85 research outputs found

    A Laplace operator and harmonics on the quantum complex vector space

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    The aim of this paper is to study the q-Laplace operator and q-harmonic polynomials on the quantum complex vector space generated by z_i,w_i, i=1,2,...,n, on which the quantum group GL_q(n) (or U_q(n)) acts. The q-harmonic polynomials are defined as solutions of the equation Delta_qp=0, where p is a polynomial in z_i,w_i, i=1,2,...,n, and the q-Laplace operator Delta_q is determined in terms of q-derivatives. The q-Laplace operator Delta_q commutes with the action of GL_q(n). The projector H_{m,m'}: A_{m,m'} --> H_{m,m'} is constructed, where A_{m,m'} and H_{m,m'} are the spaces of homogeneous (of degree m in z_i and of degree m' in w_i) polynomials and homogeneous q-harmonic polynomials, respectively. By using these projectors, a q-analogue of the classical zonal spherical and associated spherical harmonics are constructed. They constitute an orthogonal basis of H_{m,m'}. A q-analogue of separation of variables is given. The quantum algebra U_q(gl_n), acting on H_{m,m'}, determines an irreducible representation of U_q(gl_n). This action is explicitly constructed. The results of the paper lead to the dual pair (U_q(sl_2), U_q(gl_n)) of quantum algebras.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Representations of the q-deformed algebra U'_q(so_4)

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    We study the nonstandard qq-deformation Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4) of the universal enveloping algebra U(so4)U({\rm so}_4) obtained by deforming the defining relations for skew-symmetric generators of U(so4)U({\rm so}_4). This algebra is used in quantum gravity and algebraic topology. We construct a homomorphism ϕ\phi of Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4) to the certain nontrivial extension of the Drinfeld--Jimbo quantum algebra Uq(sl2)2U_q({\rm sl}_2)^{\otimes 2} and show that this homomorphism is an isomorphism. By using this homomorphism we construct irreducible finite dimensional representations of the classical type and of the nonclassical type for the algebra Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4). It is proved that for qq not a root of unity each irreducible finite dimensional representation of Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4) is equivalent to one of these representations. We prove that every finite dimensional representation of Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4) for qq not a root of unity is completely reducible. It is shown how to construct (by using the homomorphism ϕ\phi) tensor products of irreducible representations of Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4). (Note that no Hopf algebra structure is known for Uq(so4)U'_q({\rm so}_4).) These tensor products are decomposed into irreducible constituents.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Symmetries and invariants of twisted quantum algebras and associated Poisson algebras

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    We construct an action of the braid group B_N on the twisted quantized enveloping algebra U'_q(o_N) where the elements of B_N act as automorphisms. In the classical limit q -> 1 we recover the action of B_N on the polynomial functions on the space of upper triangular matrices with ones on the diagonal. The action preserves the Poisson bracket on the space of polynomials which was introduced by Nelson and Regge in their study of quantum gravity and re-discovered in the mathematical literature. Furthermore, we construct a Poisson bracket on the space of polynomials associated with another twisted quantized enveloping algebra U'_q(sp_{2n}). We use the Casimir elements of both twisted quantized enveloping algebras to re-produce some well-known and construct some new polynomial invariants of the corresponding Poisson algebras.Comment: 29 pages, more references adde

    Painleve IV and degenerate Gaussian Unitary Ensembles

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    We consider those Gaussian Unitary Ensembles where the eigenvalues have prescribed multiplicities, and obtain joint probability density for the eigenvalues. In the simplest case where there is only one multiple eigenvalue t, this leads to orthogonal polynomials with the Hermite weight perturbed by a factor that has a multiple zero at t. We show through a pair of ladder operators, that the diagonal recurrence coefficients satisfy a particular Painleve IV equation for any real multiplicity. If the multiplicity is even they are expressed in terms of the generalized Hermite polynomials, with t as the independent variable.Comment: 17 page

    Search for Λ6^6_\LambdaH hypernucleus by the 6^6Li(π,K+)(\pi^-,K^+) reaction at pπp_{\pi^-} = 1.2 GeV/cc

