8 research outputs found

    Anatomi Fisiologi Sistem Perkemihan

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    Sistem perkemihan terdiri dari ginjal, ureter, kandung kemih dan uretra. Fungsi utama dari sistem perkemihan adalah untuk membuang produk limbah organik atau sisa metabolisme sel-sel tubuh. Beberapa fungsi lain yang tidak kalah penting adalah mengatur volume dan tekanan darah, mengatur konsentrasi ion-ion di dalam plasma dan membantu menstabilkan pH darah. Setiap hari ginjal akan menyaring darah, mengirimkan toksin, sisa buangan metabolik, kelebihan cairan dan ion keluar dari tubuh dalam bentuk urin

    Overview of Evaluation of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Patients with Hernia Cases at a Private Hospital in South Tangerang, Indonesia, during the Period January 2019 – December 2020

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    Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is one of the complications of surgery in a hospital. The SSI can increase the morbidity and mortality of patients. The primary prevention in the SSI case is to give the right prophylactic antibiotics following the applicable guidelines, which include the proper indication, the right type, the correct dose, the right time, and the right route for giving prophylactic antibiotics. One of the recommended surgical operations using prophylactic antibiotics is a hernia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of giving preventative antibiotics to patients with hernia cases at a private hospital in South Tangerang from January 2019 - December 2020. This study retrospectively used medical records, and the type of research used was nonexperimental with a descriptive design. Based on the data obtained, the administration of prophylactic antibiotics to patients with hernia cases at a private hospital in South Tangerang showed 100% correct indication, 45% correct type, 100% correct dose, 68% timely, 100% correct route of administration of prophylactic antibioti cs. Keywords: Surgical Site Infection (SSI); hernia; prophylactic antibiotics

    Identification of Diatoms in the Upstream, Middle, and Downstream Ciliwung River as a Diagnostic Tool for Drowning

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    Drowning is death caused by asphyxia due to the aspiration of fluids into the airways or lungs, resulting in airway obstruction within 24 hours. One of the examinations to establish the diagnosis of drowning victims is a laboratory examination of diatom identification. This research aims to know the morphological description and types of diatoms that live along the Upper, Middle, and Lower Ciliwung Watersheds, to facilitate the identification of drowning victims found in the Ciliwung River. The research design is qualitative descriptive. The data in this study were the results of observations and analysis of Ciliwung river water samples at the Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Indonesian Christian University. The study's results found 17 different species at the Katulampa Dam, 19 at the Ciliwung Bridge, and 14 at the Manggarai Sluice Gate. From a total of 22 species of diatoms found, overall, the widest distribution was Nitzschia sp, Navicula sp, Fragilaria sp, and Cyclotella sp. The distribution and types of diatoms found are closely related to current velocity and water discharge, temperature, and river turbidity. Keywords: Drowning; diatoms; ciliwung watershed

    Student’s and Lecturer’s Perception Related to the Use of Latin Terms in Anatomy during COVID Pandemic: A Pre-Eliminary Study Conducted in a Christian Based Private Medical School

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    Aims: to evaluate Student’s and Lecturer’s Perception Related to the use of Latin Terms in Anatomy. Study Design: Cross-sectional study Place and Duration of Study: Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia, May-September 2021. Methodology: Using electronic questionaire based study which distributed to students and lecturers by using popular social media named Whatsapp™ Results: 708 students and 49 lecturers responded our survey. most of our student respondents found it difficult to learn Latin terms due to language limitation, most of our students need Latin for medical terms to be taught in other medical courses more specifically and the majority of lecturers emphasize that a good understanding of nomenclature or medical terms in Latin will support them in studying topics in other medical field. Conclusion: Teaching Anatomy and its Latin terms is difficult and challenging but also there is opportunity to modify it using thematic virtual anatomy or any other digital platform. Keywords: Terminology; structural; thematic; typologies; terms and expressions; paradigm shift; virtual anatomy

    Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Medical Students across Indonesia: A Literature Review

