5 research outputs found

    La pedofilia en perspectiva coránica: un análisis temático

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    Pedophilia is an issue that has not been addressed as much as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) issues lately, although it has been going on for many years. It can contribute to a negative impact on children and society. This issue has undermined the family institution, community, and religion as it shows that most pedophile offenders who often make headlines are Malay Muslims. The question arises is, is there any discussion in the content of such revelations, or any Quranic verses discussing on this problem through specific methods. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyse Quranic verses on pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. By using qualitative method in collecting of Quranic verses and looking at the view of the infidelity regarding on pedophilia. This article found that the Quran is the best source in dealing with issues that faced by Muslims nowadays. Hence, this article as an effort to find solutions of pedophilia issues that affecting the humanities.La pedofilia es un problema que no se ha abordado tanto como los problemas de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero y queer o cuestionamiento (LGBTQ) últimamente, aunque ha estado sucediendo durante muchos años. Puede contribuir a un impacto negativo en los niños y la sociedad. Este problema ha socavado la institución familiar, la comunidad y la religión, ya que muestra que la mayoría de los delincuentes pedófilos que a menudo aparecen en los titulares son musulmanes malayos. La pregunta que surge es, ¿hay alguna discusión sobre el contenido de tales revelaciones, o algún versículo coránico que discuta sobre este problema a través de métodos específicos?. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es analizar versos coránicos sobre pedofilia o abuso sexual de niños. Mediante el uso del método cualitativo en la recopilación de versos coránicos y mirando la visión de la infidelidad con respecto a la pedofilia. Este artículo encontró que el Corán es la mejor fuente para tratar los problemas que enfrentan los musulmanes hoy en día. Por lo tanto, este artículo es un esfuerzo por encontrar soluciones a los problemas de pedofilia que afectan a las humanidades

    Maqam Sabar dalam Psikoterapi Pemulihan Pedofilia: Kajian Terhadap Qūt al-Qulūb Syeikh Abū Ṭālib Al-Makkī (W. 996 M): Maqām al-Ṣabr in the Paedophilia Rehabilitation Psychotherapy: A Study on Qūt al-Qulūb by Syeikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī (D. 996 CE)

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    Sheikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī was a scholar of Sufism respected in the Islamic world. His work, Qūt al-Qulūb, is a major source of reference to sages of the past and present. Many Islamic scholars use Maqamāt al-Aḥwāl's theory as a module and rehabilitation guideline for a number of diseases that affect the human soul. Paedophilia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder (DSM-5) falls into a category of mental disorders, with some experts considering paedophiles as being mentally insane. In this regard, the main objective of this study was to analyse the implementation of maqām al-ṣabr (stage of patience), according to al-Makkī, as a concept of paedophilia rehabilitation psychotherapy. Using qualitative methods, this study found maqām al-ṣabr to be a crucial element in the recovery from paedophilia. Therefore, this article hopes to integrate the elements of patiencee stage with rehabilitation psychotherapy to develop one of the best treatment modules in the rehabilitation of paedophilia in Malaysia.   ABSTRAK: Syeikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī merupakan ulama tasawuf yang disegani dunia Islam, malah karyanya Qūt al-Qulūb menjadi sumber utama golongan sufi mutaqaddimīn dan muta’akhkhirīn. Sebahagian besar sarjana Islam menggunakan teori maqamat al-Ahwal sebagai modul dan rehab untuk beberapa penyakit melibatkan kejiwaan manusia. Pedofilia pula menurut Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder (DSM-5) termasuk dalam kategori gangguan mental, malah sebahagian pakar menganggap pedofil sebagai orang gila. Sehubungan dengan itu, objektif utama kajian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi maqam sabar menurut al-Makkī sebagai konsep psikoterapi pemulihan pedofilia. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, kajian ini mendapati maqam sabar antara elemen penting dalam pemulihan pedofilia. Justeru artikel ini diharap dapat menyatupadukan elemen maqam sabar dan psikoterapi pemulihan, sekali gus menjadi satu modul rawatan yang terbaik dalam pemulihan ketagihan seksual golongan pedofilia di Malaysia

    دور العصبية في أحداث الفتنة بقرطبة خلال القرن 5ه-11م: The role of fanaticism in the events of strife in Cordoba during the 5th century AH-11 AD