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    We have carried out an experiment to search for a neutron-rich hypernucleus, Λ6^6_{\Lambda}H, by the 6^6Li(π,K+\pi^-,K^+) reaction at pπp_{\pi^-} =1.2 GeV/cc. The obtained missing mass spectrum with an estimated energy resolution of 3.2 MeV (FWHM) showed no peak structure corresponding to the Λ6^6_{\Lambda}H hypernucleus neither below nor above the Λ4^4_{\Lambda}H+2n+2n particle decay threshold. An upper limit of the production cross section for the bound Λ6^6_{\Lambda}H hypernucleus was estimated to be 1.2 nb/sr at 90% confidence level.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Search for the Θ+\Theta^{+} pentaquark via the πpKX\pi^-p\to K^-X reaction at 1.92 GeV/cc

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    The Θ+\Theta^+ pentaquark baryon was searched for via the πpKX\pi^-p\to K^-X reaction in a missing-mass resolution of 1.4 MeV/c2c^2(FWHM) at J-PARC. π\pi^- meson beams were incident on the liquid hydrogen target with the beam momentum of 1.92 GeV/cc. No peak structure corresponding to the Θ+\Theta^+ mass was observed. The upper limit of the production cross section averaged over the scattering angle of 2^{\circ} to 15^{\circ} in the laboratory frame was obtained to be 0.26 μ\mub/sr in the mass region of 1.51-1.55 GeV/c2c^2.The upper limit of the Θ+\Theta^+ decay width using the effective Lagrangian approach was obtained to be 0.72 MeV/c2c^2 and 3.1 MeV/c2c^2 for JΘP=1/2+J^P_{\Theta}=1/2^+ and JΘP=1/2J^P_{\Theta}=1/2^-, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Beam and SKS spectrometers at the K1.8 beam line

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    High-resolution spectrometers for both incident beams and scattered particles have been constructed at the K1.8 beam line of the Hadron Experimental Facility at J-PARC. A point-to-point optics is realized between the entrance and exit of QQDQQ magnets for the beam spectrometer. Fine-pitch wire chamber trackers and hodoscope counters are installed in the beam spectrometer to accept a high rate beam up to 107 Hz. The superconducting kaon spectrometer for scattered particles was transferred from KEK with modifications to the cryogenic system and detectors. A missing-mass resolution of 1.9 ± 0.1 MeV/c2 (FWHM) was achieved for the ∑ peaks of (π±, K+) reactions on a proton target in the first physics run of E19 in 2010

    Search for the pentaquark at J-PARC

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    We have been searching for the Θ^+ pentaquark via the π^−p→K^−X reaction at the J-PARC hadron facility. No peak structure was observed in the missing mass spectrum obtained at 1.92 GeV/c beam momentum. The upper limit for the production cross section averaged over the scattering angle from 2° to 15° in the laboratory frame was derived to be 0.26 μb/sr. In order to make a more stringent constraint we have also performed a measurement at 2.0 GeV/c. Present analysis status of this new data is reported

    Pole position of Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) measured in d(K,n)πΣd(K^-,n)\pi\Sigma reactions

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    We measured a set of π±Σ\pi^\pm\Sigma^\mp, π0Σ0\pi^0\Sigma^0, and πΣ0\pi^-\Sigma^0 invariant mass spectra below and above the KˉN\bar{K}N mass threshold in KK^--induced reactions on deuteron. We deduced the SS-wave KˉNπΣ\bar{K}N\rightarrow\pi\Sigma and KˉNKˉN\bar{K}N\rightarrow\bar{K}N scattering amplitudes in the isospin 0 channel in the framework of a KˉN\bar{K}N and πΣ\pi\Sigma coupled channel. We find that a resonance pole corresponding to Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) is located at 1417.77.4+6.0^{+6.0}_{-7.4}(fitting errors)1.0+1.1^{+1.1}_{-1.0}(systematic errors) + [26.17.9+6.0[-26.1^{+6.0}_{-7.9}(fitting errors)2.0+1.7^{+1.7}_{-2.0}(systematic errors)]ii MeV/c2c^2, closer to the KˉN\bar{K}N mass threshold than the value determined by the Particle Data Group.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure