54 research outputs found

    The development of an integrated corpus for Malay language

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    Generally, a corpus serves as the source of data for various types of research. As such, there are a number of Malay corpora being developed to support the needs of the researchers. However, the various corpora of Malay text are distributed and not integrated, where some words are not included or missing in some corpora. The focus of this paper is to develop an integrated corpus that will combine four most comprehensive Malay corpora. The intention is to provide comprehensive coverage of Malay corpora which would be beneficial for any relevant work

    McCabeโ€™s complexity and CK Metrics on the internal quality of test first implementation in Malaysian education settings

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    Test first is promoted in test driven development method as one of an effective Agile manifesto in producing a better quality applications. Several research have been conducted in education settings and among industrial practitioners in order to investigate the test first contribution in producing better quality software compared to a traditional approach. This paper focuses on studying the internal quality of the project developed by undergraduates with the implementation of test first over test last approach in Malaysian education settings. In the analyses, JHawk is used as the metrics extraction tools, and the analysis utilized the SPSS and G*Power statistical packages. The metrics collected are based on six object oriented metrics by Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) and the McCabeโ€™s cyclomatic complexity (CC). However, only four CK Metric (Lack of Cohesion in Method, Coupling between Objects, Weighted Methods per Class, and Response for a Class) were evaluated, in addition, the complexity is measured based on McCabesโ€™s CC. The outcome based on t-test and Mann-Whitney test shows that none of the metrics is statistically significant for test first in producing better internal quality; however, the hypothesis is accepted due to the effect size and achieved power contributed by the Weighted Method per Class

    Empirical analysis of android apps permissions

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    Android applications or apps are taking the smart phones industry to a new level. Smart phone users can do most of their everyday tasks using the various types of applications offered in the Android Play Store. Generally, prior to installation of the apps, users need to agree on the permissions requested by the apps, they are not given any other option. Essentially, users may not aware on some security issues that may arise from the permissions. Some apps request the right to manipulate sensitive data, such as GPS location, photos, calendar, contact, email and files. In this paper, we explain the sources of sensitive data, what the malicious apps can do to the data, and apply the empirical software engineering analysis to find the factors that could potentially influence the permissions in Android apps. In addition, we also highlight top ten most implemented permissions in Android apps

    Investigating the factors that influence the quality of open source systems

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    Open Source Software (OSS) has impacted software industry and recently became extremely popular. Many agencies, especially the Malaysian government agencies are capitalizing on open source projects due to the merit it offers. Due to the vast usage in the industry and government administrations, there is a colossal need to investigate on the quality of applications. Therefore, this research will study the quality factors of OSS used by Malaysian government, namely MyMeeting, and MyTaskManager. In this research, McCallโ€™s Quality Factor Model is used as a quality model and it emphasizes on quality factors such as maintainability, correctness, reliability, efficiency and usability. This research utilizes six object-oriented metrics by Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) to measure the quality factors of OSS. The metrics were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results from the data analysis show that coupling and complexity influence the class size

    Polarity Classification Tool for Sentiment Analysis in Malay Language

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    The popularity of the social media channels has increased the interest among researchers in the sentiment analysis (SA) area. One aspect of the SA research is the determination of the polarity of the comments in the social media, i.e. positive, negative, and neutral. However, there is a scarcity of Malay sentiment analysis tools because most of the work in the literature discuss the polarity classification tool in English. This paper presents the development of a polarity classification tool called Malay Polarity Classification Tool (MaCT). This tool is developed based on the AFINN sentiment lexicon for English language. We have attempted to translate each word in AFINN to its Malay equivalent and later, use the lexicon to collect the sentiment data from Twitter. The Twitter data are then classified into positive, negative, and neutral. For the validation purpose, we collect 400 positive tweets, 400 negative tweets, and 200 neutral tweets, and later, run the tweets through our sentiment lexicon and found 90% score for precision, recall and accuracy. Our main contribution in the research is the new AFINN translation for Malay language and also the classification of the sentiment data