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    شهدت الأندلس خلال القرن الخامس الهجري الحادي عشر الميلادي، أحداثا تاريخية أطلق عليها المؤرخون "الفتنة القرطبية"، و التي كان لها الأثر على مختلف الأصعدة السياسية و الاجتماعية خاصة بعد نهاية حكم العامريين سنة 399ه - 1009م، حيث دخلت الأندلس خلال هذه الفترة في صراعات مستمرة بين مختلف طبقات المجتمع، و إزداد هذا الصراع بشكل خطير في تهديد الإسلام و المسلمين، حيث نتج عنه تشكل جديد لخارطة بلاد الأندلس بين مختلف العناصر الفاعلة و انزواء مختلف اطياف المجتمع بمناطقهم بسبب الظروف السياسية التي أجبرتهم على ذلك ، و ظهرت بهذه السياسة و قائع و حروب بين مختلف هذه الطوائف العرقية، أدت إلى تكريس حالة اللأمن و اللإستقرار في الأرواح و الممتلكات لمختلف المجموعات السكانية فارتسم صراع عرقي بين الطوائف الأندلسية و البربرية و الصقلبية، تغذيه روح الإنتماء القبلي و التي أصبحت العامل الرئيسي في تحريك أحداث الفتنة و القائمة على تحديد العلاقة بين شرائح المجتمع الأندلسي في إطار عرقي قبلي.During the fifth century AH (eleventh century AD), Andalusia witnessed historical events that historians called the “Fitna of al-Andalus”, which had an impact on various political and social levels, especially after the end of the rule of the Amiriden in 399 AH-1009 AD. During this period, Andalusia entered into ongoing conflicts between different classes of society. Moreover, this conflict increased in a dangerous way, threatening Islam and Muslims. It resulted in a new formation of political features for the map of Andalusia, distributed among the various actors from the social groups within their areas due to the political conditions that forced them to do so—with this policy, incidents and wars emerged between the various ethnic groups, perpetuating a state of insecurity and instability in the lives and properties of the various population groups. Ethnic conflict has been established between the Andalusian, Barbarian, and Ṣaqālibah communities, fueled by the spirit of tribal affiliation, which has become the main factor in the movement of strife and the determination of the relationship between the segments of Andalusian society within a tribal framework. In this study, we follow the descriptive and analytical methods of the course of events to highlight the goal of the tribal dimension and its role in feeding the nervous conflict in Andalusia, which destroyed Islamic civilization

    How to Deal with the Fabricated Hadith: Some Notes for Hadith Dispersion in Social Media

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    In Islam, the fabricated hadith is the least acknowledged hadith. The scholars unanimously reject this hadith and forbid its recitation without identifying its status. Fabricated hadith’s core perversion is its justification for the Prophet Muhammad’s assassination (PBUH). Falsification of hadith has harmed numerous facets of life, including faith, religious legislation, and acts of devotion. Additionally, the number of false hadiths is growing daily. This chilling reality has become a concern due to the widespread dissemination of such hadiths through modern technology. The dissemination of falsified hadiths via social media has emerged as a new issue that new-generation Muslims must take seriously, particularly individual awareness, knowledge, ethics, and morals.This paper will emphasize the hadith’s history and falsification aspects, assess its dispersion tendencies using more advanced media, and recommend many tips for preventing further dissemination. Using a qualitative method, this study found several guidelines to ensure the dispersion of fabricated hadith is handled properly, such as not believing in anything quickly, ensuring authenticity before sharing, and providing advice to admit mistakes in spreading the fabricated hadith. In this regard, we encourage academic scholars to conduct research on fabricated hadiths in order to preserve the purity and authority of the Prophet’s hadiths as the second Islamic source for Muslims.

    La pedofilia en perspectiva coránica: un análisis temático

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    Pedophilia is an issue that has not been addressed as much as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) issues lately, although it has been going on for many years. It can contribute to a negative impact on children and society. This issue has undermined the family institution, community, and religion as it shows that most pedophile offenders who often make headlines are Malay Muslims. The question arises is, is there any discussion in the content of such revelations, or any Quranic verses discussing on this problem through specific methods. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyse Quranic verses on pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. By using qualitative method in collecting of Quranic verses and looking at the view of the infidelity regarding on pedophilia. This article found that the Quran is the best source in dealing with issues that faced by Muslims nowadays. Hence, this article as an effort to find solutions of pedophilia issues that affecting the humanities.La pedofilia es un problema que no se ha abordado tanto como los problemas de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero y queer o cuestionamiento (LGBTQ) últimamente, aunque ha estado sucediendo durante muchos años. Puede contribuir a un impacto negativo en los niños y la sociedad. Este problema ha socavado la institución familiar, la comunidad y la religión, ya que muestra que la mayoría de los delincuentes pedófilos que a menudo aparecen en los titulares son musulmanes malayos. La pregunta que surge es, ¿hay alguna discusión sobre el contenido de tales revelaciones, o algún versículo coránico que discuta sobre este problema a través de métodos específicos?. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es analizar versos coránicos sobre pedofilia o abuso sexual de niños. Mediante el uso del método cualitativo en la recopilación de versos coránicos y mirando la visión de la infidelidad con respecto a la pedofilia. Este artículo encontró que el Corán es la mejor fuente para tratar los problemas que enfrentan los musulmanes hoy en día. Por lo tanto, este artículo es un esfuerzo por encontrar soluciones a los problemas de pedofilia que afectan a las humanidades