10 research outputs found

    Gambaran Sosiodemografi Perokok Pasif Dengan Ispa Dan Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Ispa Pada Balita Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2013)

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    Passive smokers are more at risk of disease than active smokers. One of the diseases is Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI). The aim of this study was to obtain the sociodemographic profile of passive smokers with ARI in Indonesia and associated factors with ARI among children under-five based on Riskesdas 2013 data. The method of this study was cross-sectional, data taken from 497 districs/cities consisted of 33 provinces. Sample was respondent who has been exposed to cigarette smoke from one or more household members who smoked in the house. The results showed that prevalence of passive smokers in Indonesia was 58,9%, and 13,8% of it was suffering ARI. While, the prevalence of passive smokers on children under-five was 56,0%, and 25,7% of it was suffering AN. Factors associated with the occurrence of ARI among children were male (OR 1,06; 95%CI 1,00-1,32), younger than 24 months (OR 1,08; 95%CI 1,02-1,15), and having low maternal education (OR 1,12; 95% CI 1,03 β€” 1,21). It can be concluded that the prevalence of passive smokers with AN in Indonesia is still relatively high, especially among children under-five (25,7%). This study denotes the smoking habits at home are still quite high especially in families with children under-five

    Pemeriksaan Karies Gigi pada Beberapa Kelompok Usia oleh Petugas dengan Latar Belakang Berbeda di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    The main indicators of dental caries measurement according to the WHO is DMF - T . This study aimed to compare the results of the DMF - T between the dentist and not a dentist . The study design was the mean difference test. The study was conducted in the province of West Kalimantan , and conducted in March to October 2010. The subject of the study of 90 people , each consisting of 30 men and women aged 18 year , 35-44 year and aged 60 year and older . DMF - T the age of 18 year were examined dentist is 4.11 , while the dentist was checked instead of 2.51. At the age of 35-44 year were examined by a dentist is 9.82 , while that examined not the dentist is 7.79 . For ages 60 year and older , who examined the dentist was 24.13 being the result of the examination was not a dentist 23.80 . Conclusion : The results of measurements not lower dentists ( significant difference ) of the measurement dentist at the age of respondents aged adults and the elderly. It is advisable to do a better perception and a more detailed inter- examiner , to obtain a better examination results and more acurate.Keywords: caries , DMF- T , teens, adults, elderlyAbstrakIndikator utama pengukuran karies gigi menurut WHO adalah DMF-T. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan DMF-T antara dokter gigi dan bukan dokter gigi. Desain penelitian adalah uji beda Mean. Penelitian dilakukan di Propinsi Kalimantan Barat, dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2010. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 90 orang, terdiri dari masingmasing 30 orang laki-laki dan perempuan usia 18 tahun, 35-44 tahun dan 60 tahun keatas. DMF-T usia 18 tahun yang diperiksa dokter gigi adalah 4,11, sedang yang diperiksa bukan dokter gigi adalah 2,51. Pada usia 35-44 tahun yang diperiksa oleh dokter gigi memiliki tingkat keparahan cukup yaitu 9,82 , sedangkan yang diperiksa bukan dokter gigi yaitu 7,79. Untuk usia lansia yang diperiksa dokter gigi yaitu 24,13 demikian juga hasil pemeriksaan bukan dokter gigi 23,80. Kesimpulan: Hasil pengukuran bukan dokter gigi lebih rendah (berbeda bermakna) dari pada pengukuran dokter gigi pada responden usia dewasa maupun usia lansia. Semakin tinggi usia responden, semakin tinggi pula tingkat keparahan karies nya ( nilai DMF-T nya meningkat). Disarankan untuk melakukan penyamaan persepsi yang lebih baik dan lebih rinci antar pemeriksa, sehingga didapatkan hasil pemeriksaan yang lebih baik dan lebih akurat.Kata kunci: karies, DMF-T, usia remaja, usia dewasa dan usia lansi

    Menyikat Gigi, Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur, Aktivitas Fisik, Diabetes Mellitus dengan Jaringan Periodontal Gigi di Indonesia, Tahun 2013

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    If dental and oral hygiene are not maintained properly, the balance of bacteria plaque will be disrupted. By brushing teeth properly after breakfast and before sleep at night, the dental and oral hygiene are well preserved. Physical activity is important can increase blood circulation throughout the body. Periodontal tissues are supporting teeth consisting of gums, periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. The study aimed to determine association of tooth brushing, eating fruits and vegetables, physical activity and Diabetes Mellitus to Periodontal tissues. It was a further analysis of Riskesdas 2013. The Riskesdas was a survey of observational and with a cross sectional design. It was carried out in 33 provinces and 497 districts year 2013. The population were all Indonesians. Samples were household members aged 15 years and above and of a total 722 329 people. Variable dependent was periodontal tissue health, whereas the independent variables were brush teeth properly, eat fruits and vegetables, physical activity, Diabetes Mellitus. Data were analyzed bivariately x2 test. Brushing teeth properly was signifi cantly associated to periodontal tissues health, as well as enough physical activity. Meanwhile, eat fruits and vegetables (p = 0.117) and also diabetes mellitus (p = 0.647) were not signifi cantly associated to periodontal tissues health. Diabetes mellitus did not infl uence the periodontal tissues health possibly because it was assessed by interview and was not followed by blood examination. It suggests to maintain dental and oral hygiene by brushing teeth properly twice a day after breakfast and before sleep. Besides, it needs to promote enough physical activity associated with healthy periodontal tissues

    Nilai Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut pada Karyawan Industri Pulo Gadung di Jakarta

