11,597 research outputs found

    Communication: Partial polarization transfer for single-scan spectroscopy and imaging

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    A method is presented to partially transfer nuclear spin polarization from one isotope S to another isotope I by the way of heteronuclear spin couplings, while minimizing the loss of spin order to other degrees of freedom. The desired I spin polarization to be detected is a design parameter, while the sequence of pulses at the two Larmor frequencies is optimized to store the greatest unused S spin longitudinal polarization for subsequent use. The unitary evolution for the case of I_NS spin systems illustrates the potentially ideal efficiency of this strategy, which is of particular interest when the spin-lattice relaxation time of S greatly exceeds that of I. Explicit timing and pulses are tabulated for the cases for which M ≤ 10 partial transfers each result in equal final polarization of 1/M or more compared to the final I polarization expected in a single transfer for N = 1, 2, or 3 I spins. Advantages for the ratiometric study of reacting molecules and hyperpolarized initial conditions are outlined

    Periodicities In The X-Ray Intensity Variations of TV Columbae: An Intermediate Polar

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    We present results from a temporal analysis of the longest and the most sensitive X-ray observations of TV Columbae--an intermediate polar. The observations were carried out with the RXTE PCA, ROSAT PSPC, and ASCA. Data were analyzed using a 1-dimensional CLEAN and Bayesian algorithms. The presence of a nearly sinusoidal modulation due to the spin of the white dwarf is seen clearly in all the data, confirming the previous reports based on the EXOSAT data. An improved period of 1909.7+/-2.5s is derived for the spin from the RXTE data.The binary period of 5.5hr is detected unambiguously in X-rays for the first time. Several side-bands due to the interaction of these periods are observed in the power spectra, thereby suggesting contributions from both the disk-fed and the stream-fed accretion for TV Col. The accretion disk could perhaps be precessing as side-bands due to the influence of 4 day period on the orbital period are seen. The presence of a significant power at certain side-bands of the spin frequency indicates that the emission poles are asymmetrically located. The strong power at the orbital side-bands seen in both the RXTE and ROSAT data gives an indication for an absorption site fixed in the orbital frame. Both the spin and the binary modulation are found to be energy-dependent. Increased hardness ratio during a broad dip in the intensity at binary phase of 0.75--1.0 confirms the presence of a strong attenuation due to additional absorbers probably from an impact site of the accretion stream with the disk or magnetosphere. Hardness ratio variations and the energy dependent modulation depth during the spin modulation can be explained by partially covered absorbers in the path of X-ray emission region in the accretion stream.Comment: 34 pages, including 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, scheduled for January 2004 issue (vol. 127

    Nanoscale Torsional Resonator for Polarization and Spectroscopy of Nuclear Spins

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    We propose a torsional resonator that couples to the transverse spin dipole of an attached sample. The absence of relative motion eliminates a source of friction that would otherwise hinder nanoscale implementation. Enhanced spontaneous emission induced by the resonator relaxes the longitudinal spin dipole at a rate of ~1  s^(-1) in the low-temperature limit. With signal averaging, single-proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy appears feasible at ~10  mK and a high magnetic field, while single-shot sensitivity is practical for samples with at least tens of protons in a volume of ~5  nm^3

    The effect of insect herbivory on the growth and fitness of introduced Verbascum thapsus L.

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    A majority of the plant species that are introduced into new ranges either do not become established, or become naturalized yet do not attain high densities and are thus considered ecologically and economically unproblematic. The factors that limit these relatively “benign” species are not well studied. The biotic resistance hypothesis predicts that herbivores, pathogens and competition reduce growth and reproduction of individual plants and so suppress population growth of non-native species. We explored the effect of insect herbivory and surrounding vegetation on growth and fitness of the non-native biennial plant Verbascum thapsus (common mullein) in Colorado, USA. Mullein is widespread in its introduced North American range, yet is infrequently considered a management concern because populations are often ephemeral and restricted to disturbed sites. To evaluate the impact of insect herbivores on mullein performance, we reduced herbivory using an insecticide treatment and compared sprayed plants to those exposed to ambient levels of herbivory. Reducing herbivory increased survival from rosette to reproduction by 7%, from 70–77%. Of plants that survived, reducing herbivory increased plant area in the first year and plant height, the length of the reproductive spike, and seed set during the second year. Reducing herbivory also had a marked effect on plant fitness, increasing seed set by 50%, from about 48,000 seeds per plant under ambient herbivory to about 98,000 per plant under reduced herbivory. Our findings also highlight that the relationship between herbivory and performance is complex. Among plants exposed to ambient herbivory, we observed a positive relationship between damage and performance, suggesting that, as predicted by the plant vigor hypothesis, insect herbivores choose the largest plants for feeding when their choice is not restricted by insecticide treatment. In contrast to the strong effects of experimentally reduced herbivory, we found that cover of other plants surrounding our focal plants explained relatively little variation in performance outcomes. Overall, we found that herbivore-induced impacts on individual plant performance and seed set are substantial, and thus may help prevent this naturalized species from becoming dominant in undisturbed recipient communities

    High mass X-ray binaries in the NIRorbital solutions of two highly obscured systems

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    The maximum mass of a neutron star (NS) is poorly defined. Theoretical attempts to define this mass have thus far been unsuccessful. Observational results currently provide the only means of narrowing this mass range down. Eclipsing X-ray binary (XRB) pulsar systems are the only interacting binaries in which the mass of the NS may be measured directly. Only 10 such systems are known to exist, 6 of which have yielded NS masses in the range 1.06 - 1.86 M_{\odot}.We present the first orbital solutions of two further eclipsing systems, OAO 1657-415 and EXO 1722-363, whose donor stars have only recently been identified. Using observations obtained using the VLT/ISAAC NIR spectrograph, our initial work was concerned with providing an accurate spectral classification of the two counterpart stars, leading to a consistent explanation of the mechanism for spin period evolution of OAO 1657-415. Calculating radial velocities allowed orbital solutions for both systems to be computed. These are the first accurate determinations of the NS and counterpart masses in XRB pulsar systems to be made employing NIR spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of "The multi-wavelength view of hot, massive stars", 39th Li`ege Int. Astroph. Coll., 12-16 July 201

    Hyperpolarized ^1H NMR employing low γ nucleus for spin polarization storage

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    The PASADENA (parahydrogen and synthesis allow dramatically enhanced nuclear alignment)(1, 2) and DNP (Dynamic Nuclear Polarization)(3) methods efficiently hyperpolarize biologically relevant nuclei such as 1^H, (31)^P, (13)^C, (15)^N achieving signal enhancement by a factor of ~ 100000 on currently utilized MRI scanners. Recently, many groups have demonstrated the utility of hyperpolarized MR in biological systems using hyperpolarized (13)^C biomarkers with a relatively long spin lattice relaxation time T_1 on the order of tens of seconds.(4-7) Moreover, hyperpolarized (15)^N for biomedical MR has been proposed due to even longer spin lattice relaxations times.(8) An additional increase of up to tens of minutes in the lifetime of hyperpolarized agent in vivo could be achieved by using the singlet states of low gamma (γ) nuclei.(9) However, as NMR receptivity scales as γ^3 for spin 1/2 nuclei, direct NMR detection of low γ nuclei results in a lower signal-to-noise ratio compared to proton detection. While protons are better nuclei for detection, short spin lattice relaxation times prevent direct 1^H hyperpolarized MR in biomedical applications