102 research outputs found

    Treg and Tact are distinguished by a combination of several markers.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) PBMC were electronically gated on lymphocyte population (left panel) followed by gate on total CD4<sup>+</sup> cells (middle panel). CD4<sup>+</sup> cells were analysed for the expression of CD25 and CD127 (right panel). (<b>Aā€“C</b>) CD25<sup>+</sup>FOXP3<sup>+</sup> cells were identified as Treg, whereas CD25<sup>+</sup>FOXP3<sup>āˆ’</sup> counted as Tact. A dot plot for one individual is shown for group 1 (<b>B</b>) and group 2 (<b>C</b>). Gating on Treg and Tact subsets was verified by further analysis of level of expression of CD25 (<b>Bā€“C</b>, middle panel) and CD127 (<b>Bā€“C</b>, right panel) expressed on Treg (red) and Tact (green). Gray line - isotype control.</p

    Influence of host attributes on T cell subsets.

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    <p>Results from the multivariate analysis of variance determining the effect of host sex and age on percentages of activated (Tact) and regulatory (Treg) cells. df ā€Š=ā€Š degrees of freedom and tests significant at p<0.05 are highlighted in bold.</p

    The association of Treg and Tact proportions with infection intensity are presented partitioned by age group.

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    <p>The variation in infection intensity ((log<sub>10</sub> (egg count+1) transformed) was analysed for the potential confounding effects sex and village using ANOVA and calculated residuals are plotted against the proportion of Treg (<b>A, B</b>) or Tact (<b>C, D</b>; arcsināˆš transformed) after dividing into two age groups as indicated. Obtained residuals were used for further used in a regression analysis whose p- and Ī²- values are given.</p

    Study population was divided in two age groups.

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    <p>The 8ā€“13 year age group (Nā€Š=ā€Š30) infection intensity is rising and peaking, whereas in the 14+ year age group (Nā€Š=ā€Š19) infection intensity is lower. Dots represent individual values of infection intensity to illustrate distribution within the age groups and gray line indicates means. Means were compared by Student's t-Test and p-value is shown.</p

    The proportion of Treg does not differ between age group regardless of markers employed.

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    <p>Dot plots show the fraction of Treg identified by a combination of different markers: (<b>A</b>) CD25<sup>+</sup>FOXP3<sup>+</sup> cells, (<b>B</b>) FOXP3<sup>+</sup>CD127<sup>dim</sup> cells and (<b>C</b>) CD25<sup>high</sup> cells as percentage of CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells in the different age groups. In (<b>D</b>) percentages of CD25<sup>+</sup>FOXP3<sup>neg</sup> Tact are presented.</p

    Proportions of ILC2s identified by CD127+CD294+CD161+ are lower in <i>S</i>. <i>haematobium</i> egg positive young children.

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    <p>(A) The participants were compared between <i>S</i>. <i>haematobium</i> egg negative (ve-, N = 36) and egg positive (ve+, N = 36) individuals by a non-parametric Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test. (B) The cohort was divided into three age groups (age in years) and egg positive (ve+, open symbols) were compared to egg negative (ve-, closed symbols) people. Grey lines indicate median and the interquartile range. ILC2s proportions were analysed using a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a multiple comparison of egg positive <i>versus</i> egg negative children.</p

    Comparison of plasma TSLP and IL-33 levels in relation to <i>S</i>. <i>haematobium</i> infection.

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    <p>Plasma levels of (A) TSLP and (B) IL-33 were measured by ELISA and data were divided into three age group and <i>S</i>. <i>haematobium</i> egg negative (ve-, closed symbols) compared to egg positive (ve+, open symbols) individuals. Grey lines indicate median and the interquartile range. Levels were compared using a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by a multiple comparison of egg positive <i>versus</i> egg negative children. Plasma levels of (C) TSLP and (D) IL-33 from 12 individuals (as described for <a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0003627#pntd.0003627.g003" target="_blank">Fig. 3</a>) were compared pre- and 6 weekā€™s post-treatment. P-values are obtained from a Wilcoxon signed-rank test and positive/negative/unchanged ranks are shown in the lower-right corner of panel (C) and (D).</p

    <i>In vitro</i> generation of effector T cells (E) and co-culture with LD-BCG infected MDM (M) at different E/M ratios.

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    <p>(A) Workflow depiction for the generation of effector T cells, LD-BCG infected MDM, E/M co-culture, flow cytometry analyses of infected MDM and effector T cells. (B) Analyses of MDM infected with LD-BCG after co-culture with effector T cells stimulated with <i>Staphylococcus</i> Enterotoxin B (SEB), <i>M</i>. <i>tuberculosis</i> Purified Protein Derivative (PPD), and without stimulation (w/o). Different E/M ratios are shown on the x-axes. Proportions of infected MDM with live (grey) or dead LD-BCG (open) are shown as stacked boxes (left graph). Absolute numbers of infected MDM are shown as symbols (middle graph) and numbers of MDM infected with live LD-BCG are shown as boxes (right graph). The dotted line in the middle graph indicates MDM numbers infected with LD-BCG w/o effector T-cell co-culture. Median with range of triplicates from a representative experiment are depicted.</p

    Characterisation of human ILC2 by flow cytometry.

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    <p>(A) Human PBMC were gated on live cells using forward (FSC) and side (SSC) scatter. Gated live cells were analysed using the area against height of the FSC to discriminate singletā€™s from duplicates. Singletā€™s were subsequently analysed by a lineage cocktail (Lin) and CD45 to gate on Lin-CD45+ cells (as indicated in the box) (B). Lin-CD45+ cells were gated on CD127+ cells, which were analysed for CD294 and CD161 (C). CD127+CD294+CD161+ were analysed for CD117 (grey histogram) versus isotype control (open histogram) (D). Flow charts as presented are from the PBMC analysis of a 9 year old female who was negative for <i>S</i>. <i>haematobium</i> eggs.</p
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