64 research outputs found

    Angular correlation of scattered annihilation photons, to test the possibility of hidden variables in quantum theory

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    Angular correlations of the annihilation photons, Compton scattered by plastic scintillators and detected by means of NaI (T1) crystals, have been measured in order to test the possibility of deviations of the experimental results from the predictions of the quantum theory

    Spontaneous conversations in French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB):Functions and uses of repetitions

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    Cette étude décrit l’usage des répétitions en conversation spontanée chez les locuteurs de la langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB). L’approche suivie consiste à prendre en compte sans à priori toutes les répétitions rencontrées dans les productions de 18 signeurs du Corpus LSFB, de façon à disposer d’un premier aperçu global de la façon dont la répétition contribue à la structuration grammaticale, sémantique et pragmatique du discours. L’un des apports du travail tient à la typologie formelle et fonctionnelle qu’il propose. Les résultats montrent que les signeurs font un usage similaire des répétitions, ce qui confère à leurs discours un style commun.This study aims at describing the use of repetitions in spontaneous conversation in French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB). All occurrences of repetitions are taken into account in the productions of 18 signers taken from the Corpus LSFB, in order to provide as complete an overview as possible on how repetition contributes respectively to the grammatical, the semantic and the pragmatic level of discourse structure. One of the contribution of this work lies in the formal and functional typology of repetitions that it offers. The results show that all signers make a similar use of repetitions, which provides a common style to their discourses
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