10 research outputs found

    Study of energy efficiency opportunities in UTHM

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    Sustainable energy usage has been recognized as one of the important measure to increase the competitiveness of the nation globally. Many strong emphases were given in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK9) to improve energy efficient especially to government buildings. With this in view, a project to investigate the potential of energy saving in selected building in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) was carried out. In this project, a case study involving electric energy consumption of the academic staff office building was conducted. The scope of the study include to identify energy consumption in a selected building, to study energy saving opportunities, to analyse cost investment in term of economic and to identify users attitude with respect to energy usage. The MS1525:2001, Malaysian Standard -Code of practice on energy efficiency and use of renewable energy for non-residential buildings was used as reference. Several energy efficient measures were considered and their merits and priority were compared. Improving human behavior can reduce energy consumption by 6% while technical measure can reduce energy consumption by 44%. Two economic analysis evaluation methods were applied; they are the payback period method and net present value method

    Occupational safety and health practice: a study at rubber manufacturing industry by using hirarc

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is a discipline with broad scope involving many specialized fields. The definition of safety is the state of being ‘safe’, condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types of consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other events which can be considered non-desirable. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Engineers play their roles at workstations to ensure the safety and health of each staff is in good conditions with proper ergonomic condition. This study conducted occupational safety and health act study at Kenny Leather (M) Sdn Bhd. The site visit, observation and interview session were conducted. The objective of this study is to identify the current or potential hazard that might be occurred in the factory. This study also providing the suitable solution and precaution step towards the zero hazard for the factory for reducing the possible accidents or injuries. Some of the suggestion that has collected through data collected was carried out through site visit using Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) and HIRARC form by interviewing several workers. As a result, this study gave recommendations to the company in order to practice the safe and no harm work practice and gives priority to the safety first

    Occupational safety and health practice: a study at Infrastructure construction work

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    Safety is the state of being “safe”, the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types of consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. In that case, Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is an act that ensure the well-being of workers in a broad scope of many specialized fields. This study is focused on the construction of a police headquarters located in Seriab, Perlis. A big number of construction companies in Malaysia might not perform safety practice for their workers, lack of safety appliances, and did not perform a regular safety check-up on their workers as the reason was they want to earn more profits and they took the safety measures of their foreign workers for granted. Note that most of construction workers in Malaysia are immigrants. The data collection was carried out through site investigation using Preliminary Hazard analysis (PHA), HIRARC form and interview session with a worker in the construction site. The objective of this study is to spread the awareness of the importance of safety among workers in the construction site based on the existing potential hazards. This report was initially to identify the hazard on the construction site and to analyse the occupational safety and health factor in the workplace. The results are to analyse and suggest recommendations for improving occupational safety and health act in the construction site. Practicing a good safety measures in the workplace will ensure the well-being of workers

    Comparative study on data searching in linked list & B-tree and B+tree techniques

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    There are many methods of searching large amount of data to find one particular piece of information. Such as finding the name of a person in a mobile phone record. Certain methods of organizing data make the search process more efficient. The objective of these methods is to find the element with the least time. In this study, the focus is on time of search in large databases, which is considered an important factor in the success of the search. The goal is choosing the appropriate search techniques to test the time of access to data in the database and what is the ratio difference between them. Three search techniques are used in this work namely; linked list, B-tree, and B+ tree. A comparison analysis is conducted using five case databases studies. Experimental results reveal that after the average times for each search algorithms on the databases have been recorded, the linked list requires lots of time during search process, with B+ tree producing significantly low times. Based on these results, it is clear that searching in B- tree is faster than linked list at a ratio of (1: 5). The searching time in a B+ tree is faster than B- tree at the ratio of (1: 2). The searching time in a B+ tree is faster than linked list at the ratio of (1: 8). With that, it can be concluded that B+ tree is the fastest technique for data access

    Occupational safety and health practice: a study at universities’ laboratories

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    The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)’s field has become a topic for the last 30 years. The establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reflected the recognition that safety in the workplace is a basic expectation for all work staffs. This study describes the needs of universities in relation to planning the provision of occupational health services, by detailing their occupational hazards and risks and other relevant factors in its laboratories. The purpose of this study is to focus on the hazards, OSH practices and injury management in the laboratories in University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in Educational Hub Pagoh (Edu Hub Pagoh). This paper is the initial studies to identify the main causes and steps to overcome the hazards that occurred. The purpose was achieved by visiting the university’s laboratories in order to get the real picture of the hazards in that place. The data collection was carried out through site investigation using Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) and interview with the staffs and students in the university. This study analysed the HIRARC, and suggest recommendations for improving OSH act in the university’s laboratories. These approaches showed that the university sector is large, with a notably wide range of occupational hazards, and other significant factors which must be considered in planning occupational health provision for individual universities or for the sector as a whole

