29 research outputs found

    Intraocular pressure in a clinical population: a retrospective study

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    A retrospective study was carried out to determine the distribution of intraocular pressure in normal patients who came for vision problems at the Optometry Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Kuala Lumpur Campus, and to determine the differences in intraocular pressure with respect to age, gender and race. The cohort consisted of 148 subjects divided into five groups with age ranged from 10 to 59 years. The inclusion criteria were, subjects had no sistemic or ocular disease, subjects were not taking any medication, visual acuity was 6/6 or better, refractive errors < ±6.00D, astigmatism < 2.00D, anisometropia <2.00D, and mean intraocular pressure measured using the X-PERT tonometer and taken between 9 am to 2 pm. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed the mean intraocular pressure without consideration for age, race or gender was 12.6 mmHg (SD ±2.5). There was no significant differences in intraocular pressure between right and left eyes, between different age groups and between different genders. However, the intraocular pressuse for the Chinese was found to be significantly higher than the Malays. It was found that the intraocular pressure of patients who came for vision problems at the Optometry Clinic UKM follows a normal distribution and there was no significant diference found between right and left eyes, between different age groups and genders. Race seemed to contribute to the differences in intraocular pressure

    Tear stability, corneal staining and dry eye symptoms in contact lens wearers

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    The aim of this study was to examine tear stability of contact lens wearers (CLW) in young Malay adults aged 18 and above and to compare the results with non-contact lens wearers (NCLW). Corneal staining and McMonnies Dry Eye Questionnaires (MDEQ) scores between habitual soft CLW and NCLW were also compared. It also aimed to find correlation between tear stability and MDEQ scores. Quasi-experimental and case control study was conducted among 53 participants (53 right eyes) at UiTM Vision Care, UiTM Puncak Alam Campus. Twenty six participants were habitual soft CLW and twenty seven were NCLW. Tear stability was measured using non-invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT) and invasive tear break-up time (TBUT). Corneal staining was measured using Efron Grading Scale and dry eye symptoms evaluated using MDEQ. Mean scores of NIBUT and TBUT for CLW were 5.23 ± 7.3 sec and 2.19 ± 2.41 sec respectively; for NCLW were 8.71 ± 4.33 sec and 3.00 ± 1.69 sec respectively. There were significant differences in NIBUT (Mann-Whitney U, p = 0.0001) and TBUT (Mann-Whitney U, p = 0.001) between the CLW and NCLW. There was also significant difference in percentage of corneal staining found between the CLW (22.6%) and NCLW (7.5%), (Chi-square, p = 0.013). However no significant difference was found in MDEQ scores between the CLW (7.54 ± 3.62) and the NCLW (8.15 ± 3.38) group, (Mann-Whitney U, p = 0.42). There were also no correlations found between tear stability and MDEQ scores in the two groups. The results of this study showed NIBUT and TBUT values were significantly higher in NCLW than in CLW and corneal staining was more extensive in CLW. Contact lens practitioners need to be aware of changes in tear stability as results of contact lens wear and take the necessary action to improve on the management of their patients during aftercare consultation

    Clinical characteristics of keratoconus patients in Malaysia: a review from a cornea specialist centre

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    AbstractPurposeTo evaluate the demographic profile, refraction, visual acuity (VA), corneal curvature (K) and severity of keratoconus (KC) patients from a cornea specialist centre in Malaysia. This may improve the management of KC patients in this country.MethodsRecords of 13,000 patients were reviewed. The patients were categorized into 4 age groups: (Gp 1: <23 years, Gp 2: 23–32 years, Gp 3: 33–42 years, Gp 4: >42 years). Refraction and VA were determined using subjective refraction and Snellen chart. Corneal curvature was measured using Orbscan II topography. Severity of KC was graded following Amsler–Krumeich system. Data were analysed according to age, gender and ethnicity.ResultsA total of 159 patients had KC and the prevalence was 1.2%. Mean age of onset was 20.9±5.6 years, with 71.1% of males and 28.9% of females. Majority were of Indian and Malay origins. Percentages of patients within each age group were 26.4%, 52.8%, 18.9% and 1.9% respectively. Regarding severity, 37.6% were stage I, 30.1% stage II, 4.4% stage III and 27.8% stage IV at the time of diagnosis. The age of onset, refraction, mean K and VA was found to be similar between gender and ethnicity (p>0.05). Age of onset was not strongly correlated to the severity of the disease.ConclusionThis study concludes that there are higher percentages of Malays and Indians with KC than other races in Malaysia. The condition was found to manifest at a younger age and was more common in males than females. These findings should be considered during vision screening in Malaysia

    Refractive error and visual acuity of elderly Chinese in Selangor and Johor, Malaysia

