26 research outputs found

    Elites in the Middle East

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    NATO and Metaphors: The Nuclear Threshold

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    Ever since the development of nuclear weapons their employment has been a major concern of military planners. Fortunately, we have had no practical experience with their use. However, in the event of war in Western Europe a decision determining the threshold for their employment would be critical If not decisive

    Myopic Visions of The Arms Race: The Immortality of Metaphors

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    Misunderstanding and misapplication of some enduring arms race metaphors obscure distinctions that should be made and can lead to conclusions not supported by logic

    Political Terrorism, Volume 2: 1974-78

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    Asia\u27s Nuclear Future

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    Strategic Weapons: An Introduction

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    Terrorist, Atoms and The Future: Understanding the Threat

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    The liberal governments of this world have increasingly come to find them• selves attempting to cope with the extraordinary explosion of demands­ both legitimate and illegitimate-that defines contemporary politics, For most of those who object to this or that policy, dissent takes constitutionally-or at least tacitly-acceptable forms. How­ever, for a small segment of those rejecting not a policy or a particular government, but rather a regime and established legality 3 itself, the lan­guage of dissent is violence and the blunt instrument for its expression is all too often terrorism.

    Revloutionary Terrorism: The FLN in Algeria, 1954-1962

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    Journal of International Affairs

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    The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict

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