    Development of thermal energy storage simulation and modelling for high capacity building

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    Energy is necessity in daily life. Sources of energy from fossil includes coal, gas and petroleum have been used to generate electricity for centuries. Energy resources have been scarce and this leads to continual increasing of electricity cost. Commercial building has not been spared from the effects of the rising cost in electricity. Air conditioning has been the largest contributor to the cost of electricity for building. Appropriate actions are needed to resolve the problem of this rising cost. Thermal Energy Storage is one of the measures for reducing the cost of electricity. The development of A Thermal Energy Storage Simulation and Modeling TESSM has been design and develop to help non-technical person to calculate cooling load, potential cost savings and economic analysis for application of thermal energy storage in buildings. TESSM has been developed using Matlab GUI software. Appling the TESSM case study on sample of UTHM building showed that a potential saving annual electricity cost by 30%. The TESSM is a user-friendly program, where users from various backgrounds are able to make decisions for the application of thermal energy storage in their buildings with the result reducing total electricity costs significantly

    Solar absorption cooling systems: a review

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    Reduction of the green-house effect can be obtained by reducing the emissions of CO2. One of the technologies that contributes to this purpose is using solar cooling systems. An example of such systems is Lithium Bromide Absorption Chillers-Driven by Hot Water (LiBr/H2O absorption chillers). These chillers are normally powered by solar collectors (ordinary plate or evacuate tubular), which are widely accessible. This paper includes a review of previous experimental and theoretical studies on the effect of single cooling absorption systems. In addition, new proposals regarding the design of the solar collectors, supporting systems for energy and cooling methods will be provided. Furthermore, the present paper also summarizes the major double influence of the cooling absorption systems, add to the two-stage and half-effect absorption coolers. The influence of double cooling absorption systems using solar power could be considered for the buildings with more cooling capacity requirements, but with structure of space restrictions. However, for these cases is important to consider the direct irradiation, which needs high levels. For dry regions with water shortage, half-absorption and two-stage absorption coolers are more suitable. Solar-powered cooling systems designs should follow and incorporate standard rules based on the characteristics of various areas in order to be applicable on a large scale

    Design, fabrication and experimentation of swing electricity power generation system

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    Energy need of today’s world is growing day by day because of consumption of larger extent of electricity due to growing population. Project is about generation of electricity by swing. Large number of children play in a playground, part of the power of their play caused by swing can be usefully harnessed resulting in significant energy storage. Yielded energy can be converted to electrical energy to be utilized for many applications. Oscillatory motion of swing is transferred to shaft attached, which further transfers its angular motion to rotary motion of the flywheel, rigidly connected at the end. The flywheel is connected to a generator by specific transmission to conserve and increase the speed at generator end. The generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy to be utilized for many applications. Current swing is able to generate enough electricity to power a 15 W DC fan and a 9 W DC bulb. The method provides a lowcost, low-resource means of electricity generation, especially for use in developing countries

    Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control: a study at precision part manufacturing industry

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    Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 is a piece of Malaysian legislation which use to discipline many types of specialized fields. In other words, Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 covers in many aspects for examples the social, mental, and physical. The objective of this study is to spur the adaptation of safety and health environment at the Top Speed Precision Engineering (M) Sdn. Bhd. based on the existing potential hazard. There are some possible injury cases happen due to the accident in the workplaces. This might cause by lack of awareness among workers regarding on safety and health during working. It is very important for workers or employers to emphasize safety and health at the workplace and lack of management control also can often leads to accidents. The data collection was carried out through site visit, observation, interview session and analysis by using the HIRARC method. This study suggested several precautions that can be made regarding on safety and health after identify the hazard at the workplace

    Effect of refrigeration assisted intercooler turbocharging on engine’s horse power effect of refrigeration assisted intercooler turbocharging on engine’s horse power

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    The stringent regulations on fuel saving and emissions reduction in the transportation sector have become game-raisers in the development of present internal combustion engines for road applications, even if under-the-hood space constraints, downsizing and down-weighting prevent from adopting radical changes in the engine layout. In current research, objective is to find a viable and pragmatic solution to reduce the turbo-charged engine intake air temperature by a large value as compared to traditional air-to-air intercoolers to increase Engine Horsepower. In undergoing research, a refrigerated intercooler is designed on the basis of refrigeration cycle, which further decreases the intake air temperature of the engine, resulting in increased horsepower, and improved Formula 1 lap times. Additionally, Formula 1, 2014 (V6 Turbo-Charged) Engine is used. According to the results, horse power of 1209.74HP is obtained by using refrigeration assisted intercooler. However, 1061HP is obtained for air to air intercooler. So, performance gain of 15 to 20% over present intake air cooling system in Formula 1 engine cars is successfully achieved. Additionally, Research will be utilized to decrease lap time in formula 1 racing cars