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    The first aim of this study was to determine the refractive error and visual acuity of Chinese elderly age 60 and above in Selangor and Johor, Malaysia. The second aim was to determine the percentage of elderly with vision impairment. Participants of this study were from the on-going population-based longitudinal study on neuroprotective model for healthy longevity (TUA) among Malaysian older adults using multistage random sampling. A total of 259 Chinese elderly aged 60 and above from state of Selangor and Johor agreed to participate. Refractive error was determined using autorefractometer Retinomax K-plus followed by subjective refraction. Best corrected visual acuity (VA) was measured using logMAR chart. Analysis was performed on data of 202 participants and the remaining 57 were excluded. Overall percentage of refractive error was higher for hyperopia (54%) compared to myopia (23.2%). High percentage of astigmatism was noted for all age groups (> 50%). Both gender showed similar distribution of refractive status. Mean overall VA was 0.24 ± 0.17 logMAR (≅ 6/9–) and mean VA declined with age. Overall, the percentage of elderly having at least mild vision impairment (> 0.3 logMAR or 6/12) was higher (62.9%) compared to normal vision (≤ 0.3 logMAR). However, percentage of vision impairment (VI) was highest in the mild category compared to others and only one participant had severe VI. This study found a high percentage of Chinese elderly with refractive error. The most common type of refractive error was hyperopia. A high proportion of them had mild vision impairment followed by moderate VI even with best correction. Vision impairment could affect daily life functioning and this effect can be further explored in the future

    The resin-embedded cornea prepared via rapid processing protocol : a good histomorphometric target for clinical investigation in opthalmology and optometry.

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    This study illustrates and quantifies the changes on corneal tissue between the paraffin-embedded and resin-embedded blocks and thus, selects a better target in investigational ophthalmology and optometry via light microscopy. Corneas of two cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were used in this study. The formalin-fixed cornea was prepared in paraffin block via the conventional tissue processing protocol (4-day protocol) and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The glutaraldehyde-fixed cornea was prepared in resin block via the rapid and modified tissue processing procedure (1.2-day protocol) and stained with toluidine blue. The paraffin-embedded sample exhibits various undesired tissue damage and artifact such as thinner epithelium (due to the substantial volumic extraction from the tissue), thicker stroma layer (due to the separation of lamellae and the presence of voids) and the distorted endothelium. In contrast, the resin-embedded corneal tissue has demonstrated satisfactory corneal ultrastructural preservation. The rapid and modified tissue processing method for preparing the resin-embedded is particularly beneficial to accelerate the microscopic evaluation in ophthalmology and optometry

    Pattern Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) is unaffected in the early stage of mild cognitive impairment

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether pattern-reversal Visual Evoked Potential (PRVEP) is affected in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Participants aged ≥ 60 years diagnosed as MCI were invited to participate in a study together with a group of controls. PRVEP was measured using A RETI-port/Scan 21 and stimuli of large and small checks sizes, 1° (60 min of arc) and 0.25° (15 min) respectively were used to obtain responses. The amplitude and implicit times of the MCI and control groups were then compared. A total of 18 MCI participants (age 65.7 ± 3.1 years) and 18 controls (65.1 ± 3.8 years) consented to participate in the study. The amplitude and implicit times for the MCI group using the target sizes of 60 min of arc were 9.80 ± 4.06 μV and 108.83 ± 7.63 ms and for 30 min of arc were 11.00 ± 7.44 μV and 123.96 ± 6.18 ms respectively. Consecutively for the control groups the amplitudes and implicit times were 8.96 ± 3.52μV, 105.85 ± 3.60 ms and 11.97± 6.11 μV, 122.57 ± 8.28 ms. PRVEP results did not reveal significant differences in P100-wave amplitude nor implicit time between the two groups under investigation. This study concluded that the visual pathway of MCI participants may be unaffected in the early part of the disease process

    Soal selidik kendalian kendiri indeks fungsi visual (VF14) dan korelasinya dengan akuiti visual koreksi terbaik pada warga emas

