5 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Kasus Kekerasan Seksual di Rumah Sakit Tipe A di Jawa Barat dan Sumatera Barat

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    Introduction: Sexual assault in women and children are very prominent among other abuse. Knowledge related to the characteristics of sexual assault is vital for optimal handling of sexual assault cases. Aims: This research aimed to evaluate the characteristics of sexual assault cases in referral hospital (type A hospital) in West Java and West Sumatera provinces. Method: This research is a retrospective descriptive research. The samples were patients suspected of being victims of sexual assault, examined from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018. Results: The alleged sexual assault victims are dominated by women, unmarried, with the most age groups of 10-19 years. Most victims come to the hospital within a week after the case. The primary type of sexual assault experienced by the victims is vaginal penetration. Most perpetrators were someone who was well known by the victims. The perpetrators prefer to act at noon in a private place. Medical records revealed that in most cases only signs of violence on the anogenital region, and no trace on other body parts. Conclusion: The characteristic of sexual assault from both provinces are almost similar. The difference that stands out lies in the level of education of victims. Knowledge about the aspects of sexual assault cases is essential for health service to provide optimal health service to sexual violence victims as well as the prevention efforts

    Profile of Medicolegal Cases at Department of Forensics and Legal Medicine of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia

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    The increasing number of criminal cases in Indonesia indirectly affects the number of cases handled in the Department of Forensics and Legal medicine. Forensic specialists play an important role in criminal investigation process by conducting medical examination of the corpse. This study aimed to present the profile of the corpses examined in the Department Forensic and Legal Medicine of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia, during 2013-2017. This was a descriptive retrospective study based on data of the corpses examined at the Department of Forensics and Legal Medicine of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General HospitalBandung, Indonesia, in 2013–2017. During the period of study, 1,692 corpses were handled with 1,258 males (74%), 430 females (25%), and 4 with unidentified sex (1%). most of the corpses were 46–65 years old (30%) and 26–45 years old (29%) when they died. There were 24 corpses with multiple cases, making a total number of cases of 1,716 cases with an average number of cases handled each month of 29 cases. From these cases, 1,303 cases (76%) only involved external examination and 413 cases (24%) underwent autopsy (external and internal examinations). The highest number of cases was seen in 2014 (432 cases, 25%). Regarding the type of cases, Death on Arrival (DOA) cases was the most frequently seen (28%), followed by traffic accidents (26%), sudden death (22%), infanticide (7%), train accident (5%), and murders (5%). The most frequent cause of death in murder cases was sharp trauma. In conclusion, DOA and traffic accident are the dominant cases handled at the Forensics and Legal Medicine Department of Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. The high number of DOA indicates the high number of patients who come late for treatment. This needs further studies to clarify the situation in order to avoid future DOA cases. In addition, the risk factors related to the death due to traffic accidents in Indonesia need to be determined to reduce the number of fatalities in traffic accidents. Profil Kasus Medikolegal di Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin BandungMaraknya kasus kriminal di Indonesia secara tidak langsung berefek pada jumlah kasus yang diperiksa di Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal. Dokter forensik berperan penting dalam mengungkap kasus kematian dengan melakukan pemeriksaan medik untuk kepentingan peradilan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui profil kasus jenazah di Departemen Forensik dan Medikolegal RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung yang diperiksa selama tahun 2013-2017. Penelitian ini bersifat dekskriptif retrospektif berdasarkan data kasus jenazah yang diperiksa di Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung tahun 2013-2017. Selama periode penelitian, terdapat 1.692 jenazah yang ditangani, terdiri dari 1.258 jenazah laki-laki (74%), 430 perempuan (25%), dan 4 jenazah (1%) tidak teridentifikasi jenis kelaminnya. Kelompok usia terbanyak adalah usia 46-65 tahun (30%) dan usia 26-45 tahun (29%). Terdapat 24 jenazah dengan kasus ganda, sehingga didapatkan total 1716 kasus, dengan rata-rata jumlah kasus setiap bulan adalah 29 kasus. Dari total kasus tersebut, yang dilakukan pemeriksaan luar saja 1.303 kasus (76%) dan yang dilakukanotopsi (pemeriksaan luar dan dalam)413 kasus (24%). Jumlah kasus terbanyak pada tahun 2014, 432 kasus (25%). Jenis kasus terbanyak adalah kasus Death on Arrival (DOA) 28%, diikuti secara berturut-turut kasus Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas 26%, Mati Mendadak 22%, Infantisid 7%, Kecelakaan Kereta Api 5% dan Pembunuhan 5%. Kasus pembunuhan terbanyak diakibatkan oleh trauma tajam. Simpulan, didapatkan kasus terbanyak pada tahun 2014 (25%), jenazah terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki (76%), kelompok usia terbanyak adalah usia 46-65 tahun (30%), jenis kasus terbanyak adalah kasus DOA (28%), dan hanya 24% kasus yang dilakukan otopsi

