139 research outputs found

    Identification of a Novel Deactivating Small-Molecule Compound for Fibrogenic Hepatic Stellate Cells

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    Background: Liver fibrosis progresses to decompensated liver cirrhosis, for which medical needs remain unmet. We recently developed IC-2, a small-molecule compound that suppresses Wnt/β-catenin signaling, and found that IC-2 also suppresses liver fibrosis. In this study, we performed three-step screening of newly synthesized IC-2 derivatives to identify other small-molecule compounds that suppress liver fibrosis. Methods: The screening system consisted of three steps: a cell viability assay, a transcription factor 4 (TCF4) reporter assay, and induction of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and collagen 1α1 (Col1A1) expression in response to each compound. Screening using human LX-2 hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) was performed to target HSCs, which are the driver cells of liver fibrosis. Results: In the first step, since 9b and 9b-CONH2 at 100 μM did not have any effects on cell viability, they were omitted in the next screening. Additionally, the conditions that led to > 40% inhibition of the controls were also excluded in subsequent screening. The second step was performed under 31 conditions for 19 small-molecule compounds. Sixteen small-molecule compounds caused significant reduction of TCF4 activity relative to that of 0.1% DMSO. Of the 16 compounds, the 10 showing the greatest suppression of TCF4 activity were selected for the third step. Expressions of mRNA for α-SMA and Col1A1 were significantly reduced by seven and three small-molecule compounds, respectively. The greatest reductions in the α-SMA and Col1A1 mRNA expressions were observed in the cells treated with IC-2-F. Protein expressions of α-SMA and Col1A1 caused by IC-2-F were also comparable to those caused by IC-2. Conclusion: IC-2-F was identified as a novel deactivating small-molecule compound for HSCs in vitro. These data suggest that IC-2-F is a promising medicine for liver fibrosis

    T cell self-reactivity forms a cytokine milieu for spontaneous development of IL-17+ Th cells that cause autoimmune arthritis

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    This report shows that highly self-reactive T cells produced in mice as a result of genetically altered thymic T cell selection spontaneously differentiate into interleukin (IL)-17–secreting CD4+ helper T (Th) cells (Th17 cells), which mediate an autoimmune arthritis that clinically and immunologically resembles rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The thymus-produced self-reactive T cells, which become activated in the periphery via recognition of major histocompatibility complex/self-peptide complexes, stimulate antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to secrete IL-6. APC-derived IL-6, together with T cell–derived IL-6, drives naive self-reactive T cells to differentiate into arthritogenic Th17 cells. Deficiency of either IL-17 or IL-6 completely inhibits arthritis development, whereas interferon (IFN)-γ deficiency exacerbates it. The generation, differentiation, and persistence of arthritogenic Th17 cells per se are, however, insufficient for producing overt autoimmune arthritis. Yet overt disease is precipitated by further expansion and activation of autoimmune Th17 cells, for example, via IFN-γ deficiency, homeostatic proliferation, or stimulation of innate immunity by microbial products. Thus, a genetically determined T cell self-reactivity forms a cytokine milieu that facilitates preferential differentiation of self-reactive T cells into Th17 cells. Extrinsic or intrinsic stimuli further expand these cells, thereby triggering autoimmune disease. Intervention in these events at cellular and molecular levels is useful to treat and prevent autoimmune disease, in particular RA

    Preferential recruitment of CCR6-expressing Th17 cells to inflamed joints via CCL20 in rheumatoid arthritis and its animal model