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    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan skor kendalian kendiri indeks fungsi visual (VF14) dan korelasinya dengan akuiti visual koreksi terbaik pada warga emas. Subjek kajian ialah warga emas berumur 60 tahun ke atas yang mengambil bahagian dalam kajian yang sedang dijalankan iaitu“Model Perlindungan Neuro Bagi Penuaan Sihat Di Kalangan Warga Emas (TUA). Akuiti visual diukur dengan menggunakan carta logMAR. Penilaian soal selidik kendalian kendiri diukur menggunakan Indeks Fungsi Visual (VF14) berbahasa Melayu yang telah diubah suai. Seramai 482 (93.05%) daripada 518 subjek kajian telah mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Purata umur subjek kajian ialah 69.18 ± 5.67 tahun dan purata akuiti visual koreksi terbaik ialah logMAR 0.21 ± 0.17. Purata skor VF14 ialah 89.65 ± 13.19. Perempuan mempunyai purata skor VF14 yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan lelaki (skorperempuan89.21 ± 12.76, skorlelaki90.11 ± 13.65) tetapi tidak ada perbezaan secara statistik (z= -1.09, p= 0.277). Terdapat korelasi yang sederhana tetapi signifikan antara skor VF14 dan akuiti visual koreksi terbaik (r = -0.412, p < 0.01). Kesimpulannya, akuiti visual koreksi terbaik sahaja tidak boleh digunakan sebagai indikator untuk menjelaskan perubahan skor VF14. Kajian ini menunjukkan ia hanya menyumbang kepada 17.2% kepada perubahan skor VF14. Gabungan banyak faktor lain seperti faktor sosio demografik (bangsa, status pendidikan dan masalah kesihatan), sensitiviti kontras dan stereopsis perlu diambil kira apabila menilai fungsi visual yang diukur dengan VF14

    Mild cognitive impairment does not affect pattern electroretinogram in the elderly - a pilot study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mild cognitive impairment on pattern electroretinogram (pERG) among urban elderly Malays. A total of 36 subjects aged 60 years and above comprising of 18 MCI subjects and 18 normal controls were recruited for this study. The inclusion criteria for both the MCI and normal subjects included best corrected distance visual acuity ≥ 6/9 (Snellen) with refractive error less than ±4.00 DS and/or ±2.00 DC (astigmatism), near visual acuity ≥ N8, absence or no previous history of any significant media opacities, retinal disorders and ocular pathologies. pERG was recorded with the RetiPort/Scan21 system in accordance with the International Society for the Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision standards. The target presented to subjects through a 19” CRT monitor was a black and white reversing checkerboard with luminance equal to 80 cd/m2, contrast 97% and stimulus frequency 2.00 Hz (4 rev/s). Amplitudes and implicit times of P50 and N95 waves generated by the system were noted and compared between the two groups. The results showed no significant difference in the amplitude and implicit times between the right and left eyes so only the right eye was used for comparison between the MCI and control groups. The mean amplitude and implicit times of the right eye of the MCI and control groups were 1.86±0.65 μV, 56.27±6.20 ms and 1.54±0.74 μV, 56.15±4.98 ms, respectively. T-test showed no significant differences in pERG amplitudes and implicit times between MCI and the control groups. In conclusion, our results may imply that the inner retina is intact in early MCI elderly subjects

    Histomorphometric profile of the corneal response to short-term reverse-geometry orthokeratology lens wear in primate corneas: a pilot study

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    Purpose: To investigate the histological changes in primate cornea induced by short-term overnight orthokeratology (OK). Methods: Nine young adult primates were used. One animal served as negative control. The remaining 8 animals wore reverse-geometry OK lenses for periods of 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours on 1 eye with the other eye as control. Central and midperipheral corneal thickness, as well as ultrastructural changes in corneal epithelium, stroma and endothelium in response to OK lenses, were evaluated. Results: OK significantly reduced the thickness of the central cornea in all treatment groups. The central corneal thinning was both stromal and epithelial in origin. Substantial midperipheral corneal thickening was seen in 16-hour and 24-hour lens-wear groups and this effect was both stromal and epithelial in origin as well. Histology evidence indicated the primary epithelial response in the central cornea was compression of cells that resulted in wing cells becoming shorter and basal cells being squatted rather than lost or migration of cell layers. These pronounced cell shape changes occurred without compromising the structural integrity of the desmosomes. The thickened corneal epithelium has normal cell layers. The squamous cells have larger surface sizes and are composed of oval instead of flattened nuclei. This implied delayed surface cell exfoliation at the thickened midperipheral epithelium. Physical presence of OK lens over the cornea did not influence the microstructures of microvilli and microplicae, endothelium, and collagen distribution. Conclusions: The primate cornea, particularly the corneal epithelium, responds rapidly to the application of reverse-geometry OK lenses with significant epithelial cell shape alterations with short-term OK lens wear. This finding suggests that the corneal epithelium is moldable in response to the physical forces generated by the OK lenses

    Ketamine-xylazine/tiletamine-zolazepam prolonged anesthesia in Cynomolgus monkeys

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    The physiological effects of a mixture of ketamine, xylazine, tiletamine and zolazepam (KT/XZ), in cynomolgus monkeys during 24 hr anesthesia is described. Eight were induced with ketamine IM and anesthetized with IV KT/XZ. In all, anesthesia was maintained for 24 hours with large decreases in rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates but moderate hypotension. All monkeys recovered normally 4 hours post-anesthesia. These results suggest that KX/TZ mixture could be used for prolonged anesthesia in cynomolgus monkeys