54 research outputs found

    Spectral projections and resolvent bounds for partially elliptic quadratic differential operators

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    We study resolvents and spectral projections for quadratic differential operators under an assumption of partial ellipticity. We establish exponential-type resolvent bounds for these operators, including Kramers-Fokker-Planck operators with quadratic potentials. For the norms of spectral projections for these operators, we obtain complete asymptotic expansions in dimension one, and for arbitrary dimension, we obtain exponential upper bounds and the rate of exponential growth in a generic situation. We furthermore obtain a complete characterization of those operators with orthogonal spectral projections onto the ground state.Comment: 60 pages, 3 figures. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., to appear. Revised according to referee report, including minor changes to Corollary 1.8. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    Spécificité de la transformation sarcomateuse de la maladie de Recklinghaussen : a propos de deux cas et revue de la littérature

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    Abstract 5 à 10% des patients atteints de neurofibromatose de type 1 (NF1) développent des tumeurs malignes des gaines des nerfs périphériques (Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor: MPNST) contre 0.001% dans la population générale. A travers deux observations et une revue de la littérature nous discuterons la spécificité de la transformation sarcomateuse au cours de la neurofibromatose de type 1

    Extended investigation of superdeformed bands in 151,152^{151,152}Tb nuclei

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    A detailed study of known and new SD bands in Tb isotopes has been performed with the use of the EUROBALL IV -ray array. The high-statistics data set has allowed for the extension of known SD bands at low and high spins by new -ray transitions. These transitions, as it turns out, correspond to the rotational frequencies where the principal superdeformed gaps (Z=66,N=86) close giving rise to up- or down-bending mechanisms. This enables to attribute the underlying theoretical configurations with much higher confidence as compared to the previous identifications. Five new SD bands have been discovered, three of them assigned to the 152Tb and the two others to the 151Tb nuclei. Nuclear mean-field calculations have been used to interpret the structure of known SD bands as well as of the new ones in terms of nucleonic configurations

    Noncanonical DNA Motifs as Transactivation Targets by Wild Type and Mutant p53

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    Sequence-specific binding by the human p53 master regulator is critical to its tumor suppressor activity in response to environmental stresses. p53 binds as a tetramer to two decameric half-sites separated by 0–13 nucleotides (nt), originally defined by the consensus RRRCWWGYYY (n = 0–13) RRRCWWGYYY. To better understand the role of sequence, organization, and level of p53 on transactivation at target response elements (REs) by wild type (WT) and mutant p53, we deconstructed the functional p53 canonical consensus sequence using budding yeast and human cell systems. Contrary to early reports on binding in vitro, small increases in distance between decamer half-sites greatly reduces p53 transactivation, as demonstrated for the natural TIGER RE. This was confirmed with human cell extracts using a newly developed, semi–in vitro microsphere binding assay. These results contrast with the synergistic increase in transactivation from a pair of weak, full-site REs in the MDM2 promoter that are separated by an evolutionary conserved 17 bp spacer. Surprisingly, there can be substantial transactivation at noncanonical ½-(a single decamer) and ¾-sites, some of which were originally classified as biologically relevant canonical consensus sequences including PIDD and Apaf-1. p53 family members p63 and p73 yielded similar results. Efficient transactivation from noncanonical elements requires tetrameric p53, and the presence of the carboxy terminal, non-specific DNA binding domain enhanced transactivation from noncanonical sequences. Our findings demonstrate that RE sequence, organization, and level of p53 can strongly impact p53-mediated transactivation, thereby changing the view of what constitutes a functional p53 target. Importantly, inclusion of ½- and ¾-site REs greatly expands the p53 master regulatory network
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