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    This report shows that interleukin (IL) 17–producing T helper type 17 (Th17) cells predominantly express CC chemokine receptor (CCR) 6 in an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Th17 cells induced in vivo in normal mice via homeostatic proliferation similarly express CCR6, whereas those inducible in vitro by transforming growth factor β and IL-6 additionally need IL-1 and neutralization of interferon (IFN) γ and IL-4 for CCR6 expression. Forced expression of RORγt, a key transcription factor for Th17 cell differentiation, induces not only IL-17 but also CCR6 in naive T cells. Furthermore, Th17 cells produce CCL20, the known ligand for CCR6. Synoviocytes from arthritic joints of mice and humans also produce a large amount of CCL20, with a significant correlation (P = 0.014) between the amounts of IL-17 and CCL20 in RA joints. The CCL20 production by synoviocytes is augmented in vitro by IL-1β, IL-17, or tumor necrosis factor α, and is suppressed by IFN-γ or IL-4. Administration of blocking anti-CCR6 monoclonal antibody substantially inhibits mouse arthritis. Thus, the joint cytokine milieu formed by T cells and synovial cells controls the production of CCL20 and, consequently, the recruitment of CCR6+ arthritogenic Th17 cells to the inflamed joints. These results indicate that CCR6 expression contributes to Th17 cell function in autoimmune disease, especially in autoimmune arthritis such as RA

    Water balance in healthy and handicapped adults

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    The body’s water balance is changed by food and beverage intake, metabolism, and excretion. In this study, we performed a cross-sectional study that investigated the changes of water intake and water output in healthy Japanese young and elderly people and handicapped adults. Water balance was assessed by water intake from foods and beverages, metabolic water production, non-renal water losses (NRWL), and urine volume. Most of the parameters did not change with aging in healthy adults. Estimated total water intake (ml / kg / day) increased with aging. In the healthy men, healthy women, and handicapped adults, daily water intake (median [interquartile range]) accounted for 49.4 (41.4-59.9) ml / kg, 42.9 (38.7-51.8) ml / kg, and 50.9 (43.8-74.0) ml / kg, respectively. Water loss from the kidney accounted for 19.2 (16.2-29.2) ml / kg, 22.0 (16.2-26.6) ml / kg, and 27.5 (22.7- 47.2) ml / kg, respectively. NRWL accounted for 26.6 (18.5-35.2) ml / kg, 22.4 (16.2-28.8) ml / kg, and 23.5 (19.8-28.5) ml / kg, respectively. Our findings suggest that a daily total water intake of more than 50-55 ml / kg is required to prevent dehydration in healthy and handicapped adults

    A role for fungal β-glucans and their receptor Dectin-1 in the induction of autoimmune arthritis in genetically susceptible mice

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    A combination of genetic and environmental factors can cause autoimmune disease in animals. SKG mice, which are genetically prone to develop autoimmune arthritis, fail to develop the disease under a microbially clean condition, despite active thymic production of arthritogenic autoimmune T cells and their persistence in the periphery. However, in the clean environment, a single intraperitoneal injection of zymosan, a crude fungal β-glucan, or purified β-glucans such as curdlan and laminarin can trigger severe chronic arthritis in SKG mice, but only transient arthritis in normal mice. Blockade of Dectin-1, a major β-glucan receptor, can prevent SKG arthritis triggered by β-glucans, which strongly activate dendritic cells in vitro in a Dectin-1–dependent but Toll-like receptor-independent manner. Furthermore, antibiotic treatment against fungi can prevent SKG arthritis in an arthritis-prone microbial environment. Multiple injections of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid double-stranded RNA also elicit mild arthritis in SKG mice. Thus, specific microbes, including fungi and viruses, may evoke autoimmune arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis by stimulating innate immunity in individuals who harbor potentially arthritogenic autoimmune T cells as a result of genetic anomalies or variations

    Purification, Characterization and Crystal Structure of Isoamylase from Thermophilic Bacteria Rhodothermus marinus

