32 research outputs found


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    〈目的〉先行研究の分析を通して,虚血性心疾患患者の自己管理行動に対する意識と自己管理行動の実践を明らかにし,必要な看護支援を検討するための基礎資料を得る.〈方法〉本研究は健康信念モデルを基に自己管理行動を考えた.脅威の認識に影響を与えたものを「自己管理行動に対する意識」,保健行動を「自己管理行動の実践」とした.そのうち,適切な行動を促す意識を促進要因とし,不適切な行動を促す意識を阻害要因と捉えた.虚血性心疾患患者の自己管理行動に関連する文献を選出し,意識,実践について述べられている研究結果を抽出し,質的帰納的にまとめた.さらに,健康信念モデルを用いて意識と実践の関連について考察した.〈結果〉対象とした文献は24 件であった.虚血性心疾患患者は,発症を機に命の大切さを実感することを通して疾患という脅威を認識し,生活習慣を見直していた.さらに,自己管理をしなくてはならないと意識し,自身の目的遂行のために食事・運動・禁煙・飲酒・薬物に関する内容を中心に実施していた.自己管理行動を阻害する意識として,調整・配慮し続ける難しさや負担感,ストレス等が抽出された.そのため,脅威と認識するには不十分であり,適切な自己管理行動の有益性より障害の方が大きいと判断され,食事・運動・禁煙・飲酒・薬物管理ができないという不適切な行動を導きだしていた.冠動脈バイパス術を受けた患者では,自己管理行動を阻害する考えが抽出された.〈結論〉自己管理行動を継続していく支援として,自己管理行動の評価を行い,患者が行動の見通しと自信が持てるよう関わり,患者の自己効力感を高める必要があると考えられた.本研究の結果に抽出されなかった自己管理に対する意識,自己管理行動の実践として睡眠呼吸障害,うつ・不安・不眠症に対する管理がある.今後は,これらに対する支援の構築および患者の意識と実践について系統的な研究が必要である

    日本赤十字秋田短期大学介護福祉学科卒業生の就業状況と職業意識 : 卒業生の動向調査から(その2)

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    本研究では、本学介護福祉学科卒業生の現在の就業状況、職業意識や直面している課題を把握することを目的とし、第1期生から第9期生までの卒業生を対象に質問紙調査を行った。234名から回答が得られ、以下のことが明らかになった。1. 234名中202名(86.3%)が介護・福祉関係の仕事に従事しており、そのうち9割が秋田県内で就業している。また、高齢者を対象とした介護施設が全体の9割を占めている。2.介護・福祉関係の仕事に従事している卒業生では、利用者の笑顔に喜びを感じ、仕事を通じて人間的に成長したと感じている人が多い一方、専門職として社会的に認められていると感じている人は少なかった。3.現在の仕事については全就業者の39.7%が満足しているが、給与について満足している人は21.0%であった。また、職業継続意識については10.7%が継続に迷いを感じていた。The purpose of this study was to clarify the state of employment for the graduates, professional sense, and some difficulties in their work. The target is all graduates who had been admitted from first through ninth. 234 graduates responded. The following results were obtained. In order to clarify the status of employment of the graduates and the evaluation of education while as students. 234 gradu ates responded to our survey. The following results were obtained. (1) 202 out of 234 (83.4%) had been engaged in carework. 90% of them had been in facilities in Akita Prefecture. Facilities of care for elderly persons, occupied 90% of all. (2) Most of graduates who were working at care facilities had feelings of being happy to see the smiling faces of elderly persons raised through their jobs. On the other hand, few had the feeling that they are recognized as professionals. (3) Although 39.7% answered that they are satisfied with their present jobs, the graduates who are satisfied with present salaries was only 21.0%, and 10.7% of the graduates were wondering whether they should continue their job or not

    日本赤十字秋田短期大学介護福祉学科卒業生の在学中の学業への取り組み、教育・学生生活に対する満足度、および卒後の自己啓発 : 卒業生の動向調査から(その1)

