8 research outputs found

    Integrating clinical and epidemiological data on allergic diseases across birth cohorts: A harmonization study in the mechanisms of the development of allergy project

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    International collaborations among birth cohorts to better understand asthma and allergies have increased in the last years. However, differences in definitions and methods preclude direct pooling of original individual participant data. We harmonized data from 14 birth cohorts, with three to 20 follow-ups, from nine European countries, as part of the Mechanisms of the Development of Asthma and Allergies (MeDALL) project. The harmonization process followed six steps: organization of the harmonization panel; identification of variables relevant to MeDALL objectives (candidate variables); proposal of a definition for each candidate variable (reference definition); assessment of the compatibility of each cohort variable to its reference definition (inferential equivalence) and classifications of this inferential equivalence as complete, partial, or impossible; workshop to agree on the reference definitions and classifications of inferential equivalence; and data preparation and delivery through a knowledge management portal. We agreed on 137 reference definitions. The inferential equivalence of 3,551 cohort variables to their corresponding reference definition was classified as complete, partial and impossible for 70%, 15% and 15% of the variables, respectively. A harmonized database was delivered. In birth cohorts of asthma and allergies, the harmonization of data for pooled analyses is feasible and may achieve high inferential comparability. The MeDALL harmonization approach can be used in other collaborative projects

    Additional file 8 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 8. Table S8: “Genes mapped to DMR identified in the childhood samples of children born in the latitude ≥ 50°N and some examples of their associations with biological functions”. Provides examples of known functional associations of genes mapped to significant differentially methylated regions identified in this study

    Additional file 9 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 9. “Trait Enrichment Analysis (EWAS Atlas)”. Trait names and the odds ratios for their association with CpG sites for all the models meta-analysed in this study

    Additional file 6 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 6. Table S5: “Genes mapped to DMP/DMR identified in at-birth samples of babies born in the latitude ≥ 50°N and some examples of their associations with biological functions”. Provides examples of known functional associations of genes mapped to significant CpG sites or differentially methylated regions identified in this study

    Additional file 7 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 7. Table S6: “Season of birth-associated differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at birth in babies born in latitudes < 50°N”. Differentially methylated regions and mapped genes identified in the at-birth samples of babies born in latitudes < 50°N (lower latitude subgroup analysis). Table S7: “Season of birth associated with differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in children born in latitudes ≥ 50°N”

    Additional file 5 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 5. Table S4: “Direction of differential methylation of CpGs in DMRs of the at-birth and childhood analyses (preliminary analysis”)

    Additional file 4 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 4. Table S2: “Models used in this meta-analysis study”. Inflation (lambda) and bias information of the models. Table S3: “Comparison of magnitude and direction of the FDR-significant DNA methylation signals identified in the at-birth and childhood meta-analyses”

    Additional file 3 of Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude

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    Additional file 3. “PACE analysis plan for Season of Birth and methylation profiles in children (6 June 2018)”. Analysis plan that was circulated amongst the participant cohorts for the Season of Birth study