4,540 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Merawat Kaki pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus feet complications are a leading cause of mortality in developing countries. The prevalence of diabetes is expected to increase in the next decade in the developing countries. Foot care of patients with diabetes mellitus type II is consisted of early detection, foot exercise and practice for the foot care. The aim of this study was to determine the adherence of foot care after the education program was given to reduce of diabetic foot complications in the health center Mergangsan area in Yogyakarta. Method: This research used quasy experimental design with pre and post test group control. The total samples were 82 respondents (41 for the intervention group, 41 for the control group). Instrument used Nottingham Asessment of Functional Foot Care and Diabetic Foot Care Behaviour. Wilcoxon test results of intervention and control group in this research between pre and post intervention was p-value = 0.000 (p-value < 0.05), that signifi cant diff erence of adherence for the practice of foot care. Mann-Whitney test result p-value 0,000 (p-value < 0,05), which means there was a signifi cant diff erence in adherence between the intervention and control group. Health education can improve patient adherence foot care for diabetes mellitus type II in the area health center Mergangsan in Yogyakarta. Suggestion for further research is examining factors that infl uence adherence for the foot care practice with daily observations

    Pengaruh Kondisi Penyimpanan Obat terhadap Kualitas Tablet Vitamin C di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pontianak Kota

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    Ascorbic acid is a compound that unstable, easily oxidized when exposedto aerial (oxygen) and this process can be accelerated by heat. The purpose of thisresearch is to see the influence of storage conditions on the quality of drugsphysical and chemical tablets of ascorbic acid at the district health centers whichincludes Kampung Bali, Alianyang, Pal tiga and Karya Mulia with differentstorage conditions in each health centers. The method used is non-experimental,and use probability sampling method with simple random sampling. Samplingwas conducted during two months. In this research, do measurement temperature,humidity and evaluation test tablets that include test physical appearance,uniformity of weight, uniformity of size, friability, hardness, disintegration time,dissolution and value, then the results were analyzed statistically using One WayANOVA and Kruskal Wallis. The results showed that ascorbic acid tablets in thefirst and second health center in Kampung Bali, Alianyang, and Pal tigaparameters qualify the uniformity of weight, disintegration time and dissolution,while the Karya Mulia of community health center tablets meets all requirementsof ascorbic acid tablets are good, except the value parameters and uniformity ofsize. Based on the results of this research concluded that the influence of theconditions and duration of storage of drugs affecting the quality of ascorbic acidtablets. Statistical analysis evaluating ascorbic acid tablets between each healthcenters in the first month and the second shows that the health center Karya Muliashowed a significant difference with health center Kampung Bali, Alianyang andPal tiga

    Pemaknaan, Penyesuaian, dan Komunikasi dalam Perkawinan pada Dosen Perempuan

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    Artikel ini dilatar belakangi oleh fenomena dosen sebagai perempuan bekerja dalam memaknai dan membangun perkawinannya, di dalamnya terkandung upaya penyesuaian dan komunikasi sebagai pasangan suami istri. Untuk memahami fenomena tersebut maka digunakan berbagai teori sebagai kerangka pemikiran yaitu Fenomenologi, dan Konstruksi Sosial Atas Realitas.Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen perempuan Unisba. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku menikah merupakan tindakan berkesadaran. Perilaku menikah didasarkan pada tujuan-tujuan yang ingin dicapai yang dikelompokkan menjadi tujuan normatif, psikologis, sosial dan ekonomi. Sementara penyesuaian yang dilakukan ditunjukkan melalui beberapa tahapan yang merupakan fase-fase yang dihadapi oleh pasangan suami istri. Sementara komunikasi dalam perkawinan dibangun melalui suasana komunikasi ideal dan pengelolaan komunikasi. Komunikasi ideal dimungkinkan apabila ada dukungan, kepercayaan, keterbukaan dan dalam setting waktu yang tepat

    Peningkatan Kecerdasan Logika Matematika Anak Melalui Permainan Berhitung Menggunakan Papan Telur Di Tk Aisyiyah 7 Duri

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    Karena media guru kurang menarik untuk anak, maka tujuan penelitian, meningkatkan pengetahuan anak dalam berhitung. Metode penelitian yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas. Hasil penelitian diperoleh melalui lembar observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi anak, guru, peneliti, sekolah, orang tua, masyarakat, maupun peneliti lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian, terjadi peningkatan kecerdasan logika matematika anak dari siklus I sampai siklus II. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah, melalui permainan berhitung menggunakan papan telur meningkatkan kecerdasan logika matematika anak

    Implementasi Modul Fisika Modern Berbasis Konstruktivisme

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    Still limited learning resources available in the library and the inability of most college students to purchase learning resources either in the form of a book or module.Then the necessity created a learning resource in the form of learning materials in the form of modules. This research aims to look at the results of a study of college students in learning using a module-based constructivism. The research is the research action class (PTK) consisting of three cycles, each cycle consists of four stages, namely action planning, implementation, observation, evaluation and reflection. The subject of this study is a three-semester student physical education PGMIPAU. The object of this research is the result of student learning. From the results of the studyobtained the use of Constructivism-based modern physics module on cycle 1 median – median test results of students are 50.54, on average cycle 2 – align students ' test results was 61.00, and median – median 3 cycle test results of students are 66.00, so it can be concluded that the use of Constructivism-based modern physics modules can improve student learning outcomes

    Hubungan Pemberian Insentif Deteksi Bumil Risti Dengan Upaya Penurunan Kematian Ibu Di Kabupaten Kampar 2012

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    Latar belakang: Angka kematian ibu (AKI) di Indonesia masih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan target Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) tahun 2015. Berbagai upaya memang telah dilakukan untuk menurunkan kematian ibu, salah satunya pemberian insentif bagi bidan desa untuk mendeteksi seluruh ibu hamil berisiko tinggi. Tujuan: Melihat penurunan AKI dengan adanya pemberian insentif dalam mendeteksi ibu hamil risti. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasional analitik komparatif, dengan desain cross sectional. Sumber data yaitu Profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kampar selama 5 (lima) tahun dari tahun 2007 hingga 2011. Hasil: K1 dan K4 tidak berkorelasi dengan kematian ibu (r<0,5). Cakupan deteksi bumil risti dan cakupan bumil risti tertangani memiliki korelasi yang cukup kuat dengan kematian ibu (nilai r masing-masing 0,8333 dan 0,8253). Kedua variabel tersebut memiliki arah negatif, artinya semakin tinggi cakupannya maka semakin rendah kematian ibu. Cakupan bumil risti tertangani memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kematian ibu (nilai p<0,05). Cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan memiliki korelasi dengan kematian ibu (nilai r=0,6732). Arah hubungan negatif menunjukkan semakin tinggi cakupan pertolongan persalinan oleh nakes maka semakin rendah kematian ibu. Kesimpulan: Hasil analisis memperlihatkan tidak ada hubungan antara insentif bidan desa untuk mendeteksi ibu hamil risiko tinggi dengan kematian ibu

    Pengaruh Pendidikan dan Pelatihan terhadap Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Administrasi Kepegawaian di BKDD Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    Education and training is a very important factor to improve / develop the knowledge , skills and attitudes of civil servants so that it can carry out its duties effectively . This study is intended to answer the question of whether there is an influence on the effectiveness of education and training in administrative services kepagawaian BKDD Talaud Islands . Methods of research using quantitative methods . Sources of data / research respondents were all civil servants on BKDD Talaud Islands by 35 people . Collecting data using questionnaires and assisted with interviewing techniques . Analysis is a statistical analysis used linear regression and product moment correlation .Statistical analysis showed : ( 1 ) Education and training has a positive and significant functional relationship on the effectiveness of administrative services kepagawaian ( 2 ) education and training have degrees of correlation and determination were high and significant impact on the effectiveness of personnel administration services .Based on the results of the study concluded that education and training positive and significant impact on the effectiveness of personnel administration services in BKDD Talaud Islands . Based on the conclusion of the study suggested that the education and training needs to be improved to employees in BKDD Talaud Islands , especially functional education and technical training , because training is related directly to the enhancement of knowledge and skills to perform job duties of the employee
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