    Profile of Medico-legal Cases and Body Injuries in a Tertiary Hospital in Padang, Indonesia 2010-2020

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    Forensic medicine is a branch of medicine that examines victims for the benefit of justice. Doctors play an important role in documenting injuries or abnormalities on the victim's body in the patient's medical record. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of cases and injuries of patients at M Djamil General Hospital during the period of 2010–2020. This was a descriptive retrospective study on secondary data from the medical records of patients who were examined and consulted to the Forensic Department of Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital, Padang during 2010–2020. During this period, 11.729 patients (victims) were examined by and consulted to the Department. Most of the victims were male (70.6%) aged 10–19 years old (29.2%). Most of the victims were involved in a traffic accident, followed by persecution. Victims of traffic accident dominated the forensic pathology cases after sudden death.  Abrasions and open wound injury were the most frequent types of injury, with head and neck as the body parts mostly affected. In terms of the type of wound, most victims experienced injuries caused by blunt force (87%). This study concluded that the forensic cases managed at the Dr. M. Djamil General Hospital vary with blunt forces by a traffic accident as the most frequent cause of injuries while the head and neck become the body parts that are  most susceptible to injury, both for survivors and those who died

    Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Dokter tentang Pengisian Penyebab Kematian Medis (Medical Cause of Death) Berdasarkan Standar ICD-10 di RS Tersier di Bandung

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    Penyebab kematian medis perlu dicantumkan pada setiap rekam medis pasien yang meninggal. Dokter di Rumah Sakit berperan penting dalam menentukan sebab kematian medis (medical cause of death). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menilai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dokter tentang cara penulisan penyebab kematian medis (medical cause of death) pada rekam medis di RS Tersier di Bandung yang sesuai dengan standar WHO International Classification of Disease (ICD) 10. Penelitian ini berupa studi deskriptif analitik dengan memberikan kuesioner pada dokter klinis di suatu RS Tersier di Bandung untuk menilai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dokter tentang cara penulisan penyebab kematian medis (medical cause of death) dan kesesuaiannya dengan standar WHO ICD-10. Dari total 928 orang dokter klinis, didapatkan 90 sampel. Sampel mewakili setiap departemen/bagian yang terlibat langsung pembuatan penyebab kematian medis di suatu RS Tersier di Bandung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 58,1% dokter yang memahami tentang cara penulisan penyebab kematian medis yang benar, sedangkan 41,9% belum memahami secara teori. Keterampilan dokter dalam mengisi penyebab kematian medis yang benar dan lengkap sebesar 20,7%, sedangkan 23,3% mengisi penyebab kematian medis dengan benar namun tidak lengkap. Sebanyak 75,4% mengisi penyebab kematian yang salah, terutama karena menuliskan kondisi akhir sebelum kematian (terminal events). Masih separuh dokter (58,1%) mengetahui cara penulisan penyebab kematian medis yang benar sesuai standar WHO ICD-10. Tingkat keterampilan dalam mengisi penyebab kematian medis yang lengkap, masih sangat rendah (20,7%)

    Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Forensic Cases Study

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    The pediatric forensic case study encompasses all pediatric cases with potential legal implications, including violence, poisoning, and drowning. While many of these cases receive initial treatment in emergency departments (ED), certain patients are admitted to pediatric intensive care units (PICU) due to poor outcomes. This study aims to determine the profile of pediatric forensic cases in the PICU of a tertiary hospital in Indonesia. This descriptive-observational study used medical records of PICU patients in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia from 2017 to 2023 with a total sampling technique. Among 51 samples obtained, the majority of cases involved violence (78.4%), followed by fracture as the most common injury (29.4%), and equal distribution between chemical substances and pesticides in poisoning cases (5.9% each). Most of the cases in this study occurred unintentionally (93.3%). Remarkably, this study is the first of its kind in Indonesia and holds the potential to inform legal frameworks