326 research outputs found
Kajian Hukum Perjanjian Perkawinan di Kalangan Wni Islam (Studi di Kota Medan)
It organizes marriage property, either the property brought to a marriage by either side or joint property so that it can make legal certainty in controlling and utilizing it in the married life and in the post-divorce. The problems of the research were as follows: how about the regulation on making marriage contract based on the prevailing legal provisions, the Islamic point of view on a marriage contract made by the Islamic Indonesian citizens, and the practice in marriage contracts among the Islamic Indonesian citizens in Medan. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic methods in order to analyze the prevailing regulations in marriage such as Law No. 1/1974, Compilation of the Islamic Law (KHI), based on the Qur'an and Hadists. The data were gathered by conducting interviews with the Islamic married couples, the Islamic scholars, judges, and notaries in Medan who had the capability of being informants and source persons. The result of the research showed that the regulation on marriage contract is stipulated in Article 29 of Law No. 1/1974 on Marriage, Article 47 until Article 52 of KHI (Compilation of the Islamic Law), and Article 139 until Article 154 of the Civil Code. The Islamic law does not explicitly regulate marriage contract. Besides that, there is no single verse in the Quran and Hadists which forbids someone to make a marriage contract as long as it is not contrary to the Islamic doctrine and it gives the benefit to the married couples. Keywords : Marriage Contract, Islamic Indonesian Citizen, Meda
Effect of Temperature Towards RNA Concentration: Quantitative Investigation with Spectrophotometer
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a thermodynamically unstable molecule. The way RNA samples are preserved is critical to maintain maximum yield and quality, therefore it is useful for molecular analysis such as real time- PCR. There are many contradictions and variations regarding the temperature for RNA storage. The aim of this study is to find the ideal temperature to store RNA among -80o C, -20o C and 4oC by determining changes in RNA concentration over two weeks of storage time. The liver of eight rats was divided into three groups, weighing from 25-26 μg. Samples were homogenized, isolated and stored in -80oC, -20oC and 4oC freezers. Absorbance was measured with spectrophotometry at 260 and 280 nm to determine the concentration of RNA. There was no significant difference in the concentration of RNA samples stored in all temperatures after two weeks, both experimentally and statistically (Kruskal-Wallis, -80oC p=0.949; -20oC p=0.885; 4oC p=0.935). In conclusion, RNA can be stored in -80oC, -20oC and 4oC for two weeks without quantity reduction. Longer duration of study and RNA quality analysis is recommended to check for RNA degradation. 
Analisis Kontribusi Penerimaan Pajak Daerah terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Raja Ampat
Sebagai Daerah Otonom, daerah mempunyai kewenangan dan tanggung jawab dalam penyelenggaraan kepentingan masyarakat berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip keterbukaan, partisipasi masyarakat, dan pertanggungjawaban kepada masyarakat. Penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah memerlukan pemanfaatan sumber daya nasional, serta perimbangan keuangan antara pusat dan daerah.Penyelenggaraan pembangunan daerah secara otonomi telah memberikan wewenang yang nyata, luas dan bertanggung jawab termasuk didalamnya adalah pemberian sumber-sumber daerah. Salah satu komponen utama desentralistik adalah Desentralisasi Fiscal, pembiayaan otonomi daerah yang berasal dari Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) diantaranya adalah pajak daerah, retribusi daerah, hasil pengelolaan kekayaan daerah dan lain-lain. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana besar Kontribusi penerimaan pajak daerah terhadap PAD di Kabupaten Raja Ampat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah melalui analisis persentase kontribusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari Tahun 2010s/d 2014 realisasi pajak daerah terbesar pada pajak daerah terjadi pada tahun Tahun 2014 dari semua jenis Pajak Daerah yang ada. Sedangkan kontribusi paling rendah terjadi pada Tahun 2013.Pemerintah perlu menggunakan teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu Analisis Presentase Kontribusi dalam rangka peningkatan Kontribusi Pajak terhadap PAD untuk menentukan kebijakan selanjutnya dalam menggali potensi sumber-sumber PAD lebih khusus Penerimaan Pajak Daerah, agar semakin Realistis jika dibandingkan dengan potensi yang sebenarnya. Kata kunci: pajak daerah, pendapatan asli daera
Technology applications in shoulder replacement
The advancement of technologies in orthopaedic surgery should provide the surgeon with precise and trustworthy support for pre-operative planning, intra-operative guidance and post-operative follow-up. The request for greater accuracy, predictable results and fewer complications, is the engine of digital evolution in pre-operative planning and computer-assisted surgery (CAS). It is an evolution rather than a revolution, and in the last few years these developments have begun to involve shoulder replacement surgery, too
Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Course Lab dalam Pembelajaran Memahami Dasar-dasar Elektronika
