6,638 research outputs found

    Performance of an Operating High Energy Physics Data Grid: D0SAR-Grid

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    The D0 experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron will record several petabytes of data over the next five years in pursuing the goals of understanding nature and searching for the origin of mass. Computing resources required to analyze these data far exceed capabilities of any one institution. Moreover, the widely scattered geographical distribution of D0 collaborators poses further serious difficulties for optimal use of human and computing resources. These difficulties will exacerbate in future high energy physics experiments, like the LHC. The computing grid has long been recognized as a solution to these problems. This technology is being made a more immediate reality to end users in D0 by developing a grid in the D0 Southern Analysis Region (D0SAR), D0SAR-Grid, using all available resources within it and a home-grown local task manager, McFarm. We will present the architecture in which the D0SAR-Grid is implemented, the use of technology and the functionality of the grid, and the experience from operating the grid in simulation, reprocessing and data analyses for a currently running HEP experiment.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, conference proceedings of DPF04 tal

    Evaluation of the morphologic, pollen viability and germination in progeny of the first backcross generation of passionfruit.

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    Brazil is considered the main center of the genetic diversity and greatest worldwide producer of passionfruit. This fruit is severely attacked by many phytosanitary problems, specially by the passionfruit woodiness virus which leads to severe losses in yield. Wild species of Passifloraare valuable sources of genetic resistance to this disease

    On the resonance eigenstates of an open quantum baker map

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    We study the resonance eigenstates of a particular quantization of the open baker map. For any admissible value of Planck's constant, the corresponding quantum map is a subunitary matrix, and the nonzero component of its spectrum is contained inside an annulus in the complex plane, zminzzmax|z_{min}|\leq |z|\leq |z_{max}|. We consider semiclassical sequences of eigenstates, such that the moduli of their eigenvalues converge to a fixed radius rr. We prove that, if the moduli converge to r=zmaxr=|z_{max}|, then the sequence of eigenstates converges to a fixed phase space measure ρmax\rho_{max}. The same holds for sequences with eigenvalue moduli converging to zmin|z_{min}|, with a different limit measure ρmin\rho_{min}. Both these limiting measures are supported on fractal sets, which are trapped sets of the classical dynamics. For a general radius zmin<r<zmax|z_{min}|< r < |z_{max}|, we identify families of eigenstates with precise self-similar properties.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure

    Eudaimonistic Argumentation

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    Virtue theories have lately enjoyed a modest vogue in the study of argumentation, echoing the success of more far-reaching programmes in ethics and epistemology. Virtue theories of argumentation (VTA) comprise several conceptually distinct projects, including the provision of normative foundations for argument evaluation and a renewed focus on the character of good arguers. Perhaps the boldest of these is the pursuit of the fully satisfying argument, the argument that contributes to human flourishing. This project has an independently developed epistemic analogue: eudaimonistic virtue epistemology. Both projects stress the importance of widening the range of cognitive goals beyond, respectively, cogency and knowledge; both projects emphasize social factors, the right sort of community being indispensable for the cultivation of the intellectual virtues necessary to each project. This paper proposes a unification of the two projects by arguing that the intellectual good life sought by eudaimonistic virtue epistemologists is best realized through the articulation of an account of argumentation that contributes to human flourishing

    Evaluation of structural traits of goats from Northeastern Brazil using zoometric ratios.

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    Edição do anais do International Symposium on Sustainable Animal Production in the Tropics: Farming in a Changing World. Guadelouple 14th-18th November 2010

    Infinities within graviton scattering amplitudes

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    We present unitarity as a method for determining the infinities present in graviton scattering amplitudes. The infinities are a combination of IR and UV. By understanding the soft singularities we may extract the UV infinities and relate these to counter-terms in the effective action. As an demonstration of this method we rederive the UV infinities present at one-loop when gravity is coupled to matter.Comment: revised versio

    A Hedged Monte Carlo Approach to Real Option Pricing

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    In this work we are concerned with valuing optionalities associated to invest or to delay investment in a project when the available information provided to the manager comes from simulated data of cash flows under historical (or subjective) measure in a possibly incomplete market. Our approach is suitable also to incorporating subjective views from management or market experts and to stochastic investment costs. It is based on the Hedged Monte Carlo strategy proposed by Potters et al (2001) where options are priced simultaneously with the determination of the corresponding hedging. The approach is particularly well-suited to the evaluation of commodity related projects whereby the availability of pricing formulae is very rare, the scenario simulations are usually available only in the historical measure, and the cash flows can be highly nonlinear functions of the prices.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure

    The diagnostic accuracy of a laser fluorescence device and digital radiography in detecting approximal caries lesions in posterior permanent teeth: an in vivo study

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    The aim of this in vivo study was to test the diagnostic accuracy of a pen-type laser fluorescence (LFpen) device in detecting approximal caries lesions, in posterior permanent teeth, at the cavitation and non-cavitation thresholds, and compare it with that of digital bitewing radiography. Thirty patients (aged 18–37), who attended the Faculty of Dentistry at Damascus University for a dental examination, were consecutively screened. Ninety approximal surfaces of posterior permanent teeth without frank cavitations, enamel hypoplasia or restorations were selected and examined using the LFpen (DIAGNOdent pen) and digital bitewing radiography. The reference standard was the visual-tactile inspection, after performing temporary tooth separation, using orthodontic rubber rings, placed for 7 days. The status of included approximal surfaces was recorded as intact/sound, with white/brown spots or cavitated. One trained examiner performed all examinations. There were statistically significant differences in LFpen readings between the three types of approximal surface status (P < 0.001). The optimal cut-off values for detecting approximal caries lesions in posterior permanent teeth were >16 and 8 at the cavitation and non-cavitation thresholds respectively. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy (measured by the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve) were 100, 85 and 95 and 92, 90 and 95% at the cavitation and non-cavitation thresholds respectively. The intra-class correlation coefficient for intra-examiner reliability was 0.95. The diagnostic accuracy of the LFpen was significantly higher than that of digital bitewing radiography (P < 0.001). The LFpen’s diagnostic performance was accurate and significantly better than digital bitewing radiography in detecting approximal caries lesions, in posterior permanent teeth. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10103-017-2157-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users