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    Latar belakang: Penyakit Periodontal umumnya disebabkan karena kebersihan mulut yang buruk, sehingga terjadilah akumulasi plak yang mengandung berbagai macam bakteri. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional di wilayah DKI Jakarta yang terpilih. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 950 orang, laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 20-55 tahun, menetap di wilayah DKI Jakarta, dan sudah bekerja minimal selama 2 tahun. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan berapa besar nilai kebersihan gigi dan mulut karyawan kawasan industri Pulo Gadung di Jakarta. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan uji statistik Chi Square dan Regresi Logistik dengan bantuan software SPSS 15. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan yang signifi kan antara variabel pendidikan dan usia terhadap kebersihan gigi dan mulut/OHIS (Oral Hygiene Indeks Simplifi ed), namun dengan Analisis regresi logistik hanya variabel usia yang signifi kan terhadap kebersihan gigi dan mulut (p < 0,001). Kesimpulan: nilai kebersihan gigi dan mulut karyawan kawasan industri Pulo gadung di Jakarta sebagian besar masih rendah. Saran: Anjuran menyikat gigi 2 kali sehari setelah sarapan dan sebelum tidur malam untuk memelihara kesehatan gigi dan mulut

    Gambaran Kebersihan Mulut dan Gingivitis pada Murid Sekolah Dasar di Puskesmas Sepatan, Kabupaten Tangerang

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    Periodontal disease especially gingivitis is commonly caused by poor oral hygiene, so it leads to make plaque accumulation containing various microorganisms. Tendency of plaque formation occurs in every people in all age. Periodontal disease examination was conducted by ten medical doctors, ten dentists and ten dental nurses using mouth mirrors. The study took ten months in Sepatan Primary Health Care, Tangerang. The total amount of participants were 60 children consisted of 30 children of first grade elementary school and 30 children of sixth grade of elementary school, they are six and twelve years old. The design of the study was cross sectional and the data were analyzed by using SPSS 11.5. The results of the study was represented in OH IS ( Oral Hygiene Index Simplified) and GI (Gingivitis Index) The data of six years old children which were examined by medical doctors , dentists and dental nurses were in good criteria. Furthermore in group of 12 years old which were examined by medical doctors, the results were in moderate criteria. The result of examination conducted by dentists and dental nurses were in poor criteria. The result examinations of Gingivitis Index (GI) were conducted by medical doctors, dentists and dental nurses in six and twelve years old of children were good criteria. The summary of the study was the procedure of oral hygiene examination in six and twelve years old of children and gingivitis examination in six and twelve years old of children could be conducted by medical doctors, however the oral hygiene examination in twelve years old of children could not be conducted by dentists and dental nurses

    Smoking as a Risk Factor of Periodontal Disease

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    Background. Smoking is a cause of disease in humans is indeed a disease which can be prevented. Nicotine in cigarettes can damage the immune response system and causes constriction of blood vessels, including the blood vessels in the tissues surrounding the tooth. Narrowing of blood vessels, can form a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria that cause periodontal disease. The aim of research to determine whether there is a relationship between smoking and periodontal disease.Methods: the study design is a cross sectional, data retrieved from the secondary data Riskesdas 2013. Samples are household members aged β‰₯ 15 years with the number of 722 329 people.Results: There was a significant association between smoking and periodontal disease, with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), this means that there is a significant relationship where OR = 4.434 (95%, CI: 4.156-4.731), the meaning that respondents who were 4.43 times to have periodontal diseases (unhealthy periodontal tissues) as compared to not-smoking.Conclusion: In this studi reported the smoking is a risk factor for the periodontal disease, where smoking were four times more likely to have periodontal diseases as compared to not-smoking. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):107-112

    Menyikat Gigi, Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur, Aktivitas Fisik, Diabetes Mellitus dengan Jaringan Periodontal Gigi di Indonesia, Tahun 2013

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    If dental and oral hygiene are not maintained properly, the balance of bacteria plaque will be disrupted. By brushing teeth properly after breakfast and before sleep at night, the dental and oral hygiene are well preserved. Physical activity is important can increase blood circulation throughout the body. Periodontal tissues are supporting teeth consisting of gums, periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. The study aimed to determine association of tooth brushing, eating fruits and vegetables, physical activity and Diabetes Mellitus to Periodontal tissues. It was a further analysis of Riskesdas 2013. The Riskesdas was a survey of observational and with a cross sectional design. It was carried out in 33 provinces and 497 districts year 2013. The population were all Indonesians. Samples were household members aged 15 years and above and of a total 722 329 people. Variable dependent was periodontal tissue health, whereas the independent variables were brush teeth properly, eat fruits and vegetables, physical activity, Diabetes Mellitus. Data were analyzed bivariately x2 test. Brushing teeth properly was signifi cantly associated to periodontal tissues health, as well as enough physical activity. Meanwhile, eat fruits and vegetables (p = 0.117) and also diabetes mellitus (p = 0.647) were not signifi cantly associated to periodontal tissues health. Diabetes mellitus did not infl uence the periodontal tissues health possibly because it was assessed by interview and was not followed by blood examination. It suggests to maintain dental and oral hygiene by brushing teeth properly twice a day after breakfast and before sleep. Besides, it needs to promote enough physical activity associated with healthy periodontal tissues

    Nilai Karies Gigi pada Karyawan Kawasan Industri di Pulo Gadung Jakarta

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    The common caused of dental caries are poor oral hygiene, so it lead to make plaque accumulation containing various bacteria. And The study Cross Secional study design and conducted on selected sub district primary health centers in DKI Jakarta. The amount of people were 950 persons conducted both gender with 15 years age and ever lived in Jakarta. The result of this study showed related signifikans between variable education and variable age with the DMF-t. By analyse Logistic regression only age was significant (p< 0,001