4,794 research outputs found
Komunikasi Ritual Tradisi Tujuh Bulanan (Studi Etnografi Komunikasi Bagi Etnis Jawa di Desa Pengarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan)
Tradition Seven Monthly pregnancy is a ceremony for the first child seven months gestation. Seven monthly event is often done by Javanese because this tradition handed down from earlier ancestors. This study aims to determine the implementation of the seven monthly event on Javanese who lived in the Pengarungan village. To achieve these objectives, it raised some questions about how the situation in the event of seven monthly communication, communicative events in seven monthly events, and acts of communication in seven monthly event in the pengarungan village, subdistrict torgamba, labuhanbatu selatan districtThis type of research is qualitative. While research method used is an ethnographic study of communication. Most of the data were collected through observation and interviews. Informants were obtained by 5 people. Three people who existed as a guide Seven Monthly Event and two people who know and understand the events of seven monthly. Data collection techniques by using purposive sampling technique. After the interviews, participant observation, field notes, literature studies, documentation and internet searching. Test the validity of the data with triangulation and the extension of participation.The results obtained indicate that the communicative situation in seven monthly event is done at their own home, or parents home of the boy and was attended by parents, neighbors, and community members Pengarungan. This communicative events is based on genre, type of events werer, the topic, the purpose and function, the setting, participants, form a message, the content of the message, the rules of interaction, the norms of interpretation. While in communicative acts such as those that know and understand the implementation of seven monthly event is host of the events in seven months.Keywords : Tradition in Seven Monthly Events in the Pengarungan Village,tradition , ethnography of communicatio
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Pada Siswa Kelas Vii.c SMP Negeri 1 Sinaboi Satu Atap Tahun Pelajaran 2015/ 2016
This research aims to improve the learning results of the IPA through the application of cooperative learning model type NHT in Grade VII. SMP Negeri 1 c Sinaboi one stop Lessons Year 2015/2016. This research was conducted in Class VII. SMP Negeri 1 c Sinaboi one roof Sinaboi Rokan Hilir in even-numbered years semester lesson 2015/2016. The subject of research is the grade 1 Land Junior Sinaboi one roof Sinaboi Rokan Hilir totalling 25 students consisting of 12 male students and female students. Based on the results of the Research Action class (PTK) and the application of Cooperative learning, NHT Type absorption cycle I by students on average 65.2 with category II cycle less on average power serapnya be 73.6 by category either. Ketuntasan Individual students in cycle I, by 60% and cycle II amounted to 88%.Classical Ketuntasan on cycle I don't thoroughly i.e. by 40% and in cycle II not completely 12%. Student activity on the cycle of the cycle I with average 73.2% category both on cycle II with an average of 95.2% by category. The activity of the teacher in the cycle I with average 65.75% categories good, cycle II with an average of 94.7% category. Group Award at the cycle I to five groups awarded a group of good, very good and super. Group I was 14 with good predicate, group II mean 12 with good, group III was 18 with excellent, Group IV mean 5 with good and Group V 28 average with super. While on cycle II to five groups awarded a group of good, very good and super. Group I was 20 with excellent, group II was 20 with excellent, group III 22 average with excellent, Group IV average 26 with super and Group V 26 average with super. Cooperative learning model by applying type NHT can improve learning outcomes grade VII. SMP Negeri 1 c Sinaboi one stop Lessons Year 2015/2016
Komunikasi Efektif Bagi Pasangan Poligami Harmonis di Kabupaten Bone Bolango
This study discusses effective communication for polygamy couples in Bone Bolango Regency. This research is a field research with data collection methods such as observation, interviews and documentation. The data collected is processed and analyzed with descriptive qualitative using a communication approach. The results showed that polygamists in Gorontalo Regency in living their household life remained harmonious. This is because the couple always get used to communicating effectively, so that all household problems can be resolved properly
Identifikasi Emosi Berdasarkan Action Unit Menggunakan Metode Bézier Curve
Ekspresi wajah menjadi bahasa yang universal. Bahkan Perubahan ekspresi wajah dapat membantu pengambilan keputusan. Pada tahun 1972, Paul Ekman mengklasifikasikan emosi dasar manusia ke dalam enam jenis: senang, sedih, terkejut, marah, takut, dan jijik. Kemudian Ekman dan Wallace Friesen mengembangkan sebuah alat untuk mengukur pergerakan pada wajah yang disebut Facial Action Coding System (FACS). FACS menentukan ekspresi wajah berdasarkan pergerakan otot wajah, yang diistilahkan Action Unit (AU). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui emosi tertarik yang dialami seseorang berdasarkan AU yang telah ditentukan oleh Paul Ekman dengan cara membandingkan dua buah citra, yaitu citra wajah tanpa ekspresi dan citra wajah berekspresi. Hasil penelitian ini memperoleh sebuah aplikasi yang mampu mengidentifikasi emosi tertarik dengan akurasi sebesar 80%, True Positive Rate 80%, dan True Negative Rate 80%. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui karakteristik action unit yang membentuk emosi tertarik, juga memberikan masukan bagi proses evaluasi belajar mengajar mata kuliah pemrograman
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