3 research outputs found

    Pandangan Gerakan Islam Liberal Terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita

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    Kajian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pandangan Gerakan Islam Liberal terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita. Objektif kajian ini juga mengemukakan sejarah perkembangan gerakan Islam Liberal, mengkaji pandangan gerakan Islam Liberal terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita dan mengetahui pandangan Islam terhadap Hak Asasi Wanita yang diperjuangkan oleh gerakan Islam Liberal. Di antara metodologi yang digunakan untuk mendapakan data bagi kajian ilmiah ini ialah Metode Penentuan Subjek, Metode Pengumpulan Data serta Metode Analisis Data. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pemikiran Islam Liberal berfungsi untuk membebaskan pemikiran umat Islam yang kononnya kolot dan jumud kepada pemikiran yang lebih moden bersesuaian dengan peningkatan intelektual masyarakat Islam masa kini. Dari aspek luaran, aliran ini seolah-olah memperjuangkan apa yang dituntut oleh syariat Islam, namun pada hakikatnya mereka begitu lantang mempertikai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengannya. Mereka juga menjadikan golongan wanita antara sasaran utama dengan menyebarkan isu-isu kontroversi berkenaan wanita dalam dalam usaha meraih pengaruh dari kaum hawa. Jadi dapatan kajian ini telah mengemukakan garis panduan serta hukum-hukum syarak berkaitan dengan isu-isu yang dikontroversikan oleh gerakan ini terhadap wanita berdasarkan dalil al-Quran dan as-Sunnah serta pandangan ulama dan intelektual Islam

    Kaedah penyelesaian dalam menangani pertukaran agama di kalangan masyarakat Melayu- Islam di Johor, Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

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    Cases on conversion of religion are regarded as sensitive by many quarters and have not been discussed openly. Indeed, statistics on conversion of religion are not exposed to the public. Recently the mufti of Perak, Datuk Dr. Harunsani Zakaria were reported to have been said that about 250,000 Muslims has converted to other religions. For example, the case of Noraisyah Bukhari has opened the eye of the Muslim society and created polemics and controversy. The issue was hotly and highly debated among Muslims in the country. The responses and reactions came not only among the layman Muslims but also from intellectuals and Muslims scholar and even the Malaysian government. For the meantime the debate on the issue seemed to be gaining momentum until various quarters including a few political parties which have urged the government to craft a legislation or enactment to address the issue of Muslims conversion to other of religion especially among the Malay-Muslims. Until now, the enactment is still in pre-discussion stage and will take a long time for approval and an implementation throughout the country. In the mean time, as waiting for the approval such laws to control the conversion religion among Malay-Muslims, rumors have started to circulate saying that the involvement of Malay-Muslims youngsters or adolescents are tempted to change their religion. They include those who are involved with groups which are visibly contradicted to Islam such as the Islamic Creed, Jangan Ikut Tuhan or JIT (Do not follow God) and Black Metal. Recently, a suggestion for an establishment of Interfaith Commission also created a concerns from the government because the suggestion would obviously create a rouse among Muslims in Malaysia. In relation to the issue, the government is called upon to give due attention and expose or publicize the statistics application of conversion religion identity among the Malay-Muslims to the Malaysian society because this phenomenon will effect and jeopardize the Muslim-family institutions in the country. This is therefore a serious matter at hand and more damaging than the social illness and drugs problems thus far. Even though there are many opinions, approaches and suggestions given before, still this matter has not been materialized yet. Therefore, a thorough study should be launched to look into the problem deeply. This study will help the government to identify the best solutions to overcome the conversion of religion issues among the Malay-Muslims in Johor, Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan and the rest of the country

    Removal of methylene blue via adsorption using magnetic char derived from food waste

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    In this work, the char residue from hydrothermal liquefaction of food waste was chemically treated with potassium hydroxide and modified to prepare magnetic char (MC) adsorbent for removal of methylene blue (MB). The char was modified to prepare MC with improved surface properties and to enhance MB adsorption. The surface chemistry and textural properties of the developed modified char were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, vibrating sample magnetometry, and point of zero charge. Raw char and various treated char and MC prepared at different conditions were used for MB adsorption at selected conditions to identify the best performing adsorbent for further testing in the parametric study. The influence of pH (2-12), adsorbent dosage (0.05-0.15 g), and initial MB concentration (50-250 mg/L) was studied for 30 min at room temperature to determine the conditions for maximum adsorption capacity and removal efficiency of MB using MC. The results show successful impregnation of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) on activated char for effective MB adsorption and also for MC separation after adsorption. The adsorption capacity of MB achieved approximately 59.8 mg/g with the maximum removal efficiency of 59.8% using selected MC at the conditions of pH 10 and 0.05 g of MC dosage for 30 min. The finding shows that MC has a potential as an effective adsorbent to remove dyes from wastewater and has an advantage to separate adsorbent using magnet