    Testing in blockchain-based systems: a systematic review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT), insurance, healthcare, government systems, financial services, and other industries have recently adopted the blockchain technology. As blockchain technology evolves, the list will continue to expand. Implementing blockchain technology is becoming more challenging due to various problems such as throughput issues, user identity exposure, and smart contract vulnerability. Therefore, blockchain-based technology should undergo appropriate testing before deploying to a broader range of businesses. This study conducted a comprehensive systematic review on testing the blockchain systems based on three main issues; performance, privacy and smart contract, which aims to identify opportunities for future research. The recently published publications are extracted from two selected digital libraries, IEEE Xplore and Scopus, by applying selected search terms and conditions. This research found that 27.78% of the relevant research is based on blockchain performance testing, 27.78% on blockchain privacy testing, and 44.44% on blockchain smart contract testing. It was observed that more research focuses on smart contract issues than other issues

    Development of a chatbot for the online application telegram chat with an approach to the emotion classification text using the IndoBERT-lite method

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    The increasing preference for text-based communication on online chat applications has caused the number of social interactions to increase rapidly. However, textbased communication usually results in misunderstandings resulting from the absence of feeling intonation and emotions in the text. This study aims to create a chatbot that can detect emotions text to be entered into online chat applications. This study used a pre-trained model specifically trained from a collection of Indonesian-language datasets, namely IndoBERTlite. The dataset used to train the model is a collection of Indonesian tweets totaling 4,403 which have been labeled with 5 classes of emotions, namely love, happy, anger, sadness, and fear. The hyperparameters used in this study to train the model were 5 epochs, batch size 16, learning rate 0.000003, and adam optimizer. Based on the test results with the parameters already mentioned, the accuracy, F1 score, recall, and precision values were obtained in the training set of 89%, 89%, 89%, and 90%, while the validation set obtained 70%, 71%, 70%, and 72%

    Sentiment analysis for Malay language: systematic literature review

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    Recent research and developments in Sentiment Analysis (SA) have simplified sentiment detection and classification from textual content. The related domains for these studies are diverse and comprise fields such as tourism, costumer review, finance, software engineering, speech conversation, social media content, news and so on. SA research and developments field have been done on various languages such as Chinese and English language. However, SA research on other languages such as Malay language is still scarce. Thus, there is a need for constructing SA research specifically for Malay language. To understand trends and to support practitioners and researchers with comprehension information with regard to SA for Malay language, this study exhibit to review published articles on SA for Malay language. From five online databases including ACM, Emerald insight, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Scopus, 2433 scientific articles were obtained. Moreover, through the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) Statement, 10 articles have been chosen for the review process. Those articles have been reviewed depend on a few categories consisting of the aim of the study, SA classification techniques, as well as the domain and source of content. As a result, the conducted systematic literature review shed some light about the starting point to research in term of SA for Malay language

    Malay Online Virtual Integrated Corpus (MOVIC): a systematic review

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    The development of the various Malay corpora have given the opportunities to many researchers to explore their usage in diverse contexts. However, the corpora were distributed in various locations, and for the ease of access for users, a system called Malay Online Virtual Integrated Corpus (MOVIC) is proposed. This paper focuses on applying the systematic literature review (SLR) on the Malay corpus research to find out the recent development in the area. From the initial search, 3231 articles were extracted from five online databases, such as, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, ProQuest, Springer Link, and ACM. After several rounds of filtering, 11 papers were selected for review

    Collaborative open bibliographic network for Malaysian school libraries

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    Collaborative bibliographic network among libraries has long gained its popularity not only due to the sheer cost of integrated library systems (ILS) but also the many benefits gained from being a member of library network or consortium. The emerging trend of the use of open source ILS in consortia has already marked successful results including among school libraries. Among the prominent ones is the development of virtual union catalog which not only promotes resource sharing, but also has great potentials in making school resource centres (SRC) online catalogues as a tool for information resource discovery. The paper will specifically explore the feasibility of building such network within school resource centers in Malaysia. The awareness, benefits and issues like interoperability will also be discussed. This paper will discover the potential of setting up a collaborative bibliographic network among SRC in Malaysia by deploying open source ILS. A general framework in setting up SRC bibliographic network in Malaysia will be proposed with focus on the creation of compatible library catalog that could support the distributed environment and Z39.50 protocol. Popular ILS such as Koha, OPALS, and Evergreen will be presented and their applications in library network will be appraised in light of Malaysian SRC environment. Finally, the paper will propose potential research areas that would position and enhance the role of school resource centres in producing life-long learners and bridging the digital divide through the deployment of open source ILS in Malaysian SRC
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