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    本研究は、卒業生の在学中の学業への取り組み、教育・学生生活に対する満足度、卒後の自己啓発の状況を把握することを目的とし、本学科卒業生第1~9期生を対象に無記名の質問紙調査を実施した。234名から回答が得られ以下のことが明らかになった。1.在学中に習得した能力は、「倫理観」、「共感できる感性」、「人間、生活、社会への関心を持てる力」の項目で高く、「自己研鑽」、「創造性の豊かさ」、「主体的」の項目で低い傾向にあった。また、在学中に学業を諦めようと思ったことがある人は12.8%で、1年次が80.0%、理由は「授業に関すること」が多かった。2.在学中の教育・学生生活の満足度は、設定した23項日中、平均値が4.0以上の項目は6項目、3.0未満の項目は1項目であった。3.卒後の資格取得者、進学者、職能団体・学会への加入者は少なかった。専門的知識・技術習得の希望は「医学に関する知識」が多かった。また、介護福祉専門職に必要な資質は「適正な観察力と判断力があること」、「利用者を理解する態度をもっていること」、「人間尊重の価値観を持っていること」が上位を占めていた。We surveyed by questionnaire in the 1^-9^ classes\u27 graduate of our school. We surveyed states of a trend of graduate, an approach of study at school, a satisfaction with education, a satisfaction with school life and their self-development after school. The purpose of this study is to understand them. 234 graduates responded to our survey. The following results were obtained. 1. In questions about abilities they got at school, it is good in questions about "ethical sense", "ability of identify themselves with others" And "ability of caring for human and society". It is not good in questions about "self-study" "creativity", and "identity". 12.8% graduate tried for drop out at school. And its 80.0% reason was "about lessons". 2. We put 23 questions about satisfaction with education and their school life.6 questions showed over 4.0 points on the average. A question showed less than 3.0 points. 3. A few graduate joined employment association or institutes. Also a few graduates got other licenses and went to higher schools. They wished to study about "medical knowledge" in questions about special knowledge and technical training. "Proper observation and judgment", " understand users" and "respect humanity" ranked high in questions about special abilities for expert of care and welfare


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    In recent years, the incidence of myopia in children has been increasing, so it is important to determine the effects of environmental and lifestyle factors at an early stage and take countermeasures. The purpose of this study was to examine in detail the changes in the use of electronic devices and the changes in the visual acuity of children Comparing the good vision group and the poor vision group, no significant differences were observed in the frequency of attending cram schools, the frequency of exercising outside, the amount of time spent using electronic devices, and sleep. Although no significant difference was observed in stress response, the poor visual acuity group had a higher physical reaction score, and symptoms such as headache and fatigue we re observed compared to the good visual acuity group. Children's use of electronic devices was predicted to be longer than before COVID 19, but no significant change was observed in this study. It is believed that he lived under the supervision of his parents. In the future, it is necessary to investigate parents' ideas and measures to maintain their eyesight, clarify the relationship with children's eyesight, and consider guidance not only for children but also for parents

    A comparative study of 11C-choline PET and [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET in the evaluation of lung cancer

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of 11C-choline positron emission tomography (PET) and [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET imaging in the detection of primary lung cancer and mediastinal lymph node metastases. Seventeen patients with histologically proven primary lung cancer were examined with both 11C-choline and FDG PET within a week of each study. Lung cancers were analysed visually and semiquantitatively using the ratio of tumour-to-normal radioactivity (T/N ratio) and standardized uptake value (SUV). Mediastinal lymph node metastases were analysed visually. Although both techniques delineated focal lesions with an increase intracer accumulation in 13 patients, FDG PET identified three additional patients in whom 11C-choline PET did not visualize any lesion. In the detection of lung cancer <2 cm in size, FDG PET provided higher sensitivity (six of seven, 85.7%) than 11C-choline PET (four of seven, 57.1%). THe T/N ratio and SUV were significantly higher with FDG PET (T/N ratio, 7.43 6.22, SUV, 4.05 3.05) than these were with 11C-choline PET (T/N ratio, 2.93 1.19, SUV, 2.93 0.79)(p<0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between tha T/N ratios and SUVs of FDG and 11C-choline. In the assessment of mediastinal lymph node involvement, FDG PET detected lymph node metastases in two patients who were negative on 11C-choline PET, whereas both techniques could not detect tumour involvement in one patient, Both techniques have clinical value for the non-invasive detection of primary lung cancer that is 2 cm or greater in size. However, FDG PET is superior to 11C-choline PET in the detection of lung cancer that is less than 2 cm in diameter and in mediastinal lymph node metastases