between students who acquire learning throughthe SAS method and students who received conventional learning. This study is a quasiexperimentalresearch with the research subjects are students of first grade at class IA,SD Negeri 79 Pekanbaru, this class contain of 28 students as control class and class IBof 28 students as the experimental class. The results state that in the pretest scores afteranalyzed by t meet the criteria tcountt\u27table that is 2.480> 2.007, which means that there are significant differences in thepost-test scores between the experimental class and control class. Based on thecoefficient of determination in the experimental class found great determinationcoefficient was 0.870, it means SAS method very influence on students\u27 ability to read atthe beginning of the experimental class. Based on the index gain, improved readingability of students at the beginning of the experimental class has an average of 0.566with the medium category, and the control class 0.220 with low category, it means thatthere are differences of increased the ability to read at the beginning that significantbetween experimental class and control class

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menganalisis Unsur Instrinsik Cerita Legenda Siswa Kelas V Sdn 034 Sukajadi Kota Pekanbaru

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    This reseach based on the result of ability to analize element of legend story of fifth grade studentsSDN 034 Sukajadi at second semester 2010/2011. From 30 students it was just 40% students achievedclassical completeness meanwhile it should be 80% students achieved within minimum completenesscriterion set in the school was 65,00. The formulated problem in this reseach wether applicationcooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve ability to analizeelement of legend story of fifth grade students SDN 034 Sukajadi Pekanbaru? The aim of this reseachis to improve ability to analize element of legend story with application of cooperative learning modeltipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT). This reseach used classroom action research throughcooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) at fifth grade students SDN 034Sukajadi Pekanbaru within 30 students. This action was done at May 2011. The initial result of abilityto analize element of legend story was 60 with 40% or 12 students got scores above 65 or minimumcompleteness. After application of cooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT)in UH I of cycle I, It was obtained the average score of students' ability to analize element of legendstory around 68,33 within 60% or 18 students completeness. In UH II of cycle II the average score ofstudents' ability increased into 78, within 89,91% or 27 students completeness. So that the hypothesesof this reseach “application cooperative learning model tipe Numbered Heads Together (NHT) canimprove ability to analize element of legend story of fifth grade students SDN 034 Sukajadi PekanbaruSukajadi Pekanbaru”, was acceptan

    Penerapan Metode Survey, Question, Read, Recite dan Review (Sq3r) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 010 Merempan Hilir Kabupaten Siak

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    Low level of understanding of the reading skills of students because teachers rarely apply various learning methods, students are trained in reading comprehension through processes or stages that should have been done. Data obtained from the total number of students that add up to 20 students, which can achieve good category revealed nothing. As many as 7 students are on a category, and 10 students are in the category of less. This means that as many as 85% of students do not have the ability of reading comprehension, with the average classroom reached only 59,25. This type of research is research conducted a class act by applying the method of learning survey, question, read, recite, and review (SQ3R) which aims to improve students\u27 reading comprehension at fourth grade students\u27 of elementary school 010 merempan hilir siak regency. This research was carried out on the even semester academic year 2016/2017 with the subject grade IVA consisting of 12 male students and 8 female students. Before the research is done, the researchers prepare a learning device in the form of the syllabus, RPP and LKS, as well as the data collection instruments in the form of sheets, teacher observation of student observation sheet, and the problem repeats daily. After research by application method SQ3R is done, there is an increase in the average reading skills of students understanding of the base score to evaluation I daily of 6.7%, from 59.25 rose to 63.25 and cycle II happen again increased an average of 39.2% reached 82.5. The results of the data analysis activities teachers and students also experienced an increase in both the cycle. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the application of the method of survey, question, read, recite, and review (SQ3R) can improve students\u27 reading comprehension at fourth grade students\u27 of elementary school 010 merempan hilir siak regency
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