107 research outputs found

    Interpreting the Hydrogen IR Lines - Impact of Improved Electron Collision Data

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    We evaluate the effect of variations in the electron-impact excitation cross sections on the non-LTE line formation for hydrogen in early-type stars. While the Balmer lines are basically unaffected by the choice of atomic data, the Brackett and Pfund series members allow us to discriminate between the different models. Non-LTE calculations based on the widely-used approximations of Mihalas, Heasley & Auer and of Johnson fail to simultaneously reproduce the observed optical and IR spectra over the entire parameter range. Instead, we recommend a reference model using data from ab-initio calculations up to principal quantum number n<=7 for quantitative work. This model is of general interest due to the ubiquity of the hydrogen spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Present-day cosmic abundances. A comprehensive study of nearby early B-type stars and implications for stellar and Galactic evolution and interstellar dust models

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    Aims. A sample of early B-type stars in OB associations and the field within the solar neighbourhood is studied comprehensively. Present-day abundances for the astrophysically most interesting chemical elements are derived. Methods. High-resolution and high-S/N spectra of early B-type stars are analysed in NLTE. Atmospheric parameters are derived from the simultaneous establishment of independent indicators, from multiple ionization equilibria and the hydrogen Balmer lines. Results. Teff is constrained to 1-2% and logg to less than 15% uncertainty. Absolute values for metal abundances are determined to better than 25% uncertainty. The synthetic spectra match the observations reliably over almost the entire visual spectral range. Conclusions. A present-day cosmic abundance standard is established. Our results i) resolve the discrepancy between a chemical homogeneous local gas-phase ISM and a chemically inhomogeneous young stellar component, ii) facilitate the amount of heavy elements locked up in the interstellar dust to be constrained precisely: carbonaceous dust is largely destroyed inside the Orion HII region, unlike the silicates, and that graphite is only a minority species in interstellar dust -, iii) show that the mixing of CNO-burning products in the course of massive star evolution follows tightly the predicted nuclear path, iv) provide reliable present-day reference points for anchoring Galactic chemical evolution models to observation, and v) imply that the Sun has migrated outwards from the inner Galactic disk over its lifetime from a birthplace at a distance around 5-6 kpc from the Galactic Centre; a cancellation of the effects of Galactic chemical evolution and abundance gradients leads to the similarity of solar and present-day cosmic abundances in the solar neighbourhood, with a telltaling signature of the Sun's origin left in the C/O ratio. (ABRIDGED)Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, published in A&A. A complete version (57 pages, 17 figures) including online material can be downloaded from http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/~nieva/8158.pd

    Quantitative Spectroscopy of Supergiants

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    Blue supergiants of spectral types B and A are the visually brightest stars in spiral and irregular galaxies, with their most luminous members (at M_V=-10) outshining entire dwarf galaxies. This characteristic allows us to use them as probes to study the Local Universe in great detail. In principle, already the existing large telescopes and instrumentation facilitate quantitative spectroscopy of these objects as far as the Virgo and Fornax clusters of galaxies. Beyond their challenging stellar atmospheres and opportunities for testing sophisticated non-LTE physics they offer numerous applications to modern astrophysics. Quantitative spectroscopy of supergiants can contribute to improve our understanding of massive star evolution. Galactic abundance gradients and abundance patterns, as can be obtained from studies of large ensembles of supergiants in our own and other galaxies, will foster the understanding of galactochemical evolution. Finally, they are promising independent indicators for calibrating the extragalactic distance scale, by application of the wind momentum-luminosity and the flux-weighted gravity-luminosity relationships. In view of this large potential, the objective of this thesis is to improve the status of quantitative spectroscopy of BA-type supergiants and to provide first applications on a sample of Galactic and extragalactic targets, within the Local Group and beyond.Comment: 2 pages. Dissertation Summary, accepted for publication in PASP. Thesis may be retrieved from http://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/archive/00000082/01/Przybilla_Norbert.pd

    A non-LTE spectral analysis of the 3He and 4He isotopes in the HgMn star kappa Cancri

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    We present a pilot study on non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) line-formation computations for the isotopes 3He and 4He in the mercury-manganese star kappa Cancri. The impact of NLTE effects on the determination of isotopic abundances and the vertical stratification of helium in the atmosphere is investigated. Modern NLTE line-formation computations were employed to analyse a high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio ESO-VLT/UVES spectrum of kap Cnc. The atmospheric parameters were determined from fitting the hydrogen Balmer lines and the spectral energy distribution. Multiple HeI lines were investigated, including HeI 4921A and 6678A, which show the widest isotopic splits. Half of the observed HeI lines in the spectrum of kap Cnc show significant NLTE strengthening, the effects are strongest in the red lines HeI 5875A and HeI 6678A. NLTE abundances from individual HeI lines are up to a factor of about 3 lower than LTE values. Helium is found to be stratified in the atmosphere of kap Cnc. While the LTE analysis indicates a step-like profile of the helium abundance, a gradual decrease with height is indicated by the NLTE analysis. A 3He/4He ratio of about 0.25-0.30 is found. With the available data it cannot be decided whether the two isotopes follow the same stratification profile, or not. This work implies that NLTE effects may be ubiquitous in the atmospheres of HgMn stars and may have a significant impact on abundance determinations and the interpretation of the vertical abundance stratification of elements.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Blue Supergiants as a Tool for Extragalactic Distances - Theoretical Concepts

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    Because of their enormous intrinsic brightness blue supergiants are ideal stellar objects to be studied spectroscopically as individuals in galaxies far beyond the Local Group. Quantitative spectroscopy by means of efficient multi-object spectrographs attached to 8m-class telescopes and modern NLTE model atmosphere techniques allow us to determine not only intrinsic stellar parameters such as effective temperature, surface gravity, chemical composition and absolute magnitude but also very accurately interstellar reddening and extinction. This is a significant advantage compared to classical distance indicators like Cepheids and RR Lyrae. We describe the spectroscopic diagnostics of blue supergiants and introduce two concepts to determine absolute magnitudes. The first one (Wind Momentum -- Luminosity Relationship) uses the correlation between observed stellar wind momentum and luminosity, whereas the second one (Flux-weighted Gravity -- Luminosity Relationship) relies only on the determination of effective temperature and surface gravity to yield an accurate estimate of absolute magnitude. We discuss the potential of these two methods.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures; Invited review at the International Workshop on "Stellar Candles for the Extragalactic Distance Scale", held in Concepcion, Chile, December 9-11, 2002, to be published in: "Stellar Candles", Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verla

    Non-LTE line-formation for CNO

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    Accurate atomic data have become available in the recent past due to the demands of astrophysics and fusion research. We report on the impact of such data on non-LTE line-formation calculations for CNO in early-type stars. Considerable improvement is achieved by the derivation of consistent results from practically all available spectroscopic indicators, regardless of ionization stage or spin system, and the uncertainties in the analyses are drastically reduced. Moreover, systematic trends are revealed, e.g. an increase of the NI abundances from previous studies of BA-type supergiants by a factor of two is indicated. The present work promises stringent observational constraints on chemical mixing in the course of massive star evolution. First results on BA-type supergiants in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; to be published in "CNO in the Universe", ASP Conf. Series, eds. C. Charbonnel, D. Schaerer & G. Meyne
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