2,128 research outputs found

    Higgs Mass and Gravity Waves in Standard Model False Vacuum Inflation

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    In previous publications we have proposed that Inflation can be realized in a second minimum of the Standard Model Higgs potential at energy scales of about 101610^{16} GeV, if the minimum is not too deep and if a mechanism which allows a transition to the radiation dominated era can be found. This is provided, {\it e.g.}, by scalar-tensor gravity models or hybrid models. Using such ideas we had predicted the Higgs boson mass to be of about 126±3126\pm 3 GeV, which has been confirmed by the LHC, and that a possibly measurable amount of gravity waves should be produced. Using more refined recent theoretical calculations of the RGE we show that such scenario has the right scale of Inflation only for small Higgs mass, lower than about 124 GeV, otherwise gravity waves are overproduced. The precise value is subject to some theoretical error and to experimental errors on the determination of the strong coupling constant. Such an upper bound corresponds also to the recent claimed measurement by BICEP2 of the scale of inflation through primordial tensor modes. Finally we show that introducing a moderately large non-minimal coupling for the Higgs field the bound can shift to larger values and be reconciled with the LHC measurements of the Higgs mass.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    On the Gorenstein locus of some punctual Hilbert schemes

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field and let \Hilb_{d}^{G}(\p{N}) be the open locus of the Hilbert scheme \Hilb_{d}(\p{N}) corresponding to Gorenstein subschemes. We prove that \Hilb_{d}^{G}(\p{N}) is irreducible for d9d\le9, we characterize geometrically its singularities for d8d\le 8 and we give some results about them when d=9d=9 which give some evidence to a conjecture on the nature of the singular points in \Hilb_{d}^{G}(\p{N}).Comment: The exposition has been improved and some of the main results have been extended to degree $d\le 9

    A structure theorem for 2-stretched Gorenstein algebras

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    In this paper we study the isomorphism classes of local, Artinian, Gorenstein k-algebras A whose maximal ideal M satisfies dim_k(M^3/M^4)=1 by means of Macaulay's inverse system generalizing a recent result by J. Elias and M.E. Rossi. Then we use such results in order to complete the description of the singular locus of the Gorenstein locus of the punctual Hilbert scheme of degree 11.Comment: 24 pages. We removed lemma 2.1 because it was false and we modified the proof of proposition 3.2 accordingly inserting some new due reference

    On the proper kinetic quadrupole CMB removal and the quadrupole anomalies

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    It has been pointed out recently that the quadrupole-octopole alignment in the CMB data is significantly affected by the so-called kinetic Doppler quadrupole (DQ), which is the temperature quadrupole induced by our proper motion. Assuming our velocity is the dominant contribution to the CMB dipole we have v/c = beta = (1.231 +/- 0.003) * 10^{-3}, which leads to a non-negligible DQ of order beta^2. Here we stress that one should properly take into account that CMB data are usually not presented in true thermodynamic temperature, which induces a frequency dependent boost correction. The DQ must therefore be multiplied by a frequency-averaged factor, which we explicitly compute for several CMB maps finding that it varies between 1.67 and 2.47. This is often neglected in the literature and turns out to cause a small but non-negligible difference in the significance levels of some quadrupole-related statistics. For instance the alignment significance in the SMICA 2013 map goes from 2.3sigma to 3.3sigma, with the frequency dependent DQ, instead of 2.9sigma ignoring the frequency dependence in the DQ. Moreover as a result of a proper DQ removal, the agreement across different map-making techniques is improved.Comment: v2: improvements to the text; 2 figures and several references added; results unchanged. [14 pages, 3 tables, 2 figures

    Examples of rank two aCM bundles on smooth quartic surfaces in P3\mathbb{P}^3

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    Let FP3F\subseteq\mathbb{P}^3 be a smooth quartic surface and let OF(h):=OP3(1)OF\mathcal{O}_F(h):=\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^3}(1)\otimes\mathcal{O}_F. In the present paper we classify locally free sheaves E\mathcal{E} of rank 22 on FF such that c1(E)=OF(2h)c_1(\mathcal{E})=\mathcal{O}_F(2h), c2(E)=8c_2(\mathcal{E})=8 and h1(F,E(th))=0h^1\big(F,\mathcal{E}(th)\big)=0 for tZt\in\mathbb{Z}. We also deal with their stability.Comment: 22 pages. Exposition improve

    Dissipative Axial Inflation

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    We analyze in detail the background cosmological evolution of a scalar field coupled to a massless abelian gauge field through an axial term ϕfγFF~\frac{\phi}{f_\gamma} F \tilde{F}, such as in the case of an axion. Gauge fields in this case are known to experience tachyonic growth and therefore can backreact on the background as an effective dissipation into radiation energy density ρR\rho_R, which which can lead to inflation without the need of a flat potential. We analyze the system, for momenta kk smaller than the cutoff fγf_\gamma, including numerically the backreaction. We consider the evolution from a given static initial condition and explicitly show that, if fγf_\gamma is smaller than the field excursion ϕ0\phi_0 by about a factor of at least O(20){\cal O} (20), there is a friction effect which turns on before that the field can fall down and which can then lead to a very long stage of inflation with a generic potential. In addition we find superimposed oscillations, which would get imprinted on any kind of perturbations, scalars and tensors. Such oscillations have a period of 4-5 efolds and an amplitude which is typically less than a few percent and decreases linearly with fγf_\gamma. We also stress that the comoving curvature perturbation on uniform density should be sensitive to slow-roll parameters related to ρR\rho_R rather than ϕ˙2/2\dot{\phi}^2/2, although we postpone a calculation of the power spectrum and of non-gaussianity to future work and we simply define and compute suitable slow roll parameters. Finally we stress that this scenario may be realized in the axion case, if the coupling 1/fγ1/f_\gamma to U(1) (photons) is much larger than the coupling 1/fG1/f_G to non-abelian gauge fields (gluons), since the latter sets the range of the potential and therefore the maximal allowed ϕ0fG\phi_0\sim f_G.Comment: 22 pages, 27 figure

    TDOA--based localization in two dimensions: the bifurcation curve

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    In this paper, we complete the study of the geometry of the TDOA map that encodes the noiseless model for the localization of a source from the range differences between three receivers in a plane, by computing the Cartesian equation of the bifurcation curve in terms of the positions of the receivers. From that equation, we can compute its real asymptotic lines. The present manuscript completes the analysis of [Inverse Problems, Vol. 30, Number 3, Pages 035004]. Our result is useful to check if a source belongs or is closed to the bifurcation curve, where the localization in a noisy scenario is ambiguous.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Fundamenta Informatica