
本研究では、本学介護福祉学科卒業生の現在の就業状況、職業意識や直面している課題を把握することを目的とし、第1期生から第9期生までの卒業生を対象に質問紙調査を行った。234名から回答が得られ、以下のことが明らかになった。1. 234名中202名(86.3%)が介護・福祉関係の仕事に従事しており、そのうち9割が秋田県内で就業している。また、高齢者を対象とした介護施設が全体の9割を占めている。2.介護・福祉関係の仕事に従事している卒業生では、利用者の笑顔に喜びを感じ、仕事を通じて人間的に成長したと感じている人が多い一方、専門職として社会的に認められていると感じている人は少なかった。3.現在の仕事については全就業者の39.7%が満足しているが、給与について満足している人は21.0%であった。また、職業継続意識については10.7%が継続に迷いを感じていた。The purpose of this study was to clarify the state of employment for the graduates, professional sense, and some difficulties in their work. The target is all graduates who had been admitted from first through ninth. 234 graduates responded. The following results were obtained. In order to clarify the status of employment of the graduates and the evaluation of education while as students. 234 gradu ates responded to our survey. The following results were obtained. (1) 202 out of 234 (83.4%) had been engaged in carework. 90% of them had been in facilities in Akita Prefecture. Facilities of care for elderly persons, occupied 90% of all. (2) Most of graduates who were working at care facilities had feelings of being happy to see the smiling faces of elderly persons raised through their jobs. On the other hand, few had the feeling that they are recognized as professionals. (3) Although 39.7% answered that they are satisfied with their present jobs, the graduates who are satisfied with present salaries was only 21.0%, and 10.7% of the graduates were wondering whether they should continue their job or not

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