1,828 research outputs found

    Interplay between shear loading and structural aging in a physical gel

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    We show that the aging of the mechanical relaxation of a gelatin gel exhibits the same scaling phenomenology as polymer and colloidal glasses. Besides, gelatin is known to exhibit logarithmic structural aging (stiffening). We find that stress accelerates this process. However, this effect is definitely irreducible to a mere age shift with respect to natural aging. We suggest that it is interpretable in terms of elastically-aided elementary (coil\tohelix) local events whose dynamics gradually slows down as aging increases geometric frustration

    Electronic and Magnetic Structure of LaCuO2.5_{2.5}

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    The recently-discovered ``ladder'' compound LaCuO2.5_{2.5} has been found to admit hole doping without altering its structure of coupled copper oxide ladders. While susceptibility measurements on the parent compound suggest a spin gap and a spin-liquid state, NMR results indicate magnetic order at low temperatures. These seemingly contradictory results may be reconciled if in fact the magnetic state is near the crossover from spin liquid to antiferromagnet, and we investigate this possibility. From a tight-binding fit to the valence LDA bandstructure, we deduce that the strength of the interladder hopping term is approximately half that of intraladder hopping, showing that the material is three-dimensional in character. A mean-field treatment of the insulating magnetic state gives a spin-liquid phase whose spin gap decreases with increasing interladder coupling, vanishing (signalling a transition to the ordered phase) at a value somewhat below that obtained for LaCuO2.5_{2.5}. The introduction of an on-site repulsion term, UU, to the band scheme causes a transition to an antiferromagnetic insulator for rather small but finite values of UU, reflecting the predominance of (one-dimensional) ladder behavior, and an absence of any special nesting features.Comment: 8 pages + 5 figure

    On possible superconductivity in the doped ladder compound La_(1-x)Sr_xCuO_2.5

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    LaCuO_2.5 is a system of coupled, two-chain, cuprate ladders which may be doped systematically by Sr substitution. Motivated by the recent synthesis of single crystals, we investigate theoretically the possibility of superconductivity in this compound. We use a model of spin fluctuation-mediated superconductivity, where the pairing potential is strongly peaked at \pi in the ladder direction. We solve the coupled gap equations on the bonding and antibonding ladder bands to find superconducting solutions across the range of doping, and discuss their relevance to the real material.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages, 7 figure

    Block orthogonal polynomials: I. Definition and properties

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    Constrained orthogonal polynomials have been recently introduced in the study of the Hohenberg-Kohn functional to provide basis functions satisfying particle number conservation for an expansion of the particle density. More generally, we define block orthogonal (BO) polynomials which are orthogonal, with respect to a first Euclidean scalar product, to a given ii-dimensional subspace Ei{\cal E}_i of polynomials associated with the constraints. In addition, they are mutually orthogonal with respect to a second Euclidean scalar product. We recast the determination of these polynomials into a general problem of finding particular orthogonal bases in an Euclidean vector space endowed with distinct scalar products. An explicit two step Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (G-SO) procedure to determine these bases is given. By definition, the standard block orthogonal (SBO) polynomials are associated with a choice of Ei{\cal E}_i equal to the subspace of polynomials of degree less than ii. We investigate their properties, emphasizing similarities to and differences from the standard orthogonal polynomials. Applications to classical orthogonal polynomials will be given in forthcoming papers.Comment: This is a reduced version of the initial manuscript, the number of pages being reduced from 34 to 2

    Phase Separation, Competition, and Volume Fraction Control in NaFe1x_{1-x}Cox_xAs

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    We report a detailed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study by combined 23^{23}Na and 75^{75}As measurements over a broad range of doping to map the phase diagram of NaFe1x_{1-x}Cox_xAs. In the underdoped regime (xx \le 0.017), we find a magnetic phase with robust antiferromagnetic (AFM) order, which we denote the {\it s}-AFM phase, cohabiting with a phase of weak and possibly proximity-induced AFM order ({\it w}-AFM) whose volume fraction V8V \simeq 8\% is approximately constant. Near optimal doping, at x=0.0175x = 0.0175, we observe a phase separation between static antiferromagnetism related to the {\it s}-AFM phase and a paramagnetic (PM) phase related to {\it w}-AFM. The volume fraction of AFM phase increases upon cooling, but both the N{\'e}el temperature and the volume fraction can be suppressed systematically by applying a cc-axis magnetic field. On cooling below TcT_c, superconductivity occupies the PM region and its volume fraction grows at the expense of the AFM phase, demonstrating a phase separation of the two types of order based on volume exclusion. At higher dopings, static antiferromagnetism and even critical AFM fluctuations are completely suppressed by superconductivity. Thus the phase diagram we establish contains two distinct types of phase separation and reflects a strong competition between AFM and superconducting phases both in real space and in momentum space. We suggest that both this strict mutual exclusion and the robustness of superconductivity against magnetism are consequences of the extreme two-dimensionality of NaFeAs.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Dissociative Autoionization in (1+2)-photon Above Threshold Excitation of H2 Molecules

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    We have theoretically studied the effect of dissociative autoionization on the photoelectron energy spectrum in (1+2)-photon above threshold ionization(ATI) of H2 molecules. We have considered excitation from the ground state X-singlet-Sigma-g+(v=0,j) to the doubly excited autoionizing states of singlet-Sigma-u+ and singlet-Pi-u+ symmetry, via the intermediate resonant B-singlet-Sigma-u+(v=5,j) states. We have shown that the photoelectron energy spectrum is oscillatory in nature and shows three distinct peaks above the photoelectron energy 0.7 eV. This feature has been observed in a recent experiment by Rottke et al, J. Phys. B, Vol. 30, p-4049 (1997).Comment: 11 pages and 4 figure

    Semiclassical ionization dynamics of the hydrogen molecular ion in an electric field of arbitrary orientation

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    Quasi-static models of barrier suppression have played a major role in our understanding of the ionization of atoms and molecules in strong laser fields. Despite their success, in the case of diatomic molecules these studies have so far been restricted to fields aligned with the molecular axis. In this paper we investigate the locations and heights of the potential barriers in the hydrogen molecular ion in an electric field of arbitrary orientation. We find that the barriers undergo bifurcations as the external field strength and direction are varied. This phenomenon represents an unexpected level of intricacy even on this most elementary level of the dynamics. We describe the dynamics of tunnelling ionization through the barriers semiclassically and use our results to shed new light on the success of a recent theory of molecular tunnelling ionization as well as earlier theories that restrict the electric field to be aligned with the molecular axis