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    The isoamylase gene from Rhodothermus marinus was cloned into and expressed in Escherichia coli Top 10. As a result of characterization of purified R. marinus isoamylase. the enzyme had an optimum pH of 4.0 and optimum temperature of 70℃. Thermal inactivation studies of the purified R. marinus isoamylase revealed the enzymatic activity to be uninfluenced after one hour incubation at 60℃. These results suggest that R. marinus isoamylase has high thermostability. The crystallization and crystal structure analysis of R. marinus isoamylase was performed. The three-dimensional structure at 1.9Å resolution was determined in complex with the panose. R. marinus isoamylase is composed of three domains N, A and C, and, has a (β/α)8-barrel in domain A. The secondary structural alignments of the R. marinus isoamylase and P. amyloderamosa isoamylase was carried out. They have the four active-site consensus regions characteristic of the α-amylase family. And the essential residue of the α-amylase family (D359, E395, and D467) was conserved in these enzymes. R. marinus isoamylase has shorter loops than P. amyloderamosa isoamylase. And R. marinus isoamylase had no Ca2+ binding site. These results are thought to be factors of thermostability of R. marinus isoamylase.Rhodothermus marinus 由来イソアミラーゼ遺伝子を組み込んだプラスミド pBX2を使用し,大腸菌 Top10株を形質転換し,16時間の前培養,24時間の本培養後,菌体破砕し,得られた無細胞抽出液を熱処理(80℃,10 min),50オ硫安分画,陰イオン交換カラムクロマトグラフィー(DEAEントヨパール),ハイドロキシアパタイトカラムクロマトグラフィーに供して本酵素の精製を行った.本精製酵素の性質検討を行った結果,本酵素の最適反応温度は70℃,pH4であり,また本酵素は60℃で1時間処理しても活性が低下することが無く,Pseudomonas amyloderamosa 由来イソアミラーゼよりも高い耐熱性を有することが判明した.本酵素の結晶化・X線結晶構造解析を行った結果,本酵素は P. amyloderamosa 由来イソアミラーゼと同様Nドメイン・AドメインCドメインの3つのドメインから構成されており,活性残基(D359,E395,D467)など活性中心付近のアミノ酸残基も P. amyloderamosa 由来イソアミラーゼと同様,高度に保存されていた.本酵素の熱安定性が P. amyloderamosa 由来イソアミラーゼよりも高 い要因として,P. amyloderamosa 由来イソアミラーゼよりもループの長さが全体的に短いことと,カルシウムイオン結合サイトの欠如が挙げられた.今後さらに構造解析を進めることにより,本酵素の熱安定性機構,反応 機構など更なる知見が得られることが期待される

    Concomitant activation of AKT with extracellular-regulated kinase 1/2 occurs independently of PTEN or PIK3CA mutations in endometrial cancer and may be associated with favorable prognosiss

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    がん進展制御研究所 Deregulated signaling via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is common in many types of cancer, but its clinicopathological significance in endometrial cancer remains unclear. In the present study, we examined the status of the PI3K signaling pathway, especially in relation to PTEN and PIK3CA status, in endometrioid-type endometrial cancer. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed a high level of phosphorylated (p)-AKT expression, which is a hallmark of activated PI3K signaling, in approximately 60% of endometrial cancers. There was no correlation between p-AKT expression and clinicopathological characteristics, such as International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage, tumor grade, and myometrial invasion. Unexpectedly, a high level of p-AKT expression occurred independently of the presence of PTEN or PIK3CA mutations. Furthermore, p-AKT expression did not correlate with the expression of potential downstream targets, including p-mTOR and p-FOXO1/3a. In turn, p-AKT expression was strongly associated with extracellular-regulated kinase 1/2 expression (P = 0.0031), which is representative of the activated RAS-MAP kinase pathway. Kaplan-Meier analysis suggested that low p-AKT expression was associated with low rates of relapse-free survival, although the difference was not statistically significant, indicating that AKT activation does not confer worse prognosis. The present study demonstrates the presence of complex signaling pathways that might mask the conventional tumorigenic PTEN-PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway, and strongly suggests a close association between the extracellular-regulated kinase and PI3K pathways in this tumor type. © 2007 Japanese Cancer Association