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    Aim: To make profiling of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among medical students in Indonesia through a literature search on previous scientific publications in the internet, then creating a map showing the spread of this silent epidemic among medical students. Methodology: Simple internet based literature study cross sectionally search for previous published scientific articles available only on the internet, regarding overweight or obesity among medical students from different faculty of medicine in Indonesia. This study conducted from January to March 2023. Using famous search engine, Google™, we type several keywords regarding overweight and obesity among medical students in Indonesia. Results and Discussion: Data from 29 published articles obtained electronically. The mean percentage of overweight and obese students is 35.5% and found in both public or private medical schools; where private schools have a slightly higher mean percentage of prevalence than the public ones. Even though there are 92 medical schools across Indonesia, it turns out that not all have such data uploaded to the internet. From the health communication perspective, this is also barriers that must be overcome. Conclusion: Overweight and obesity among medical students of Indonesia is a real problem that must be managed properly in order to ensure that, these students stay healthy, can complete their education and then become doctors who serve the community. Keywords: Anatomy body mass index body image waist circumference public private health communicatio

    The profile of erythrocyte enlargement due to imported cases of Plasmodium vivax infection: its impact to the patient and the community

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    Background: Imported cases of malarial vivax also induce erythrocyte enlargement. The size of enlargement depend on the size of the parasite inside the cells. The aim of the study was to examine 20 slides of positive malaria vivax and seek for erythrocyte infected malaria and measure the size of enlarged cells and its shape. As a comparison, a number of normal erythrocyte also evaluated for its size and shape. Methods: This simple cross sectional design of microscope based study was conducted in Parasitology lab, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta-Indonesia, from January to June of 2019. All data collected and further processed using SPSS™. Results: A total number of 982 erythrocyte infected with P. vivax were examined individually. Those number consist of 243 immature trophozoite, 231 mature trophozoite, 251 micro-gametocyte, and 257 macrogametocyte. As a comparison also being examined 70 normal erythrocyte. Each erythrocyte infected with malaria vivax parasite enlarge to some extent, had irregular shape and the size varied based on the stage of the parasite inside the cells. Discussion: This enlarged erythrocyte is prone to cell sequestration and lysis, a condition that leads to anemia. Anemia affect not just the host but also the community. Proper management of malaria will reduce the burden to the community. Conclusions: Enlarged infected erythrocyte due to malaria vivax can cause anemia with effect to the host and also to the community

    Relationship between Body Mass Index and Knee Osteoarthritis at UKI General Hospital in 2017

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    Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease usually suffered by elderly patients, contributing to the high risk of disability. The risk factors that affect the severity of knee osteoarthritis are obesity, age, sex, occupation, patient's history of the disease, trauma, and other factors. Excessive body weight is a factor that exacerbates the disease of osteoarthritis. Generally, this research is aimed to examine the correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) and knee osteoarthritis at UKI General Hospital. The researcher used a descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. In this study, the researcher used 30 samples. The result of chi-square analysis by using Fisher's Exact Test shows that a p-value = 0.045 indicates that the p-value of BMI is under the significance level of α = 0,05. Therefore, the researcher concluded that there is a correlation between BMI and knee osteoarthritis, in which a high BMI value (>24.9) may affect the occurrence of joint space narrowing among the patients. The mean BMI value among the osteoarthritis patients UKI General Hospital is 25.6, which highly indicates that most osteoarthritis patients are preobese/ overweight. Keywords: Knee osteoarthritis, Body Mass Index (BMI), joint space narrowin

    Relationship of Occupational Safety and Health Knowledge to The Occupation of Paramedical Occupational Accidents

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    Occupational health and safety is a fundamental issue. Work accidents, directly or indirectly, can cause losses to the company, among others, late completion of work, decreased productivity, and healing costs for employees. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge of occupational safety and health behavior with the occurrence of paramedic work accidents at UKI Hospital in 2018. This type of research is correlational, with a total of 30 samples. This study found a relationship between knowledge of occupational safety and health with attitudes and actions to prevent work accidents among nurses at UKI Hospital. Keywords: Occupational Accident, Occupational Health and Safety, Paramedic