This research is motivated by One-way learning media using whiteboard media, presentation media such as power point media which causes students to decrease motivation to learn and improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to produce interactive multimedia products based on the Course Lab. This type of research is development research (Research and Development). This study uses the ADDIE Model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the development obtained by interactive multimedia based on Course Lab and the results of the study obtained Interactive Multimedia-based Course Lab validation worth 4.12 with the valid category. Thus it can be used as learning media. The test results practicalities of the subject teachers and students of the Interactive Multimedia Course Based Lab obtained with a level of practicality of the subject teachers at 4,17 on the category of practical and student responses on the Interactive Multimedia obtained at 4,01 on Practical category. And the effectiveness of the use of Interactive Multimedia Based Course Lab obtained from students\u27 classical mastery level is 87,5% of Minimum Criterion Criterion (KKM) of 80
Analisis Manfaat Sertifikasi Indonesian Organic Farm Certification (Inofice) terhadap Keberlanjutan USAhatani Kopi Organik di Kecamatan Air Hitam Kabupaten Lampung Barat
This research purposed to analyze the benefits of Indonesian Organic Farm Certification (INOFICE) toward the development of coffee farm sustainability from economic dimension, environmental dimension and social dimension. This research was conducted at Air Hitam sub district Lampung Barat district. Sample of research are 30 farmers each from certified farmer and non certified farmer. Economic benefits was analyzed through on farming analysis by counting productivity, cost efficiency and income then was tested with t test to know if there any difference. The economic, environmental and social benefits were analyzed using Mann Whitney U test. The result showed that (1) INOFICE certification had not given benefits toward of coffee farm sustainability. Certified farmers who has been sustainable on economic, environmental dan social were 73,33.% while noncertified farmers were 96,67% categories in sufficiently sustainable on economic, environemental and social. (2) INOFICE certification had not given economic benefits like increasing of productivity and income, but it gave benefit like increasing cost efficiency. (3) INOFICE certification gave benefits in sustainable coffee farm application in term of economic, environmental and social. The application of sustainable coffee farm in economic, environmental and social form was higher significantly on farmers certified than nonsertified farmers
Peningkatan Konektifitas Service VPLS Redundant Path dengan Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
Virtual Private LAN Service is already very popular among the enterprise industry which is a point to point network or multipoint to multipoint l2VPN service, VPLS provides transparent bridge between customers connected to geographically dispersed locations delivered via MPLS backbone by utilizing features such as MPLS Fast reroute and traffic engineering. Redundant paths can be applied to the VPLS service on the access side and backbone to maintain link performance that aims to minimize down time during network fails on the VPLS service. In this research, the implementation of redundant path using RSTP to prevent forwarding loop switching network in VPLS service to protect end-to-end data traffic with VPLS mesh-pseudowire and spoke-pesudowire with RSTP is the most optimal result compared to STP and build reliable network System with high performance for use in modern industry
Relative Expression of CMyc MRNA in Human Glioma Cells and Its Relationship with the Degree of Malignancy
Relative Expression of cMyc85Vol. 5, No. 2, Agustus 2017RESEARCH ARTICLERelative Expression of cMyc mRNA in Human Glioma Cells and its Relationship with the Degree of Malignancy Fidinny I. Hamid,1 Novi S. Hardiany,2* Febrial Hikmah,3 Syaiful Ichwan41Undergraduate Program FM Universitas Indonesia2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, FM Universitas Indonesia3Biomedical Sciences Program FM Universitas Indonesia4Department of Neurosurgery FM Universitas Indonesia -Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital*Corresponding author: [email protected] 10 April 2016; Accepted 23 Agustus 2017DOI: 10.23886/ejki.5.7467AbstractPluripotency of cMyc genes may be one factor for the high glial cell differentiation in glioma thus it can become an alternative therapeutic target. The objective of the study is toanalyze the cMyc mRNA expression and its relationship with the degrees of glioma Malignancy. This is a cross-sectional study from 20 glioma samples with different degree of Malignancy from Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta during the period of October 2014 until February 2015. The mRNA obtained from glioma samples are converted to cDNA and then amplified. Relative quantification of cMyc mRNA expression is measured by calculating the cycle threshold values of Real Time RT PCR and normalized towards 18s rRNA to predict the relationship between the expression of cMyc and the degree of Malignancy. The cMyc expression is increased in accordance with the tumor grade. The cMyc expressions in high grade glioma are 17424.23 folds higher when calibrated to the normal cell, whereas the genes in lower grade tumors are expressed with the rate of 6167.35. Although the values obtained are not statistically significant, this research has strengthened molecular diagnosis, specifically pluripotency as the factor that gives a greater prognostic relevance than the histopathologic diagnosis. As a conclusion, there is a clinical tendency where the relative mRNA expression was higher in in glioma cMyc high degrees compared with low-grade glioma, however it is not statistically significant
Sistem Informasi Pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa Plus (Kum+) Berbasis Web
Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa adalah salah satu syarat mahasiswa untuk dapat mengikuti Ujian. Pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa Plus (KUM+) merupakan sistem pengambilan kartu berbasis web. Namun, di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri maupun Swasta masih banyak yang belum menggunakan Sistem Informasi pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa (KUM+) berbasis web, sehingga pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa (KUM) masih dilakukan dengan cara manual. Proses pengambilan KUM dengan cara manual dirasa masih kurang efektif karena mahasiswa harus mengantri dalam waktu yang lama dan juga harus datang ke kampus langsung untuk mengisi form pengambilan kartu ujian mahasiswa. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Sitem Informasi Pengambilan Kartu Ujian Mahasiswa (KUM+) Berbasis Web. Sehingga dapat memudahkan mahasiswa dalam proses pengambilan kartu ujian mahasiswa tanpa harus datang mengantri di kampus, juga memudahkan bagi pihak kampus dalam menginput jadwal dan tidak lagi mencetak kartu ujian. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan Bahasa pemprograman Processing Hypertext Programming (PHP). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka dan metode perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan metode Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)
Partisipasi Dalam Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan Kelurahan Taas Kota Manado
Participation in the National Program for Community Empowerment Urban Village Taas of Manado City. Participatory development model can be regarded as a form of reaction to management development paradigm or neo-liberalism is closely modeled on the many failures. The National Program for Community Empowerment or abbreviated Urban PNPM Urban embracing participatory development model where community participation becomes absolutely necessary in carrying out this program. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of community participation in PNPM Mandiri Urban sub-districts Taas Tikala Manado through the stages of planning and decision-making, implementation, benefits and evaluation of activities.This study used qualitative methods with data sources through secondary data from village office and from the office of the Coordinator Manado city PNPM Urban. The primary data sourced from interviews to 14 informants as a representation of the village government, the head of the neighborhood, facilitators, and community. The data were analyzed descriptively through the stages of data reduction, data display and conclusion. Event check the validity of the data in a qualitative study, researchers used a test of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability.The results showed that the activities in PNPM Urban cycle through the stages very well in encouraging community participation in planning and decision-making, implementation, and maintenance. Public participation in decision making through consultation activities planning and setting priorities. The implementation of the activities through Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM), and the work done by mutual cooperation and self-sufficient. Results of activities including infrastructure Tridaya environmental, economic and social activities revolving loan productive, be especially beneficial for the community. Constraints that occur in community participation is at the stage of evaluation cycle activities through a participatory review and annual citizen consultation. Lack of free time and put their trust in Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat (LKM), causing a lack of community participation in evaluating the activities.The conclusion of this study is the village community Taas Tikala Manado city districts participate actively in decision-making, implementation, and benefits as well as the maintenance of the results of the activities, but still less involvement in the evaluation. It is recommended that people should take an active part in the evaluation, because at this stage is considered as feedback can provide input for the improvement of the implementation of the program/ further activity.Keywords: Participation, the National Program for Community Empowerment Urban RingkasanModel pembangunan partisipatif dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu bentuk reaksi atas manajemen pembangunan yang berparadigma atau bermodelkan neo-liberalisme yang banyak mengalami kegagalan. Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan atau disingkat PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan menganut model pembangunan partisipatif di mana partisipasi masyarakat menjadi syarat mutlak dalam menjalankan program ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengenali jenis-jenis partisipasi masyarakat dalam PNPM-Mandiri Perkotaan Kelurahan Taas kecamatan Tikala Kota Manado melalui tahapan perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan, pelaksanaan, pemanfaatan dan evaluasi kegiatan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber datanya melalui data sekunder dari kantor Kelurahan Taas dan dari kantor Koordinator Kota Manado PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan. Data primere-journal “Acta Diurna” Volume IV. No.5. Tahun 2015bersumber dari wawancara kepada 14 orang informan sebagai representasi dari pemerintah kelurahan, kepala lingkungan, fasilitator pendamping, dan masyarakat. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif melalui tahapan reduksi data, display data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kegiatan mengecek keabsahan data dalam penelitian kualitatif, peneliti menggunakan uji kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas dan konfirmabilitas
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