76 research outputs found

    Osseointegration of zirconia implants compared with titanium : an in vivo study

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    Background Titanium and titanium alloys are widely used for fabrication of dental implants. Since the material composition and the surface topography of a biomaterial play a fundamental role in osseointegration, various chemical and physical surface modifications have been developed to improve osseous healing. Zirconia-based implants were introduced into dental implantology as an altenative to titanium implants. Zirconia seems to be a suitable implant material because of its tooth-like colour, its mechanical properties and its biocompatibility. As the osseointegration of zirconia implants has not been extensively investigated, the aim of this study was to compare the osseous healing of zirconia implants with titanium implants which have a roughened surface but otherwise similar implant geometries. Methods Forty-eight zirconia and titanium implants were introduced into the tibia of 12 minipigs. After 1, 4 or 12 weeks, animals were sacrificed and specimens containing the implants were examined in terms of histological and ultrastructural techniques. Results Histological results showed direct bone contact on the zirconia and titanium surfaces. Bone implant contact as measured by histomorphometry was slightly better on titanium than on zirconia surfaces. However, a statistically significant difference between the two groups was not observed. Conclusion The results demonstrated that zirconia implants with modified surfaces result in an osseointegration which is comparable with that of titanium implants

    Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor of the mandible: review of the literature and report of a rare case

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    Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a rare odontogenic tumor which is often misdiagnosed as odontogenic cyst. To acquire additional information about AOT, all reports regarding AOT and cited in "pubmed" since 1990 onward were reviewed. AOT accounts for about 1% until 9% of all odontogenic tumors. It is predominantly found in young and female patients, located more often in the maxilla in most cases associated with an uneruppted permanent tooth. For radiological diagnose the intraoral periapical radiograph seems to be more useful than panoramic. However, AOT frequently resemble other odontogenic lesions such as dentigerous cysts or ameloblastoma. Immunohistochemically AOT is characterized by positive reactions with certain cytokeratins. Treatment is conservative and the prognosis is excellent. For illustration a rare case of an AOT in the mandible is presented

    Role of Brush Biopsy and DNA Cytometry for Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapy, and Followup Care of Oral Cancer

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    Late diagnosis resulting in late treatment and locoregional failure after surgery are the main causes of death in patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Actually, exfoliative cytology is increasingly used for early detection of oral cancer and has been the subject of intense research over the last five years. Significant advances have been made both in relation to screening and evaluation of precursor lesions. As this noninvasive procedure is well tolerated by patients, more lesions may be screened and thus more oral cancers may be found in early, curable stages. Moreover, the additional use of DNA image cytometry is a reasonable tool for the assessment of the resection margins of SCC. DNA image cytometry could help to find the appropriate treatment option for the patients. Finally, diagnostic DNA image cytometry is an accurate method and has internationally been standardized. In conclusion, DNA image cytometry has increasing impact on the prevention, diagnostic, and therapeutical considerations in head and neck SCC

    Behavior of osteoblastic cells cultured on titanium and structured zirconia surfaces

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    Background Osseointegration is crucial for the long-term success of dental implants and depends on the tissue reaction at the tissue-implant interface. Mechanical properties and biocompatibility make zirconia a suitable material for dental implants, although surface processings are still problematic. The aim of the present study was to compare osteoblast behavior on structured zirconia and titanium surfaces under standardized conditions. Methods The surface characteristics were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In primary bovine osteoblasts attachment kinetics, proliferation rate and synthesis of bone-associated proteins were tested on different surfaces. Results The results demonstrated that the proliferation rate of cells was significantly higher on zirconia surfaces than on titanium surfaces (p < 0.05; Student's t-test). In contrast, attachment and adhesion strength of the primary cells was significant higher on titanium surfaces (p < 0.05; U test). No significant differences were found in the synthesis of bone-specific proteins. Ultrastructural analysis revealed phenotypic features of osteoblast-like cells on both zirconia and titanium surfaces. Conclusion The study demonstrates distinct effects of the surface composition on osteoblasts in culture. Zirconia improves cell proliferation significantly during the first days of culture, but it does not improve attachment and adhesion strength. Both materials do not differ with respect to protein synthesis or ultrastructural appearance of osteoblasts. Zirconium oxide may therefore be a suitable material for dental implants

    Collisional shift and broadening of Rydberg states in nitric oxide at room temperature

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    We report on the collisional shift and line broadening of Rydberg states in nitric oxide (NO) with increasing density of a background gas at room temperature. As a background gas we either use NO itself or nitrogen (N2_{2}). The precision spectroscopy is performed by a sub-Doppler three-photon excitation scheme with a subsequent readout of the Rydberg states realized by the amplification of a current generated by free charges due to collisions. The shift shows a dependence on the rotational quantum state of the ionic core and no dependence on the principle quantum number of the orbiting Rydberg electron. The experiment was performed in the context of developing a trace-gas sensor for breath-gas analysis in a medical application

    Histopathological and patient-related characteristics of basal cell carcinomas of the head and neck influencing therapeutic management

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    The authors hypothesize that histopathological characteristics of basal cell carcinomas of the head and neck (BCCHN) have changed over time and the correlation of BCCHN localization and histological tumour type can help improving the number and quality of necessary therapeutic interventions. Information of 222 patients with 344 BCCHN was gained. Descriptive measures were compared to prior studies to prove whether or not characteristics of basal cell carcinomas or patients have changed over time. Afterwards descriptive measures were correlated with number of conducted operations to evaluate if tumour localization, histological tumour type and number of operations depend on one another. Aggravating factors which lead to a higher number of operations were older age, greater size of BCCHN, adjacent elastosis, the localizations eye, ear and nose and histological tumour types morpheaform and nodularulcerated. In comparison to earlier studies characteristics of BCCHN and patients showed positive developments because of grown awareness of BCCHN. Furthermore, our correlations demonstrate that therapeutic results of BCCHN treatment are continuously improving. Nevertheless, treatment of aggressive morpheaform BCCHN in combination with distinctive patient characteristics still needs improvement